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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Video suuqa Cir tookte ee Muqdisho hub gorgoris loogu tegay

Wiil cadaan ah oo joornalist ah ayaa Muqdisho tagey oo hubka soo gorgoriyey. Video-gan ayaad ka ogaaneysaa qiimaha hubka fudfudud sida Ak-47, M16 iwm. Halkaan ka daawo Waa Beecinta Hubka Muqdisho

Socdaalkii Madaxweynaha Soomaliya ee magaalada Cairo, dalka Masar ayaa mar laga wareystay kooxaha mucaaradka ku ah dowladda midnimo ee Soomaaliya ayuu yiri "waxaan rajeynaa mucaarudku inoo noqdo mid wax dhisa uusan noqon mid wax bursha hadda waxii ka dambeeya Halkaan Riix ee Daawo Socdaalka Madaxweynaha iyo Wareysi lagula yeesha Cairo Egypt

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Video ah: Markabka Dagaalka ee Ruushka oo Qabtay 29 Burcad Badeed Ah: Faahfaahin

A Russian naval destroyer on Tuesday seized 29 suspected pirates off the coast of Somalia, the defence ministry said, according to Russian news agencies.
"The Admiral Panteleev (destroyer) captured Tuesday at 1412 GMT a boat carrying pirates. In total, 29 people were arrested," the ministry said in a statement.
"Seven Kalachnikov machine-guns, handguns of different calibres, equipment including satellite navigation devices and a large number of empty shells were discovered on board the boat," the ministry said, adding that an investigation has been opened. Halkaan Riix Daawo Video-ga

Ku laabo bogga Hore - Somali News and Blogs

Video ah Richard Philips oo Ka hadlay Sida uu Dareemayay goortii la soo badbaadinayay

Kabtankii Mareykanka ahaa, Richard Philips, ee dhowaan laga badbaadiyey burcad badeed, kadib markii ciidamada badda ee dalkaasi tookteen seddax wiil oo kabtanka doon ku dul heystay, ayaa markii ugu horeysay ayaa NBC uga sheekeeyey xaaladii uu ku jiray iyo sida uu naftiisa ula soo baxsaday. Mar uu ka hadlay sida uu dareensanaa markii xamaasaddu si aad ah u kacsaneed xabadna madaxa looga hayay ayuu yiri marna kuma fakarin inaan ka badbaadi doono burcadka.

Somali News and Blogs - www.somchat.com - Front Page - More Somali Videos

Wareysi TFT la yeelatay Sheekh Shariif

Wakaalada wararka ee laga leeyahay wadanka Mareykanka lana yiraah The Financial Times ayaa dhowaan wareysi xasaasi ah la yeelatay Madaxweyne Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Axmed iyadoo waydiisay suaalo xiiso leh. . Wareysiga oo dhan halkaan ka aqriso

Transcript of FT interview with Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, president of Somalia
Published: April 28 2009 01:37 | Last updated: April 28 2009 01:37
There have been 15 attempts to create a functioning government in Somalia since the overthrow of dictator Siad Barre in 1991. None of them have come close to working. Overrun by warlords and Islamist insurgents, the country is in the grips of another potential famine.

Proliferating acts of piracy on one of the world’s busiest trading routes off the Somali coast have forced up shipping insurance costs and are affecting global commodity markets. But they are also focusing international attention on the need for stability on land as well as sea.

Before Ethiopia invaded in 2006 Sheikh Ahmed was the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, an alliance of Islamic militias that during a six month period came closer than any other body to re-establishing order. In January he returned to Somalia from exile, and was elected by a UN-backed transitional parliament to lead the country out of chaos.

Last week at an international donors conference in Brussels, he won $213m of backing for African peacekeepers and for his plans to build a national security force, raising hopes that finally a concerted effort to put Somalia back together again is under way.

William Wallis, Financial Times Africa editor, interviewed Sheikh Ahmed at his hotel in Brussels after the conference.

Financial Times: What is the significance of today’s events for Somalia?

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed: What happened today is very important for two reasons. Firstly, there has always been this issue of the international community not being forthcoming enough and not being forthcoming at the right time. Secondly there has been a lack of leadership on the Somali side to seize the opportunity and establish a partnership with the international community. Today we believe these two things have come together.

FT: How do you plan to go about using the goodwill that has been generated at an international level, and the cash that is now coming with it?

SSSA: The funds and the political support need to be translated into actions on the ground first and foremost with regards to security. Security has to be established. Then it is important to translate this security and political will into actions that affect the needs of the public and to help reconstruction, education, and all the elements that give normality to life. The public must feel the change and see the change.

FT: But how will you be able to expand the writ of your government from what appears to be the very small part of Somalia you control?

SSSA: There are already many provinces … where government support and structures are present. Where our administration and reach exists, the delivery of services and justice should be strengthened and reinforced. Where it does not exist yet, these areas we must stretch our reach to.

FT: Will this necessarily involve force?

SSSA: Preparations in terms of the readiness of the public for peace are gathering pace by the day, and are already substantially established. In parallel, if we are also able to get the security forces on the ground and operational and these two forces are able to come together we believe it will be almost a natural process for the rule of law and the administration to reach those parts where they don’t already exist.

FT: How formidable do you consider the forces your government are up against?

SSSA: We believe that in essence there is no logic and no sustainable basis for armed forces opposing the government. The only options open for these opposing forces will be to either come into the reconciliation process either as the government or as opposition. Or, to return to civilian life, into their homes and into normal livelihoods.

FT: They seem pretty determined from the outside and at least a minority of them have backing from another pretty determined bunch [of people] headquartered out of the tribal areas of Pakistan [al-Qaeda].

SSSA: Once the government is strong enough and is fully on the ground there will come a time when those who act illegally either have to leave or will have to give themselves up. That moment will come.

FT: How far are you prepared to accommodate these forces in order to absorb them into the reconciliation process?

SSSA: We are prepared in a major way to accommodate and negotiate but the essential factor is there must be dialogue; there must be negotiation for that to happen.

FT: Are you already talking for example to [radical Islamic cleric] Hassan Dawir Aweys, or some of the leaders of the al Shabab militia?

SSSA: Not directly but many well-intentioned and well meaning Somalis are busy and engaged explaining to them the need for dialogue and peace. From our side they know and we have stated that we are ready for dialogue and negotiation.

FT: What do you make of the arrival in Mogadishu today [after more than two years in exile] of Mr Aweys?

SSSA: I think his return today will remind him that he left at a time when there was conflict and war and show him that today we are rebuilding peace. We believe he will choose to take part and support the peace process and re-establishment of security in the country.

FT: Do you consider him someone who is important in that process?

SSSA: There is no one who is not needed for this process of reconciliation and peace. Everyone is needed.

FT: How signficant is the recent passage in parliament of Sharia law in re-establishing state authority?

SSSA: It is very important for several reasons. One Sharia is a normal part of Muslim life and Muslim culture and tradition. Secondly there were people for whom this was a major factor, necessity, and in passing the bill and putting it through cabinet and parliament this enables us to show goodwill and to take that element out of the conflict and ensure it does not become an obstacle. It is part of the reconciliation process but also bringing people on board for the reconstruction of the state. Both psychologically and practically it is very important.

FT: How quickly can you bring back the court system? Is it something you can do very quickly given your experience at the head of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006?

SSSA: The government is actually very busy with that issue. It will need to absorb and take on experienced and knowledgeable people in that field.

FT: In 2006 the administration you were involved in was very effective in fighting piracy. Is that something you can reproduce now and what was the secret before?

SSSA: This is part and parcel of the security infrastructure and policies that we have. We believe that this will also be effective in tackling that issue successfully.

FT: Some of the countries [US, Ethiopia] that seemed very happy to see the back of you in 2006 when the Ethiopia invaded Somalia are now applauding you. Are these countries you can trust?

SSSA: Without a shadow of doubt we have to look forward and not back.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Somali TFG to Soon Deal Decisively with al-Shabab

Somali cabinet minister Abdirashid Irro Mohammed told VOA that the President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed's new government is getting its act together to soon deal decisively with al-Shabab and other hard-line insurgent groups in the country.

Somali Government Condemns Insurgent Moves to Annex Parts of Kenya
By Peter Clottey
Washington, D.C
28 April 2009
The new Somali government has sharply condemned threats of fresh attacks on neighboring Kenya by hard-line Islamic insurgent group al-Shabab. The group, which has refused to recognize President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed's government threatened Monday to annex parts of northern Kenya and implement Islamic Sharia law. Nairobi on the other hand has begun strong measures to counter such an attack by deploying extra troops to man the Kenya-Somali border and maintain the disarmament of residents in the province.

Somali cabinet minister Abdirashid Irro Mohammed told VOA that Mogadishu stands in unison with its neighbor to thwart the insurgent group's violent activities aimed at destabilizing the region.

"Really, we are very sorry and we condemn such actions. Kenya is our neighbor state and our brotherly country, and they have their own constitution. So there is no reason that al-Shabab should attack them and endorse the Sharia law. So here, that is a very bad action and we condemn it, and we do not accept those kinds of threats, Mohammed said. "So I can say they (al-Shabab) are the enemies for all the region." Read the Full Story on VOA.com

Wareysi The Financial Times la yeelatay Sheekh Shariif.

Wakaalada wararka ee laga leeyahay wadanka Mareykanka lana yiraah The Financial Times ayaa dhowaan wareysi xasaasi ah la yeelatay Madaxweyne Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Axmed iyadoo waydiisay suaalo xiiso leh. . Wareysiga oo dhan halkaan ka aqriso

Waa kanaa Wareysigii oo dhan.

Transcript of FT interview with Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, president of Somalia
Published: April 28 2009 01:37 | Last updated: April 28 2009 01:37
There have been 15 attempts to create a functioning government in Somalia since the overthrow of dictator Siad Barre in 1991. None of them have come close to working. Overrun by warlords and Islamist insurgents, the country is in the grips of another potential famine.

Proliferating acts of piracy on one of the world’s busiest trading routes off the Somali coast have forced up shipping insurance costs and are affecting global commodity markets. But they are also focusing international attention on the need for stability on land as well as sea.

Before Ethiopia invaded in 2006 Sheikh Ahmed was the leader of the Islamic Courts Union, an alliance of Islamic militias that during a six month period came closer than any other body to re-establishing order. In January he returned to Somalia from exile, and was elected by a UN-backed transitional parliament to lead the country out of chaos.

Last week at an international donors conference in Brussels, he won $213m of backing for African peacekeepers and for his plans to build a national security force, raising hopes that finally a concerted effort to put Somalia back together again is under way.

William Wallis, Financial Times Africa editor, interviewed Sheikh Ahmed at his hotel in Brussels after the conference.

Financial Times: What is the significance of today’s events for Somalia?

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed: What happened today is very important for two reasons. Firstly, there has always been this issue of the international community not being forthcoming enough and not being forthcoming at the right time. Secondly there has been a lack of leadership on the Somali side to seize the opportunity and establish a partnership with the international community. Today we believe these two things have come together.

FT: How do you plan to go about using the goodwill that has been generated at an international level, and the cash that is now coming with it?

SSSA: The funds and the political support need to be translated into actions on the ground first and foremost with regards to security. Security has to be established. Then it is important to translate this security and political will into actions that affect the needs of the public and to help reconstruction, education, and all the elements that give normality to life. The public must feel the change and see the change.

FT: But how will you be able to expand the writ of your government from what appears to be the very small part of Somalia you control?

SSSA: There are already many provinces … where government support and structures are present. Where our administration and reach exists, the delivery of services and justice should be strengthened and reinforced. Where it does not exist yet, these areas we must stretch our reach to.

FT: Will this necessarily involve force?

SSSA: Preparations in terms of the readiness of the public for peace are gathering pace by the day, and are already substantially established. In parallel, if we are also able to get the security forces on the ground and operational and these two forces are able to come together we believe it will be almost a natural process for the rule of law and the administration to reach those parts where they don’t already exist.

FT: How formidable do you consider the forces your government are up against?

SSSA: We believe that in essence there is no logic and no sustainable basis for armed forces opposing the government. The only options open for these opposing forces will be to either come into the reconciliation process either as the government or as opposition. Or, to return to civilian life, into their homes and into normal livelihoods.

FT: They seem pretty determined from the outside and at least a minority of them have backing from another pretty determined bunch [of people] headquartered out of the tribal areas of Pakistan [al-Qaeda].

SSSA: Once the government is strong enough and is fully on the ground there will come a time when those who act illegally either have to leave or will have to give themselves up. That moment will come.

FT: How far are you prepared to accommodate these forces in order to absorb them into the reconciliation process?

SSSA: We are prepared in a major way to accommodate and negotiate but the essential factor is there must be dialogue; there must be negotiation for that to happen.

FT: Are you already talking for example to [radical Islamic cleric] Hassan Dawir Aweys, or some of the leaders of the al Shabab militia?

SSSA: Not directly but many well-intentioned and well meaning Somalis are busy and engaged explaining to them the need for dialogue and peace. From our side they know and we have stated that we are ready for dialogue and negotiation.

FT: What do you make of the arrival in Mogadishu today [after more than two years in exile] of Mr Aweys?

SSSA: I think his return today will remind him that he left at a time when there was conflict and war and show him that today we are rebuilding peace. We believe he will choose to take part and support the peace process and re-establishment of security in the country.

FT: Do you consider him someone who is important in that process?

SSSA: There is no one who is not needed for this process of reconciliation and peace. Everyone is needed.

FT: How signficant is the recent passage in parliament of Sharia law in re-establishing state authority?

SSSA: It is very important for several reasons. One Sharia is a normal part of Muslim life and Muslim culture and tradition. Secondly there were people for whom this was a major factor, necessity, and in passing the bill and putting it through cabinet and parliament this enables us to show goodwill and to take that element out of the conflict and ensure it does not become an obstacle. It is part of the reconciliation process but also bringing people on board for the reconstruction of the state. Both psychologically and practically it is very important.

FT: How quickly can you bring back the court system? Is it something you can do very quickly given your experience at the head of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006?

SSSA: The government is actually very busy with that issue. It will need to absorb and take on experienced and knowledgeable people in that field.

FT: In 2006 the administration you were involved in was very effective in fighting piracy. Is that something you can reproduce now and what was the secret before?

SSSA: This is part and parcel of the security infrastructure and policies that we have. We believe that this will also be effective in tackling that issue successfully.

FT: Some of the countries [US, Ethiopia] that seemed very happy to see the back of you in 2006 when the Ethiopia invaded Somalia are now applauding you. Are these countries you can trust?

SSSA: Without a shadow of doubt we have to look forward and not back.

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2009

MSC Cruises chief executive Pierfrancesco Vago Wants Firearms on Board Cruise-ships debated.

“The capture of such a large vessel would have represented a major step forward for pirates off the Somalian coast, but unfortunately their tactics were good and we could not board. “It was not the first time we have attacked this kind of boat and we were very close to capturing it,” Mr Muse told AFP. “We really showered it with bullets.” Read Full Story -MSC Cruises chief executive Pierfrancesco Vago Wants Firearms on Board Cruise-ships debated.

MSC Cruises chief executive Pierfrancesco Vago has conceded the need for an industry-wide debate on the deployment of firearms aboard cruiseships following Saturday’s abortive pirate attack on the MSC Melody.

The 35,000 gt vessel, with 991 passengers and 536 crew on board, was attacked by pirates 180 miles north of the Seychelles on Saturday as it was heading for the Gulf of Aden.

The vessel’s crew and security guards drove the pirates off using fire hoses and, controversially, live rounds from pistols carried on board.

Mr Vago insisted that the company only carried arms onboard under exceptional circumstances, attributing the storage of “just a few pistols” aboard the MSC Melody to the recent escalation of pirate attacks off the horn of Africa.

He also claimed that, contrary to some press reports, security guards aboard the vessel had no independent access to the weapons. The pistols were kept in a safe on the bridge and released only at the discretion of the master.

At the same time, he admitted that the controversial issue of deploying firearms on passenger ships, which some believe will only lead to an escalation of pirate violence, must be debated.

He would not be drawn on the merits or otherwise of company policy on the issue. “It is too soon after the event for me to comment now, though certainly I can’t think of what it would have been like to have 1,000 hostages taken. It would have been a disaster.

“But we need to sit down and discuss this internally, and we need to discuss it as an industry.”

He described next month’s European Cruise Council meeting in Rome as the perfect venue for such talks.

In the meantime, Mr Vago said MSC would pull its vessels out of east African waters immediately. From now on, he said, the company will access South Africa via the Mediterranean and west Africa, calling in Morocco, Senegal and Namibia on its way to Cape Town and Durban.

Mr Vago also insisted that the company had not taken needless risks with its passengers.

“We would never take such risks,” he said. “We are selling holidays, not adventures.”

He said the company had recently changed its two itineraries to South Africa precisely because of the escalation of piracy in the region, and after consultations with the Maritime Security Centre for the Horn of Africa, run by Eunavfor, and the International Maritime Organization.

The new route took the MSC Melody considerably further from the coast of Somalia, adding 400 miles to the trip and forcing the ship to drop the Egyptian port of Safaga. In recompense, MSC added an overnight call at Port Victoria in the Seychelles. The MSC Rhapsody followed a similar course in March without incident.

Mr Vago also praised the professionalism of the MSC Melody’s master and crew in averting disaster, and the performance of its onboard security guards. MSC Cruises has a long-standing contract with an Israeli security firm.

He said the pirates announced their presence at around 1945 hrs GMT by aiming automatic weapons fire at the ship. The master immediately ordered the guests to their cabins, instructing them to turn out the lights.

The master also ordered the high-pressure fire hoses to be trained on the aft side, the only feasible area of access to the MSC Melody as it headed north in heavy seas. After the bridge came under fire, he handed out pistols to the security guards, Mr Vago said.

He then manoeuvred the vessel back and forth in order to enhance the impact of the waves, while the crew used the fire hoses and the security guards fired several shots into the air.

“[The pirates] were wet, in huge waves, amidst all this commotion, and then they realised we were armed,” Mr Vago said. “I think they were shocked at that.”

As the assailants departed, the MSC Melody headed east with its lights out.

Separately, wire service AFP quoted Mohamed Muse, reportedly the head of the pirate group, as lamenting their failure to take the vessel due to “technical reasons.”

“The capture of such a large vessel would have represented a major step forward for pirates off the Somalian coast, but unfortunately their tactics were good and we could not board.

“It was not the first time we have attacked this kind of boat and we were very close to capturing it,” Mr Muse told AFP. “We really showered it with bullets.”

Lloyd’s List Newsroom Blog

Al-Shabaab Help Release Kidnapped Aid Workers in Somalia

An local Alshabaab group Representative negotiated the release of aid workers held for almost two weeks as the captors have released the two aid workers kidnapped in the country's southern region nine days ago, a local elder and an aid worker have said.
The Belgian doctor and Danish nurse working for Medecins sans Frontieres (MSF) were released by the armed men without receiving a ransom on Tuesday.

Sheik Mohamed Kheyr, the district commissioner of Rab Dhure, where the pair now are, said elders and an Islamic group helped secure their release.

"The MSF aid workers have been released without condition," said Sheikh Aden Yare, a leader of the opposition al-Shabaab group in Bakol region, where the aid workers were kidnapped.

"They are now with us, and we are going to Hudur to hand over the MSF officers. They are free now. And this will not happen again," Yare said.

MSF confirms release

The pair were taken on April 19 after carrying out a nutrition study, while on their way to Hodur, a town near the Ethiopian border.

Their abductors had demanded a ransom.

A local MSF worker also confirmed their release.

A total of 35 aid workers were killed in Somalia in 2008 and 26 abducted, the UN says.

The attacks have limited the ability of relief agencies to respond to one of Africa's longest humanitarian crisis.

More than three million Somalis - nearly half the population - depend on emergency food aid in a country that has been without an effective central government since 1991.

The Bakol region, near the Ethiopian border, is under the control of an armed opposition group that is fighting Somalia's weak UN-backed government.

Video ah Markab Ruush Ah oo Burcad Badeedka iska celiyey

Seddex doon oo ay wateen burcad badeed ku hubeysnaa qoryaha AK47-no ay baazuuka-yaal ayaa isku dayey inay la wareegaan Markab Ruushka laga leeyahay badda Indian Ocean meel u jirta 120 Mile Jasiiradda Sokotra ee dalka Yaman ka tirsan. Halkaan Ka Daawo Video-ga
Markabkan oo saaran yihiin 23 Ruushka u dhasay ayaa durbaba, sida wararku sheegeen, burcad badeedku ku fureen xabaddo. Markay isku dayeen inay markabkaas xarigyo ku tuurtaan si ay u koraan ayaa lagu furay biyo daadbadan markabkiina xawaarihii uu ku socday la sii kordhiyey.

Sida warku sheegayo, burcad badeedii ayaa biyaha lagu furay iyo markabkoo cararaya ka rajo dhigay oo iskagaharay.

Markabka NS Commander oo leedahay shirkad Ruush ah loona yaqaan Novoship ayaa qofna ku dhaawacmin. Markabka ayaa lulayay calan Liberian ah kuna sii jeeda dalka Singapore.

Mareykanka oo U.N-to u Fasaxday Qabshada Soomaaliya

Warar la yaab leh ayaa sheegaya in Qaramida Midowday ay dhowaan soo saartay go'aan u ogalaaday wadamada shisheeye inay xoog ku qabsadaan dalka Soomaaliya si ay ula dagaalamaan burcad badeedda. Sii Aqri Warkaan
Hase yeeshee, waxaa The Wall Street Journal soo qortay in Ciidama Mareykanka ay diideen ku lug lahaadaan faragelin dhanka Militariga ah oo lagu qaado Soomaaliya. David Axe oo ah qoraa u sheqeeya MentalFloss.com ayaa maqaal lagu soo bandhigay arrinkaan usoo gudbiyey The Wall Street Journal.

Halkaan ka aqriso Maqaalkaa: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Somali Pirates on The Wall Street Journal

Sidoo kale, bisha April 14-keeda CNN waxay soo qortay in Ciidamada Mareykanka loo fasaxay inay u racdeystaan burcad badeedka gudaha dhulka Soomaaliya. Laakiin waxaa la yaableh, maqaalkaas markii koowaad CNN soo daabacday waxaa cinwaan u ahaa "U.S. to invade Somalia under UN Resolution to repress acts of piracy". Laakiin cinwaankaas waa la bedelay oo hadda waxaa laga dhigay, "Pentagon looks to move battle against pirates ashore".

Waa kanaa Maqaalka CNN

Somali News and Blogs - www.somchat.com

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nabad Ilaalada Kenya oo Gumaadeysa Qaxootiga Somalia

Dowladda Kenya oo sheegtay in ay baareyso warar lagu eedeeyey inay askar nabad ilaalinta wadankaas ah ay gumaadaan qaxootiga Soomaaliya ku soo qulqulaya dalkooda. Maxamed Cadow oo gaaray xero qaxooti ku dhow tuulada Dadaab ee dalka Kenya ayaa Al-Jazeera usoo gudbiyay video-gan. Halkaan Ka Daawo Videoga

Video ah Hoobiyo yaashii Shalay lagu garaacay Xarunta Gaadiidka - faahfaahin

Faahfaahin dheerada ah Weerar loo adeegsaday hoobiyaal oo sababay dhimashada dad badan oo rayida Sawiro naxdin leh Madaafiicda ayaa ku kala dhacday agagaarka xarunta Gaadiidka iyo xaafadaha u dhaw. Halkaan Ka Daawo Video-ga

Somali News and Blogs - Somchat.com Front Page Bogga Hore Gaar oo ka daawo Video-yada cusub

Video Ah Qudbad Sh. Shariif Dhowaan Jeediyey

Shiikh Shariif Arrinta Diinta waxaan ka leeyahay waxaan ku soo koray guri laga akhriyo Towxiid la yiraa Towxiid dheere, haddii aan la isku ogoleyn oo ay diinta qolo gaar ah leedahayna ha la isku sheego. Halkaan Ka Daawo Video-ga

U.S TV Show, South Park oo Qayb Burcad Badeedka Soomaliya Sameeyey

South Park waa barnaamij kartuun ah oo kasoo baxa Mareykanka. Wuxuu ka mid yahay kuwa ugu caansan ee madadaalo ahaan loo daawado isagoo socday in ka badan 13 sano. Barnaamijkan mawaaweelada ee layiraah South Park, ayaa dhowaan sameeyey qayb ku saabsan burcad badeedka Soomaaliya. Waa qayb ku saabsan sida Mareykanku ula dhowaan ula dhaqmay Burcad Badeedka.

Part 1 - South Park, Burcad Badeedka

Part 2 - South Park, Burcad Badeedka

Part 3 - South Park, Burcad Badeedka

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Video ah Wareysi Aljazeera la Yeelatay Dhalinyaro Burcad Badeed Ah.

This video is an interview footage with Somali Pirates. The Al-Arabiya video shows exactly how the pirates get paid as a plane dropping the ransom money to the Pirates sea location is seen on the video. Also, the Al-Arabiya reporter interviews the ring leader of this group of pirates. This pirate is the guy that hijacked two Turkish ships from the Gulf of Aden.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Al-Arabiya TV Interviews Somali Pirates and Displays Their Mode of Operation

This video is an interview footage with Somali Pirates. The Al-Arabiya video shows exactly how the pirates get paid as a plane dropping the ransom money to the Pirates sea location is seen on the video. Also, the Al-Arabiya reporter interviews the ring leader of this group of pirates. This pirate is the guy that hijacked two Turkish ships from the Gulf of Aden.

Video ah Sh. Xassan Daahir Aweys oo Ka Qudbeeyey Muqdisho

Hogaamiyaha Isbaheysiga Dib Uxureynta Somalia ee garabka AsMAra Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys ayaa marki ugu horeeysay mudo ku dhawaad sadex sana ah kala hadlay shacabka magaalada Muqdisho meel fagaara ah. Shiikh Xasan Daahir ayaa sheegay in aysan Muuqan Nabaddii ay rabeen Kooxaha Muqaawamada Somalia.
Halkaan Ka Daawo Video-ga

Friday, April 24, 2009

Video ah Shirkii Ballan qaadkii $250 Millionka

Deeqbixiyaasha Caalamiga ah ayaa balan qaaday in ka badan 250-nilyan oo doolar si loogu caawiyo Soomaaliya in ay xoojiso ciidamadeeda amniga la iskuna dayo in laga hortago weerarada kooxaha burcad badeeda Soomaaliya

Google Video: French hand over Somali pirates to Kenyan Police:

The French navy on Wednesday handed over 11 suspected Somali pirates to the Kenyan police, the highest number in a single batch to be received so far.

Kenya's Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officer Sebson Wandera who received the pirates at the coastal city of Mombasa, said the suspects had been arrested as they attempted to hijack a commercial ship, Safmarine Asia.

"They were arrested by the French navy 600 nautical miles from Mombasa off Somali coast," he told journalists.

Four AK-47 rifles, two skiffs, two engines and several knifes were also handed over to the police and would be produced in court as evidence, he said, adding that the suspects would be charged with the offense on Thursday.

Wandera was speaking aboard the French Frigate vessel, Nivose, which had been used to pursue the pirates. The suspects were handed over by hooded French navy officers who escorted one pirate after another.

A statement from the vessel said the suspects had been "launched" from a mother ship that they also seized.

"The Nivose had spotted the pirates on April 14 when its helicopter helped thwart the commercial ship's hijack," the statement said.

A hooded French naval officer (L) escorts a suspected Somali pirate out of the French Frigate "Nivose" in the coastal city of Mombasa, east Kenya, April 22, 2009. Eleven suspected pirates, who were arrested by the French naval force in the Indian Ocean 600 nautical miles from Mombasa on April 14 when they attempted to hijack a commercial ship, were handed over to the Kenyan police on Wednesday. (Xinhua Photo)
Photo Gallery>>>

"The ship was also transporting 17 barrels of fuel each with a capacity of 200 liters and the two skiffs."

Wandera said the mother ship, however, sunk in the deep seas after it developed mechanical problems.

In January this year, the United States entered into an agreement with Kenya to hand over suspected pirates to be tried in the country while a similar agreement was entered into between Kenya and the European Union.

Due to increased piracy activities in the Indian Ocean off Somali waters, the international community has deployed war ships in the area to protect commercial ships from being hijacked.

Hooded French naval officers escort a suspected Somali pirate out of the French Frigate "Nivose" in the coastal city of Mombasa, east Kenya, April 22, 2009.(Xinhua Photo)
Photo Gallery>>>

However, there have been security concerns over Kenya taking the role of trying Somali suspects, and questions raised over whether the judicial system is capable of carrying out the prosecutions given the massive backlog of cases in courts.

Somali pirates have made away with millions of dollars in ransom payment and continue to demand more money in return for dozens of ships and overt 200 hostages they are still holing.

MOMBASA, Kenya, April 22 (Xinhua) --

Ka Daawo Videoga Halkaan! BBC News Video

Abdiwali Muse Trial Video Teanage Somali Pirate Tried as an Adult: Watch Video Here

Ansixintii Baarlamaanka ku Ansixiyey Shareecada Islaamka

Xiisadda u dhaxaysa Alshabab iyo Maxkamadaha oo faraha ka sii baxaysa.

A Rare Video Shows Somali Pirates! HiJacking Video

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Abdiwali Muse Trial Video Teanage Somali Pirate Tried as an Adult: Video

Abdiwali Muse, the accused Somali pirate could face life imprisonment if found guilty of attacking a US cargo ship and taking the captain hostage. Watch Video

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Ansixintii Baarlamaanka ku Ansixiyey Shareecada Islaamka

Xiisadda u dhaxaysa Alshabab iyo Maxkamadaha oo faraha ka sii baxaysa.

A Rare Video Shows Somali Pirates! HiJacking Video

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mudaaharaad lagu Taageerayey Dowladda Islaamiga Somalia oo Muqdisho ka dhacay

Halkaan Riix Dib Ugu Noqo Front PageMudaaharaad lagu Taageerayey Dowladda Islaamiga Somalia oo Muqdisho ka dhacay
Kumanaan qof oo la dhacsanaa Go'aankii dhowaan kasoo baxay Baarlamanka Dowladda Federaalka Somalia. Halkaan Ka Daawo Videoga Riix

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ansixintii Baarlamaanka ku Ansixiyey Shareecada Islaamka

Fadhigii Baarlamaanka ee lagu ansixiyey in Soomaaliya lagu xukumo shareecada Islaamka. Waxaa ka hadlay cismaan cilmi boqore, shk c/rixmaan jalaqow, iyo c/rixmaan xaaji iibi, iyo xildhibaano lala kulmay oo dareenkooda ka hadlay. Halkaan Ka Daawo Videoga

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Xiisadda u dhaxaysa Alshabab iyo Maxkamadaha oo faraha ka sii baxaysa.

Waxaa si aan hore loo arag isu abaabulaya Saraakiisha iyo Ciidamada golaha Maxaakiimta kuwooda taabacsan dowladda Midnimada Qaran, waxaana Madaxda Maxkamadaha ka soo baxaya caga-ugleyn iyo dhaar ay ku sheegayaan iney jarjarayaan silsiladaha Alshabab. colaadda labada kooxood ayaa si weyn u soo if-baxday kadib dilalkii loo geystey rag ka tirsanaa Maxmadaha iyo qaar miino loo dhigay, sida sheekh C/qadir. C/raxiin Ciise Caddow oo Colaaddu heerka ay gaartey faah faahinaya Halkaan Ka Daawo

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It is important to learn the different types of advertisements you can include on your website so you earn the most income from them. For instance, if you deal with an advertiser who wants you to display a banner that is linked to their business website, they may agree to pay you a definite amount of dollars per month. How much they want to pay you depends on how popular your website is. If you get a hundred or so visitors per day, you can expect very little from such type of a deal. However, you run a high traffic website, chances are, you can charge more than hundred dollars per month per banner. That is why it is difficult to get advertisement space on high ranked websites.

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Although Adsense and other Pay-Per-Click advertising methods are by far the most commonly used programs, making money online has other means. Once you are no longer learning and instead are monetizing your website, you can move on to affiliate marketing. This type of work involves selling products for other businesses and getting paid a commission. Those who know real marketing understand this technique much better. In an analogy, think of those telemarketers that bother you at home by calling your phone only to tell you they're selling kitchen knives or news paper subscriptions. Except, doing online marketing, a.k.a, affiliate marketing is much less intrusive and more profitable.

Since so many experts on how to earn money via affiliate programs discussed it so well online, I will not dwell on this one myself. However, the general theory is that you sign up for an affiliate account with a onnline business website. They provide you with your own affiliate link, then you use the link to sell their products. Because you inviting the customers with your own affiliate link, the purchases they make count as your leads and a commission is paid to you on every sale generated by your website.

Lately I have been so busy on publishing news articles and videos that I forget to write about technology. Actually, part of the reason I neglected the Technology publications can be attributed to my visitor's hunger for never ending stream of up to the minute news. So, to keep them happy, I consistently end up feeding them with fresh uniquely authentic class of news briefs that mainly are sourced by other web sites.

Technology is a big part of our web site. From time to time, I write about the current issues and advancements in the computer field. I also borrow works from others that concentrate on how computers make our lives easier, and perhaps better in some ways.

Every individual can attain peace of mind when he or she feels they have achieved something considerable, no matter how small or large. Here is my peace of mind. Writing this article. And to thing of it, I am using a computer to do so. Although I can't imagine doing this same act with a type-writer, those of us old enough to have made use of such a device probably felt special when a particular publication, print, or book got finished. Nevertheless, the sense of achievement obtained using an electronic device can thrill anyone.

To wrap up, anyone can start earning money with a simple website by simply using pay-per-click advertising, affiliate marketing, or carrying banners for interested business owners. The easiest out of these methods is by far the most popular and that is Google Adsense.

Coming Soon.

How to build a website using Blogger
How To Add Google Adsense to Blogger Website
How Sign Up for Google Adsense and other Affiliate Programs
How To Sell Products on eBay.com

Friday, April 17, 2009

Kenyan – Somali Maritime Agreement: Shame for Sheikh Sharif – Validation of the Shebaab Viewpoint

It does not take much time to get an approximately accurate idea about the capabilities of a statesman; when it comes to Somali politics, you can be sure that 50 days is all you need. "In my opinion, the Somali people can do well without the shameless actions of certain, so-called, Somali politicians. "

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
April 16, 2009

It does not take much time to get an approximately accurate idea about the capabilities of a statesman; when it comes to Somali politics, you can be sure that 50 days is all you need

Those who accuse tribalism as cause of all the maledictions in Somalia usually offer a correct model of approach to Somali politics, but fail dramatically to interpret events and developments.

It is not good and it is not bad to be Majerteen; it is just a fact.

Majerteen belongingness does not eliminate the Somali identity of the person.

To attempt to interpret everything in Somalia as result of the tribe or clan membership of a person is futile. There are great patriotic Somalis who happen to be Majerteen; and there are – unfortunately - some treacherous and mendacious Majerteen, who can easily betray their own country and nation, Somalia.

The two extreme cases can at times be represented by two persons originating from the same family. What makes the difference then?

What is the difference between studying in the University Sapienza in Rome and getting degrees from Carteon University in Ottawa?

In fact, between two Western universities there are no major differences.

And out of the same family can equally and unequivocally emanate the best and the worst person; allover the world, it´s the same.

Differences, true, great, unbridgeable differences are made by only Values.

Adhesion to a certain value and indifference for the same value constitute good reason for two persons originating from the same family to either embody evilness or exemplify piety.

Values and virtues, morality in general, consist in the core of the personality of every person. Greatly revered, some values can make of a statesman the paragon of heroism and patriotism, justice and equity. Blatantly rejected, the same values are absent from another statesman´s attitude and behaviour, and in this case the end result can be anything between political failure and national shame.

Does it truly matter for a statesman to preserve and defend his country´s national territory?

This is simple to answer; if this country is all you have, if the national progress is what you want to deliver, if its authentic, historical and cultural heritage permeates your thoughts, then you certainly defend all the parts of the country and notably struggle to liberate parts still occupied by the foreign invader(s).

If you have little attachment to your country, because you can live in another place where you have been naturalized as citizen, you evidently care less.

A statesman´s values are usually reflected in his career path; if you participated in a liberation movement, struggling to offer your compatriots freedom and independence, you will certainly value one square meter of your fatherland´s territory greatly.

On the other hand, if you have been appointed by means of foreign interference, all you care about is to please your foreign masters. If they ask (in fact "order") you to disregard an issue pertaining to part of your country, you apparently acquiesce because you depend on them, your future, your success and your fortune depend on them.

This makes the difference between the two Majerteen who belong to the same family:

the illustrious Somali President Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, who was malignantly assassinated by the English Secret Services, because he sided with righteous statesmen in the international arena (like the also assassinated by the pro-English part of the US establishment President J. F. Kennedy),


his son, the present Somali prime minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, who had been appointed by the TFG president Sheikh Sharif in his position just 50 days before he signed the disreputable document of shame (13 February) that in the international journalistic jargon is called "sign maritime boundary agreement".

The agreement (signed on April 4) has in fact no more value than a simple toilet paper; it will be littered and declared null and void by all the patriotic Somali forces. The fake agreement gathered already severe criticism from the part of many Somali intellectuals and politicians, statesmen and leaders.

Facing total rejection from the powerful Shabaab in the Somali South, the TFG establishment made indeed a lethal mistake by signing the shameful paper.

At a moment the Somalis start realizing the lack of project and the lack of dream, the lack of method and the lack of vision that characterize the new TFG guard, at a moment the Shebaab denounce the TFG as unrepresentative servitors of Somalia´s worst enemies, namely the colonial powers of the West, premier Omar Sharmarke and his president did their ingenious best to prove to the Shebaab that they are right in their accusations of them and to corroborate the Somali Nation´s worst fears about their full incapability to rule the country.

By signing this fake paper, the TFG administration reconfirms in front of the eyes of the entire Somali Nation that the Shebaab are right when they claim to be the national liberators of Somalia.

I herewith republish an insightful elaborated by an astute Somali commentator and analyst who explains in his blog the reasons for which this agreement will only further damage Somalia´s chances of pacification, reunification and rehabilitation. His shrewd comments demonstrate very clearly that the new TFG president and prime minister cannot fool any Somali.

Kenya and the Annexation of Somali Territorial Waters

By Nasr Ibn Othmann


Quite often, in Somalia, certain individuals execute the most ridiculous of paralegal maneuvers, and, whilst doing so, they foolishly claim to be acting on behalf of the united Somali nation. In this particular instance, I am referring to the shadowy memorandum of understanding, jointly signed by a representative of the Kenyan government, called Moses Wetangula, and Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame, a minister of the current Somali TFG.

It should be remembered—at this time—that the TFG of Somalia was created in Kenya itself, by a process of strategic elimination, for purposes other than the honourable service of the Somali civilian population. Therefore, can there be anyone who is genuinely surprised by the fact that the new TFG of Somalia is secretly ceding a portion of the Somali oceanic continental shelf to the Kenyan state? Ironically, during his last few months as President of the Somali TFG, Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed is said to have refused a Kenyan government request for him to sign the very same memorandum of understanding.

For all of his lamentable failings, it seems that the old warhorse had some concept of national interest after all. In stark contrast to his successors, it must be stated that Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed had refused—in no uncertain terms—to cede any portion of the Somali national territory to the Kenyan government. His punishment—for having dared to thwart Kenyan ambitions—was a momentary suspension of his travel privileges as the President of Somalia. The question must be asked, why does the TFG of Somalia exist if it brazenly serves the interests of the Kenyan state with little regard for legitimate Somali national interests?

In my opinion, the Somali people can do well without the shameless actions of certain, so-called, Somali politicians. How can any honourable Somali respect a man—whilst simultaneously claiming to be a minister of the Somali government just happens sell portions the precious Somali national territory to manifestly hostile entities—who prostitutes himself, his recognised office, and the good name of his nation? In my opinion, this ghastly event—which certainly represents a stain upon the dignity of the Somali people—shall precipitate actions in the future which, in all probability, will lead to the complete downfall of this so-called unity government of Somalia.

The new TFG of Somalia—it seems to me—is an infinitely worse monster than its predecessor. This illegitimate and bloated monstrosity cannot be permitted to speak in the name of the noble Somali nation. It is plainly evident, from observing the behaviour of the various ministers of the current Somali TFG entity, and not least the cretin Cabdiraxmann Cabdishakuur Warsame that these people do not seek to serve the honourable and ancient Somali nation. These people are nothing more that charlatans, and unprincipled political opportunists. I urge every sentient Somali man and woman to reject the vain and preposterous proclamations, of these vile people, who have managed to transform Villa Somalia into a nest of thieves in recent years.

For if we tolerate such a blatant abuse of the Somali national territory, at the present time, future generations shall never forgive us. The Somali national territory—including the expansive territorial waters of the Somali nation—represents the basic foundation of the Somali cultural identity. Without the Somali national territory, there can be no custom, clan, or national economy. There can be neither native history, nor future opportunities for the people of Somalia. If it is the wish of the Kenyan authorities to increase the scope of their economic opportunities at the expense of the Somali nation, one can only conclude that it is indeed a sad day. For wars are fought precisely over such matters. I urge the Kenyan authorities to rethink the contents of the unfortunate memorandum of understanding in question. I am certain that the Kenyan elite—being a people of the book—can remember the words "Honour thy neighbour!"

Nasr Ibn Othman can be contacted here: yann1@live.co.uk

This is his blog: sommusings.blogspot.com

Who Controls the U.S of America? The Obama Deception The Video is here

Alex Jones’ documentary on Barry Soetoro is now out, but you can watch the whole thing below

“Think about it. If the controllers wish to direct and condition many patriots to give up and accept their domination, there is no better way to desensitize them than to construct a fly paper forum wherein the throngs who care are exposed to the continual, repetitious, non-stop rantings of someone who preaches doom and against servitude.

This NLP technique of repetition, especially, the grandiose and bellicose variety, achieves - over time - a fatalism and desensitization which serves the elite agenda perfectly. People will only be told to go out and take their country back so many times before the futility of same turns them off and they withdraw and give in to the paradigm of control which has been so carefully constructed by Zionism for well over 100 years.”

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

U.S. Navy SEAL Snipers Shoot Somali Pirates In the Head To End Hostage Crisis

'shot to the head'

In the end, it was a single moment that brought the hostage crisis to its dramatic finish. Three gunshots. All three fatal. Fired in the dark by three specially trained U.S. Navy SEALs as the pirates' boat rocked in the water off Somalia. "Phenomenal shots -- 75 feet away," said Navy Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, who oversees the region. A senior defense official said each was a shot to the head.

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Gortney, in an interview Monday with CNN's "American Morning," described critical steps that led to the rescue of U.S. Capt. Richard Phillips, who was taken by pirates after they boarded his merchant ship, the Maersk Alabama, east of Somalia on Wednesday.

Four pirates had been holding Phillips in a small lifeboat, which had run out of fuel. "One of their pirates had left the lifeboat, needed medical attention and jumped onto one of our inflatable boats," Gortney said. Watch Gortney describe how SEALs shot pirates »

Gortney told CNN's Barbara Starr that the USS Bainbridge rammed the lifeboat Saturday to keep it from trying to return to the Somalian shore about 20 miles away.

"At one point, actually, the two vessels collided" as the captain of the Bainbridge tried to hold off the lifeboat, Gortney said.

Gortney, in the "American Morning" interview, said one of the pirates needed medical attention and "jumped onto one of our inflatable boats."

The pirate's need for medical help was a credit to the Maersk's crew. When the pirates boarded their vessel, a tussle ensued, during which one of the crewmen stabbed the pirate in the hand. Four days later, the pirate's departure from the lifeboat to accept U.S. medical help -- and try to negotiate the captive's release -- left only three for the U.S. snipers to keep their eyes on.

The three were tired, Gortney said. "The sea state was picking up. They agreed for us to tow them into little better waters as the ship was bouncing around. It was very tense."

The on-scene U.S. commander of the Bainbridge, which had come to try to negotiate the captain's release, could see the three remaining pirates "were very, very intense. One of them held his AK-47 in the back of the captain. We were always concerned about the imminent danger to the captain."

The pirates had repeatedly threatened to kill Phillips, Gortney said.

A Navy SEAL team had parachuted in and taken up positions on the Bainbridge's back deck.

The military had orders from President Obama authorizing lethal force if there was imminent danger. Watch how rescue played out hour by hour »

"At one point, as uncomfortable as the pirates were, they exposed themselves where there was an opportunity," Gortney said.

He gave details of that "exposure" at a news conference Sunday. He said two of the pirates had their heads and shoulders exposed, while the third was visible in the boat's pilot house, through a window.

"The on-scene commander saw that one of the pirates still held that AK-47, was very, very concerned for the captain's life -- and he ordered the shots to be taken," Gortney said Monday.

Even with the small boat "moving up and down a couple of feet," the SEALs hit their targets. "Remarkable marksmanship," Gortney said.

The moment came at 7:19 p.m. (12:19 p.m. ET) Sunday -- after sundown, military officials say.

In the minutes after, a special operations team shimmied along the tow rope to the lifeboat, confirmed that three pirates had been killed and took Phillips back to the Navy ships that had gathered nearby.

The fourth pirate was taken into custody.
"These guys [the SEALs] are very well trained, they have a lot of experience and there has to be a lot of communication between the shooters and the people making the decision that they all three had shots, that they could make their shots successfully," retired U.S. Navy SEAL Dick Couch said on "American Morning."

He added, "Credit that on-scene commander