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Friday, April 17, 2009

Kenyan – Somali Maritime Agreement: Shame for Sheikh Sharif – Validation of the Shebaab Viewpoint

It does not take much time to get an approximately accurate idea about the capabilities of a statesman; when it comes to Somali politics, you can be sure that 50 days is all you need. "In my opinion, the Somali people can do well without the shameless actions of certain, so-called, Somali politicians. "

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
April 16, 2009

It does not take much time to get an approximately accurate idea about the capabilities of a statesman; when it comes to Somali politics, you can be sure that 50 days is all you need

Those who accuse tribalism as cause of all the maledictions in Somalia usually offer a correct model of approach to Somali politics, but fail dramatically to interpret events and developments.

It is not good and it is not bad to be Majerteen; it is just a fact.

Majerteen belongingness does not eliminate the Somali identity of the person.

To attempt to interpret everything in Somalia as result of the tribe or clan membership of a person is futile. There are great patriotic Somalis who happen to be Majerteen; and there are – unfortunately - some treacherous and mendacious Majerteen, who can easily betray their own country and nation, Somalia.

The two extreme cases can at times be represented by two persons originating from the same family. What makes the difference then?

What is the difference between studying in the University Sapienza in Rome and getting degrees from Carteon University in Ottawa?

In fact, between two Western universities there are no major differences.

And out of the same family can equally and unequivocally emanate the best and the worst person; allover the world, it´s the same.

Differences, true, great, unbridgeable differences are made by only Values.

Adhesion to a certain value and indifference for the same value constitute good reason for two persons originating from the same family to either embody evilness or exemplify piety.

Values and virtues, morality in general, consist in the core of the personality of every person. Greatly revered, some values can make of a statesman the paragon of heroism and patriotism, justice and equity. Blatantly rejected, the same values are absent from another statesman´s attitude and behaviour, and in this case the end result can be anything between political failure and national shame.

Does it truly matter for a statesman to preserve and defend his country´s national territory?

This is simple to answer; if this country is all you have, if the national progress is what you want to deliver, if its authentic, historical and cultural heritage permeates your thoughts, then you certainly defend all the parts of the country and notably struggle to liberate parts still occupied by the foreign invader(s).

If you have little attachment to your country, because you can live in another place where you have been naturalized as citizen, you evidently care less.

A statesman´s values are usually reflected in his career path; if you participated in a liberation movement, struggling to offer your compatriots freedom and independence, you will certainly value one square meter of your fatherland´s territory greatly.

On the other hand, if you have been appointed by means of foreign interference, all you care about is to please your foreign masters. If they ask (in fact "order") you to disregard an issue pertaining to part of your country, you apparently acquiesce because you depend on them, your future, your success and your fortune depend on them.

This makes the difference between the two Majerteen who belong to the same family:

the illustrious Somali President Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, who was malignantly assassinated by the English Secret Services, because he sided with righteous statesmen in the international arena (like the also assassinated by the pro-English part of the US establishment President J. F. Kennedy),


his son, the present Somali prime minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, who had been appointed by the TFG president Sheikh Sharif in his position just 50 days before he signed the disreputable document of shame (13 February) that in the international journalistic jargon is called "sign maritime boundary agreement".

The agreement (signed on April 4) has in fact no more value than a simple toilet paper; it will be littered and declared null and void by all the patriotic Somali forces. The fake agreement gathered already severe criticism from the part of many Somali intellectuals and politicians, statesmen and leaders.

Facing total rejection from the powerful Shabaab in the Somali South, the TFG establishment made indeed a lethal mistake by signing the shameful paper.

At a moment the Somalis start realizing the lack of project and the lack of dream, the lack of method and the lack of vision that characterize the new TFG guard, at a moment the Shebaab denounce the TFG as unrepresentative servitors of Somalia´s worst enemies, namely the colonial powers of the West, premier Omar Sharmarke and his president did their ingenious best to prove to the Shebaab that they are right in their accusations of them and to corroborate the Somali Nation´s worst fears about their full incapability to rule the country.

By signing this fake paper, the TFG administration reconfirms in front of the eyes of the entire Somali Nation that the Shebaab are right when they claim to be the national liberators of Somalia.

I herewith republish an insightful elaborated by an astute Somali commentator and analyst who explains in his blog the reasons for which this agreement will only further damage Somalia´s chances of pacification, reunification and rehabilitation. His shrewd comments demonstrate very clearly that the new TFG president and prime minister cannot fool any Somali.

Kenya and the Annexation of Somali Territorial Waters

By Nasr Ibn Othmann


Quite often, in Somalia, certain individuals execute the most ridiculous of paralegal maneuvers, and, whilst doing so, they foolishly claim to be acting on behalf of the united Somali nation. In this particular instance, I am referring to the shadowy memorandum of understanding, jointly signed by a representative of the Kenyan government, called Moses Wetangula, and Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur Warsame, a minister of the current Somali TFG.

It should be remembered—at this time—that the TFG of Somalia was created in Kenya itself, by a process of strategic elimination, for purposes other than the honourable service of the Somali civilian population. Therefore, can there be anyone who is genuinely surprised by the fact that the new TFG of Somalia is secretly ceding a portion of the Somali oceanic continental shelf to the Kenyan state? Ironically, during his last few months as President of the Somali TFG, Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed is said to have refused a Kenyan government request for him to sign the very same memorandum of understanding.

For all of his lamentable failings, it seems that the old warhorse had some concept of national interest after all. In stark contrast to his successors, it must be stated that Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed had refused—in no uncertain terms—to cede any portion of the Somali national territory to the Kenyan government. His punishment—for having dared to thwart Kenyan ambitions—was a momentary suspension of his travel privileges as the President of Somalia. The question must be asked, why does the TFG of Somalia exist if it brazenly serves the interests of the Kenyan state with little regard for legitimate Somali national interests?

In my opinion, the Somali people can do well without the shameless actions of certain, so-called, Somali politicians. How can any honourable Somali respect a man—whilst simultaneously claiming to be a minister of the Somali government just happens sell portions the precious Somali national territory to manifestly hostile entities—who prostitutes himself, his recognised office, and the good name of his nation? In my opinion, this ghastly event—which certainly represents a stain upon the dignity of the Somali people—shall precipitate actions in the future which, in all probability, will lead to the complete downfall of this so-called unity government of Somalia.

The new TFG of Somalia—it seems to me—is an infinitely worse monster than its predecessor. This illegitimate and bloated monstrosity cannot be permitted to speak in the name of the noble Somali nation. It is plainly evident, from observing the behaviour of the various ministers of the current Somali TFG entity, and not least the cretin Cabdiraxmann Cabdishakuur Warsame that these people do not seek to serve the honourable and ancient Somali nation. These people are nothing more that charlatans, and unprincipled political opportunists. I urge every sentient Somali man and woman to reject the vain and preposterous proclamations, of these vile people, who have managed to transform Villa Somalia into a nest of thieves in recent years.

For if we tolerate such a blatant abuse of the Somali national territory, at the present time, future generations shall never forgive us. The Somali national territory—including the expansive territorial waters of the Somali nation—represents the basic foundation of the Somali cultural identity. Without the Somali national territory, there can be no custom, clan, or national economy. There can be neither native history, nor future opportunities for the people of Somalia. If it is the wish of the Kenyan authorities to increase the scope of their economic opportunities at the expense of the Somali nation, one can only conclude that it is indeed a sad day. For wars are fought precisely over such matters. I urge the Kenyan authorities to rethink the contents of the unfortunate memorandum of understanding in question. I am certain that the Kenyan elite—being a people of the book—can remember the words "Honour thy neighbour!"

Nasr Ibn Othman can be contacted here: yann1@live.co.uk

This is his blog: sommusings.blogspot.com

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