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Monday, May 31, 2010

Hooyo Macaan - Hees U Duceyneysa Hooyada

Waxaan kala garan la'ahay in heestan ku socoto fanaankiisa hooyadiis iyo in ay ku socota dalkeena dhibaateysan. Si kastaba waa hees macaan oo kusoo xasuusineysa markastaa hooyo. Erayo aad ugu quman amaanta hooyada iyo weliba duco ayuu fanaanku isugu darayaa hooyada. Ila dhageyso riix reference linkiga hoose.

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"hooyo macaan"
- WaaTV.com Video: somalia - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hees Qoomaal iyo Maryan Mursal on WaaTv.com - Hees Macaan

Waa Hees aan Caadi ahayn oo ku saabsan Jaceylka, oo ay qaadayaan Qoomaal iyo Maryan Mursal oo weliba video caalami ah loo sameeyay. Codka macaan ee Maryan ayaa waxaa ka ag dhawaaqaya codka Qoomaal oo sidii hirkii ugu jiibinaya erayada macaan ee isaga iyo Maryan Mursal is dhaafsanayaan. Heestan magaceedu waa... Hoos ka daawo iina soo sheeg. Riix linkiga

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somalia - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Magaalada Leicester iyo Soomaalida Qurba Joogga

Dad badan oo ka yimid Pakistan iyo India oo soo galay magaaladan xiligii dagaalkii labaad ee aduunka ayaa Soomaalida ku wehlaya magaalada Leicester ee Minland England. Ka daawo halkaan barnaamij ku saabsan Soomaalida jooga magaalada Leicester kaasoo kuu indho furaya.

Daawo filinkaan oo la sameeyay 2007 kana hadlaya Soomaalida degan Maine, ee Mareykanka iyo sida looga neceb yahay. Filinkaan waa mid aad xasaasi u ah. Hoos ka daawo.

Lewiston, New England waa magaalo duq ah oo aan shaqooyinkooda saas u badneyn kuna yaalaan kaliya dhismooyin warshado mar hore la xiray. Hase yeeshee waxay leedahay guro raqiis. Mana joogaan tuugada loo yaqaan Gangs ama dableey hubeeysan kuwaasoo ku badan magaalooyinka waaweyn sida New York, Chicago iyo LA. Halkaan ka daawo sida dadka cadaanka degan Lewiston dareemeen markii ay u guureen Lewiston, Maine New England.

Somalis in Lewiston - Aljazeera

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Friday, May 28, 2010

Shariif Xasan oo loo doortay Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya.

Shariif Xasan Shiikh Aadan ayaa goor dhow loo doortay xilka Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka, kadib wareegii ugu horeeyay ee cod bixinta doorashada oo ku hogaamiyay 217-codad.
Gudiga Doorashada ayaa ku dhawaaqay in Shariif Xasan uu yahay Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya, kadib markii ay u tanaasuleen Musharaxiintii la tar tamayay.,

Xildhibaan Cabdi Xaashi Cabdulaahi oo ahaa musharaxa ku xiga Shariif Xasan ayaa helay codadka la tiriyay 143-cod, inkastoo uu ka tanaasulay wareegii labaad oo uu la tartami lahaa.

Shariif Xasan ayaa ku fariistay kurisga Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka, markii lagu dhawaaqay inuu ku guuleystay, waxaana durbadiiba is qabsaday sacab iyo damaashaad ay bilaabeen Xubnaha Baarlamaanka ee taageersan.

Shariif Xasan oo loo doortay Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya. Dalkanews.com
La soco wixii ku soo kordha Dalkanews.comSomali News Videos - Somali Blogs - Somali News - Somali Videos - Somali Chat

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Waa Qaybtii Labaad ee 125 jirka Taariikhdii Soomaaliya Laga Wareystay

Video-gan waa Qaybtii labaad ee Wareysiga Cowke la yeeshay oday 125 jir ah kaasoo ka wareystay arimo badan oo taariikhi ah oo Soomaaliya quseeya. Hoos ka furo

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: Sonna.net - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Nin Jira 125 Sano oo Soomaali ah oo La Wareystay

Waxaad halkaan ka daawaneysaa video laga soo duubay oday jira 125 sano oo Cowke wareysanyo. Waa wareysi taariikhi ah wuxuuna ka sheekeynayaaSoomaaliya sida ay aheyd waagii uu yaraa. Waa laba qaybood. Qaybtaan waa tii koowaad.

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: RBhibtfmmfE - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Koobka World Cup-ka oo Cape Town Lagu Soo Bandhigay - Warbixin

Warbixintan waxaa iyadoo video ah nasoo gaarsiiyay C/laahi Ibraahim oo jooga Cape Town kana qayb qaatay munaasabad lagu soo bandhigay koobka ciyaaraha aduunka. Hoos ka daawo ama dhageyso warbixintan.

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: universaltv - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

50 Heesood oo 2010 Cusub oo Soomaali ah iyo Fanaaniinta Cusub

Webkan Waatv.com ayaan geliyay Hees Cusub. Waxaa tixan 50 heesood oo video badankood loo sameeyay ayna qaadayaan faaniin dibadaha ku kala nool sida Nimco Dareen, Aar Maanta, Fuaad Cumar Yare, Mahamoud Amoore & Zamzam, Fartuun Birimo, Guleed Axmed, Caydurus, Khadiijo Foodey, iyo weliba Farxiyo Fiska iyo fanaaniin kale oo badan. Hoos ka furo liiska heesahaas.

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: hees cusub - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Hees cusub (KU- TEBAY): Nimco Dareen iyo Caydarus Halyeey

Ka Dhageyso heestan cusub webka waatv.com oo riix linkiga hoose! Nimco caadi ma ahan. Balse, ma taqaan Cayduruus? Waa ka daranyahay.

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somalia - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

On the Ground in Somalia, MoxNews. Richard Engal the NBC Crosspondent

What MoxNews anchor called it,"the other other other secret war" is the situation in Mogadishu and that of the whole war torn country. In this video, the NBC reporter discusses what he saw while he was in Mongadishu, as he describes the capital as the single most dangerous city in the world. Watch this movie now on Waatv.com

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somalia - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

caribbean Artist Rita Carter sings Waiving Flag son by K'naan at Somaliland Conference

Rita Carter, the Caribbean artist in Ottawa said "I was invited to perform at a Somali-land celebration/conference by the President of the Somali-land Committee of Ottawa. It was a great show which received a standing ovation. Peace to all the Abos and Hoyos holdin' it down in the 613!" Watch the video of her sing the Waving Flag song by K'naan.

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somali - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Video: Ali Khalif Galeyr on Somali Education System

Ali khalif speaks about Somali Education system and Schools at University of Minnesota for the conference of Nugaal University of lasanod

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somali - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dardaaran - Hees - Cabbaas Hiraad - Fanaan Cusub

Cabbaas waa fanaan degan New York ee dalka Mareykanka. Cabbaas oo ah arday dhigta Civil Engineering sidoo kalena ah fanaan codkiisa aad u macaan yahay ayaa noo qaadaya heestan uu u baxshay dardaaran. Dhageyso heestan. Sii aqri oo vidoega fura

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

C/rashiid Killer - Fanaan aan Caadi aheyn - Video Hees Cusub

Yaana kaa badin hadalka, adiguba sharaxaada heesta sameey oo iisoo dir. Waa video aan caadi aheyn oo loo sameeyay hees aad u macaan oo jaceyl ah. Waa fanaan Cabdirashiid Killer! Magacaaba idilaya. Ninkaan waaba u egyahay 'KILLER' sida uu u feero weyn yahay iyo weliba sida codkiisu u yahay mid aan caadi ahayn. Hoos ka daawo

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somali - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Layaab: Gabar la Yiraah Somali Sarkar oo Lagu Dilay New Dehli India

Layaab: Gabadhan oo ah Hindi ayaa laga helay qolkii ay daganeed ayadoo seddax beri ka hor la dilay. Gabadha magaceedu waa Soomaali Sarkaar. Daawo VIdeo-ga warkaas, linkiga hoose.
A girl from West Bengal was found dead in her rented apartment in Kalkaji Nagar in Delhi. Somali Sarkar was dead for two-three days before her body was recovered.

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somali girl - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fanka-Hees ay Qaadeyso Faadumo C/laahi Maandeeq. Music wacan

Codka macaan ee ay ku dhawaaqdo Maandeeq waa mid kusoo xasuusiya waayo waayo oo aadan ka daalin karin. Heesta maanta oo aanan magaceeda aqoon (nasiib daro) waa mid sida video-ga heesta ka muuqata in ay qaaday 70-meeyadii iyadoo da'yar. Bal hoos ka fiirso oo dhageyso heestan.

in reference to: WaaTV.com Video: somali - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Abdiwali Muse, Somali Pirate pleads Guilty to Piracy Charges

A Somali suspect who became the boyish face of 21st-century piracy pleaded guilty on Tuesday to charges he hijacked the American ship and kidnapped its captain. He know faces 27 years in jail as the minimum sentence. Watch Video on Waatv.com

in reference to:

"A Somali suspect who became the boyish face of 21st-century piracy pleaded guilty on Tuesday to charges he hijacked the ship and kidnapped its captain"
- WaaTV.com Video: somali - WaaTV - Search New Videos (view on Google Sidewiki)

Is Google the World's Biggest IT company?

Google is soon holding its third major developer conference, where it going to showcase its agenda for the future infront of thousands of software and hardware developers and giants of the media world. All this is to take place in San Francisco, Calafornia at Moscone Center.
Is google getting bigger than most other IT companies on this planet? If so How much more?

Google is soon holding its third major developer conference, where it going to showcase its agenda for the future infront of thousands of software and hardware developers and giants of the media world. All this is to take place in San Francisco, Calafornia at Moscone Center.

You see, search engine giant Google, knows the value of developers have for the continued success of Google Inc. In fact, the Google people understand how much the Google platform is dependent on how well its received among the Tech world. Technologies such as the Wave, Chrome, and Android technologies are indeed to be showcased in the up comming developer gathering.

This yearly show of developer conference is to highlight for Google the giant steps its OS has taking, the Android.

Some of the hottest discussion topics about Android will certainly include;

Android is a mobile operating system created by Google.

- Hit up the Android Home Page for more details.

- There are mobile devices using the Android operating system from most wireless providers.

- The number of Android devices is increasing quickly.

- Based on Linux, the Android system is open source, which makes it more flexible.

- The Android Market currently has about 15,000 applications available for Android phones.

The developer's conference to be held in San Francisco will also have many other giants in the Information Technology industry. These will include Adobe, the graphics giant, who will present their latest gadget the Flash Player 10.1 which apparently be running on the mobile Android operating system.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Basketball To Produce Stars for Somalia

When I first searched for players that originated from Somalia, I found a refugee who studied and played ball in the Midwest of the United States.
After securing an interview for Africabasket.com with him, he later mailed me to take the interview off the web as he feared that his family back home in Somalia could be threatened by reprisals.

Somalia is primarily known these days for its pirates and the lack of a government to most of the world.

Basketball seems not to be associated in any way with the Eastern African country located at the Horn of Africa.

When I first searched for players that originated from Somalia, I found a refugee who studied and played ball in the Midwest of the United States.
After securing an interview for Africabasket.com with him, he later mailed me to take the interview off the web as he feared that his family back home in Somalia could be threatened by reprisals.

As you can see, getting a better inside look into Somali hoops seems to be a tough task even nowadays with the World Wide Web being a big help. When talking about notable players emerging out of Somalia, then you have to talk about guys like Yaseen Musa, Salah Abdo and Saeed Kosar who all succeeded to put their country's flag on the basketball map in different ways.

While Musa and Kosar are both on the Qatari national-team, Abdo is on the way to be a future pro player while attending college in the United States.

As Somalia does not provide stable competition within the country, most players are leaving the country towards other nations like Egypt, Yemen and primarily Qatar.

Yaseen Musa has been a household name in Middle-eastern basketball for years but only a few know that he is originally from Somalia. The lanky forward even applied for the NBA Draft a couple of years back but went undrafted and played also in a US minor league before settling back to Qatar where he is still star of the local league. Just check out the link to the video above!

Saad Abdulrahman Ali

Saad Abdulrahman Ali representing Qatar

Another Somali professional basketball player is Saeed Kosar who nowadays goes by his Qatari name Saad Abdulrahman Ali. The 1,93 meters-tall forward grew up in Canada where he excelled in high school hoops and later also at Algonquin College under the eyes of coach Trevor Costello who calls Saeed and his brother Abdul "tremendous players with excellent basketball smarts". Kosar, who moved to Qatar in 2002 after graduating from college, represented then in 2004 the Qatari U-20 national-team since he had no chance to represent Somalia as there was virtually no national-team program and there is still none up to this day. Nowadays, the 1980-born is a regular fixture on the senior national-team of Qatar and in the starting five of his club-team AS Sadd for who he competed for in almost all of his years in the Qatari league. His younger brother Abdul is a standout at Algonquin College these days as the 1,88 meters forward is following in the big foot steps of Saeed. In twenty games played, the sophomore averaged 11,5 points per game and 4,5 rebounds per game for the Thunder who finished the season with 15 wins and five losses. Once he graduates, he could be heading over to the Gulf region as well to join his brother to form a formidable one-two punch in the league and maybe even in the national-team of Qatar.

Salah AbdoPoint guard Salah Abdo struggled through injuries early in his career and is now back to full speed at tiny Trinity College in Connecticut. I found a great story that tells more about his struggles and how he sees himself as a role model for young Somalis around the globe. Abdo, who enrolled for a year at New Hampshire in the NCAA Division 1 ranks, could have strong 2010-2011 season to follow the few players out of his country into the Middle East to play professionally. But he is not the only one in his family who fell in love with the sport. Abdo also pointed me into a new direction. Better: To a new face on the block.

Osman Olol, a cousin of Salah, is currently enrolled at Monroe Community College in the state of New York.

Being a six foot nine inches tall forward, Olol should be receiving already some looks by NCAA D1 colleges who are in the need of a post player as he displayed his raw talent this first year by averaging 6,2 points per game in only 16 minutes per game. If given a chance, he might resurface in a solid program with more playing time available for him.

There is some Somali talent hidden across the globe with strong ties to the country of its ancestors.

But with the current situation being pretty unstable in their home-country, the Somali diaspora won't be given a chance anytime soon to defend the colors of their country in international competition. With the country’s lack of environment there is no chance of seeing a home-grown national-team and the near future of the sport in Somalia looks more than dim these days.

Maybe it's up to the next generation of players that will be growing up elsewhere and may remember it roots, to lead a new financially-backed project into a possible qualifier to the African Championships in a couple of years from now. Only time will tell…


Source: TalkBasket.net
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Hibo Nuuro - Bacalwaan - Wayno Ha Ina Kala Wadin

Waa Hees Macaanoo aay ku luuqeynayaan labo fanaan oo dalka caan ka ah. Hibo Nuuro iyo Bacalawaan. Fadlan video-ga hoos ka dhageyso.

Feature - Random Tech Blogs.

Somali Chat and Blog: Domain Names and The Advantages of Web ...
23 Aug 2009 ... It is basically how you get a domain name attached to a web site, ... Let's say you wanted to set up somchat.com for your website. ...

Somali Chat and Blog: The Best Web Site Templates are free ...
30 Jan 2010 ... Many first time web site owners feel unconfort dealing with the domain name and how to buy them. They're often confused about when domain ...

Somali Chat and Blog: Free Blogger Dashboard Templates is a SCAM!
7 Feb 2010 ... Blogger Dashboard dot Blogspot dot com is a web site that gives away free .... Let's say you wanted to set up somchat.com for your website. ...

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Amanda Lindhout: I will feel completely free when my sisters in Somalia are no longer suffering (New Photos and Video)

Amanda Lindhout has finally spoken out about her captivity in Somalia. She said, "As long as women are experiencing oppression in Somalia, I feel so personally connected to them because I experienced similar suffering."

Journalist-turned-humanitarian Amanda Lindhout spoke of finding inspiration during her darkest days in captivity as she launched her scholarship program for Somali women at a packed Red Deer church.

Amanda Lindhout has finally spoken out about her captivity in Somalia. She said, "As long as women are experiencing oppression in Somalia, I feel so personally connected to them because I experienced similar suffering."

Amanda feels that she has to be the voice for the, 'oppressed, Somali women' as puts it herself and that she at one point in the past (during her captivity) was one of them.

"I feel like I will feel completely free when my sisters in Somalia are no longer suffering", said Amanda speaking about the pain she feels which unites her with her counterparts in the war torn african country.

Amanda's feels being a woman in Somalia influenced the treatment she got from the Somali men who held her from nearly 15 months.

"Some of the boys (her captors) treated me and abused me in ways they have not abused Nigel" recounted Amanda of her ordeal. But she also reminded everyone that the Somali culture does also have its finer caltural upbringing. She added, "Nigel was 15 years older than the boys so they had harder time being mean to him."

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Sharif Topaz VS Adam Black - Sportiga

Is reeb reebka kooxaaha Soomaalida ee ka socda casimada Soomaliya ayaa ahaay kuwa lagu jaahwareersanaa cida u soo bixi doonata finalka ciyaarta.

Labada kooxood ee ay cayaartu dhex martay  ayaa  ahaa laba kooxood oo aan kala dhicin oo ay marwalba ciyaartoodu ku dhamaan jiratay  0 iyo 0 marka laga reebo hal ciyaar oo horay uu ugu guulaysatay laacibka weyn ee Black. 

Labadan kooxood ayaa waxa ay soo kala xusheen laba laacib oo aan kala dhicin. Labada laacib ayaa waxa ay kala ahaayeen Sharif Topaz in oo ahaa ciyaaryahanka u qaalisanaa kooxda waqooyig Bay kuna xeeldheeraa wacyi galinta ciyaartooyda hadba kooxda uu u ciyaaro  halka  kooxda kalana ay keensadeen laacib hore oo magaciisa layiraa Mr Black oo isna caan ka ahaa koofurta Bay. Cayaarta  ayaa maalinimadii shalay ka dhacday barxada garoonka madaxtooyada. Garsoorahu waa Mr  Sharif Rooseeto. 

Calanhaye koowaad waa Mr Biggy. Markii ay labada kooxood soo galeen garoonka durba waxaa bilawday sawaxan iyo buuq. Qeeybtii hore ayaa la is mari waayay hase ahaatee qaybtii labaad ee cayaarta ayaa noqotay mid xiiso badan waxaana gool qurux badan dhaliyay laacibka Sharif Topaz. 

Waxaa durba niyad jab ku dhacay kooxda kale iyagoo laacibka Balck kuna calaacalay in kooxdiisu kala daadsanaeyd qeybtii hore ee cayaarta halkaasna waxaa foowdo ka bilabay kooxdii Black. Waxaa islamarkiiba soo kala dhex galay  Garsoore Rooseeto oo isagoo u sheegay labada kooxood in cayaartii dhamaatay dibna la isagu soo laaban doono maadaama ciyaarta la foowdeeyay. 

Hase ahaatee calan haye Biggy ayaa ka biyo diiday una sheegay garsoore Rooseeto in cayaartu halkeeda kasii socon doonto. Hada cayaartu waxa ay mareeysaa 1 iyo 0 oo uu hogaaminayo Shariif Topaz waa laacibka qaaligaae. 

Mar cayartan wax laga weeydiiyay FIFA waxa ay sheegeen in Mr Rooseeto ku saxsanaa in uu banado cayaarta. Calanhaye Biggy ku adkeeystay in cayaartu halkeedii kasii socon doonto. Calan haye Biggy waxa uu sheegay in aanu garsoore Rooseeto cayaarta banadi karin maadaama uusan waafajin xeerka cayaartooyda aduunka ee FIFA. Daawadayaan aanu sugno  daqiiqadaha ka harsan cayaarta. 

Waxaanu sugnaa waa gabagabada ciyaarta iyo cida ku guleysan doonta ciyaarta

Monday, May 17, 2010

sawiro gubasho xirada qaxootiga hangar open center malta

Waa Jaziirada Malta Xerada Hangar Open Center oo La Dimanayo

Sawiro Xero Qaxooti ah oo Ku Taalo Malta oo Gubatay

Waa Jaziirada Malta Xerada Hangar Open Center oo La Dimanayo

Waxa aad kor ku aragto waa sawirro mardhow ka soo baxay Malta xiro Qaxooti ah oo Soomaali badan ooo qaxooti ah ay ku dhex nool yihiin.

What do you know about .EU domains and purchasing domain name that is .eu?

If you own a website and are located anywhere in Europe, especially the U.K., you’re probably well aware of all the attention surrounding the Eurid offering of .eu domains to the public. .Eu domains have been long awaited and their popularity is expected to be similar to .com domains. These domains were originally only available in what was known as the Sunrise 1 and Sunrise 2 stages. Sunrise 1, the first of the three stages, began on December 7, 2005. To be considered for a .eu domain, applicants chose a domain name had to be related to a registered trademark. This policy greatly restricted the number of applicants that could apply for a domain. The Sunrise 2 stage was offered on February 7, 2006 and allowed applicants to reserve domains related to both unregistered trademarks and company names. The purpose of the Sunrise phases was to allow well established companies the first rights to their desired domain names. As with other types of domains, many times people will purchase a number of domain names hoping to resell them at an elevated cost. Unfortunately, some individuals have even tried using domain names that are similar to well known companies hoping to gain exposure for their product or business.  

The last stage known as the â€Å“Landrush†became available on April 7, 2006. This final stage allows much greater flexibility for persons wishing to register a .eu domain. Basically anyone who resides in the European Union or who has a business located there can qualify for a .eu domain. Much like other domain extensions, .eu domains are now being assigned on a first come basis. This has caused many companies and businesses to scramble in an effort to acquire their desired domain name. If a domain name under the .com extension is not available, a similar domain ending in the .eu extension may be available instead. 

After the opening of the Landrush stage, the sale of .eu domains has skyrocketed. To date there are well over 1.7 million registered domain names and the numbers are expected to keep growing. Many experts believe .eu domains will some day come close to the number of registered .com sites. If current registration trends continue, this could very well occur. 

Discount Domains, a company specializing in website design and web hosting, offers .eu domains to the public at an affordable price. They hope to soon become an accredited registrar with Eurid in order to provide additional high quality service to the public. Customers can purchase top level domain names from Discount Domains for their business or organization. The only requirement is that domain names must be registered for a minimum period of two years. The company also offers a wide range of services including domain transfers, web hosting, marketing expertise, and search engine submissions. Discount Domains offers many options for customers wishing to register a .eu domain. 

When choosing .eu domains for your business, there are some important points to remember. As with any type of domain name, it is a good idea to choose a .eu domain that is the same or very similar to your business or website name. This will make it much easier for customers and clients to remember. Even if they forget your website address, by running a search on your company name, they can quickly locate your domain name and link to your site. Using your business name within you domain name is a valuable resource for search engine purposes. 

If your requested domain name is not available, the provider may suggest similar domain names to the one you suggested. Be careful when considering this option. First of all you will need to make sure that your domain name is not easily confused with other similar names. When marketing your site, be sure to use the entire .eu domain name. This will help to alleviate any misunderstanding or confusion. Lastly, it is much easier to purchase your domain name first before designing a new business or choosing a company name. Trying to come up with a domain name for a well established company can sometimes be a headache. Often times the desired domain name may already be taken. If you plan on establishing a new website or opening a business in the near future, you can greatly benefit by choosing your .eu domains ahead of time.

Amanda Lindhout to send Somali Women To University

Amanda who was held hostage for more than a year in Somalia has started a foundation to send women in the war-torn country to university' reports CTV news. It seems the woman who probably learned most of what she knows about Somalia through her ordeal while she was in captivity and through the eyes of her captives is helping other women who are in no position to help themselves.

According to the CTV news report, Lindhout plans to send 10 women in Somalia to University this year, and 100 more by the next four years. This shows that the journalist has links in Somalia to the point where she can contact the women chosen to attend University through her scholarship program.

Although she raised only $5000 for the women's tuition and other expenses while they're in the School year, only $1000 per student is needed per year. Lindhout's organization is not yet registered and therefore need to wait a little longer before she can accept donations and give out receipts. Nonetheless, anyone who's willing to help can contact her personally and give what he/she can.

Of course, in Canada, everyone is listed in the phone book and Amanda Lindhout is no different so if you are serious about helping Somali women go to college, check the Bell Canada phone book.

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Madaafiicdii Maanta - Video-ga Daad Gureynta Dhaawaca Iyo Deminta Debka Guryaha Dumay CNN

Video-gan waxaad ka arki kartaa dadkii dhaawac soo gaaray oo baabuur lagu daad gureynayo iyo weliba dad kala firxanaya oo qaarba gees u cararayo. Waxaad kaloo arki kartaa guri gubtay oo la deminayo hase yeeshee caag yar oo hal gacan lagu qaban karo, sida kan musqulaha lagu dhex isticmaalo, kaasoo loo isticmaalayo in lagu demiyo guri weyn oo deb iyo qaac ka baxayo. Debdemiskii aaway?
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Munaasabadii Xuskii SYL ee Khartuum


 Waxaa xalay magaalada Khartoum caasimada dalaka Sudan lagu qabtay munaasabad ay ka soo qeeyb galeen Madaxda Ururka Ardayda Soomaaliyeed iyo inta badan ururada dhalinyarada iyo ardayda wax ka barta jamacadaha dalka Sudaan, taasoo lagu xusayay sanad guuradii 67 aad ee ka soo wareegatay asaaskii ururkii dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed  S.Y.L ee sababta u ahaa keenistii xuriyada iyo madax banaanida dalka iyo umada Somaaliyeed.

Munaasabadan oo aheeyd mid si heer sara ah loo soo agaasimay waxaa si wada jir ah isaga kaa shaday qabsoomideeda Ururka Jiilka Cusub ee Soomaaliyeed oo ah urur dhalinyaro oo ka jira dalka Sudan iyo wadamo kale oo ay wax ka bartaan dhalinyaro Soomaaliyeed iyo Jimciyada Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ee Sudan.

Munaasabadan oo ka dhacday mid ka mid ah tiyaatarada Jamacada Afrika ayaa waxaa lagu soo bandhigay barnaamijyo loga hadlayay tariikhdii ururkii S.Y.L, Dooladihii Soomaray Soomaaliya iyo Bilawgii Mugdiga iyo burburka Soomaaliya, Waxaana ragii soo jeediyay barnaamijyadaa ka mid ahaa. Mudane Maxamed Ismaaciil Cumar oo ah G/ xigeenka Ururka Jiilka Cusub ee Soomaaliyeed, Max'ed C.qaadir Da'ud  iyo Axmed Maxamuud Jaamac oo ah Arday Culuumta siyaasada ka bartay jamacada Afrika ee Sudan.
Munaasabada waxaa sidoo kale lagu lafa guray doorka ay Saxaafada iyo Ururada dhalin yaradu ka ciyaari karaan raja soocelinta Soomaaliya, waxaana si qurux badan oo faah faahsan u soo jeediyay C.naasir Maxamuud Xasan oo ah X/guud ee Ururka jiilka cusub iyo C.qaadir Barqadle Cigale oo ah xubin ka mid ah Jimciyada Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ee sudan.

Sidoo kale waxaa Munaasabada ka hadlay Gudoomiyaha Jimciyada Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed Mudane Abuukar Salaad Maxamuud iyo Gudoomiyha Ururka Jiilka Cusub ee Soomaaliyeed Mudane C.rashiid Maxamed Nuur, waxa ayna labaduba Umada iyo dhamaan dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed meelkasata oo ay ku suganyihiin Ugu hambalyeeyeen munaasabadan, waxa ayna si wada jir ah ugu baaqeen dhalin yarada Soomaaliyeed in ay u istaagaan Raja soo celinta Umada Soomaaliyeed.

Ugu dambeeyn labada gudoomiye ee Ururka jiilka Cusub ee Soomaaliyeed iyo Jimciyada Saxafiyiinta Soomaaliyeed waxa ay si wada jir ah ugu yeereen Madaxda Ururka Ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee Sudan iyo qaar ka mid ah Marti sharaftii ka soo qeeyb gashay Munaasabada si ay u maamuusaan bixinta Koob Kubada cagta ah oo  ee ay labada urur galabnimadii  dhex dhigeen kooxo Soomaaliyeedoo  ka dhisan Khartoum, waxaana kabtanka kooxda qaaday koobka  Muduudi Ciyaar yahan C.rixmaan (Carach) koobkii gudoonsiiyay Xog-hayaha Maaliyada Ururka Ardayda Soomaaliyeed ee Sudan Mudane Saciid Jeerbe.

Hadaba munaasabadani waa tii ugu horeeysay oo nooceeda ah oo lagu qabto dalka Sudan, ayadoo hore loo xusujiray maalmaha Xoriyada Soomaaliya oo kaliya.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

K'naan Brings World Cup Trophy Home. Second Home That is

K'naan Warsame, the talented Poet/Rapper accompanied the FIFA World Cup Trophy to Toronto and unveiled it at Pearson International Airport ceremony. The Canadian Newspaper National Post had a piece on this event. Read it here.

We all know this trophy was to be taken to Mogadishu too a few months back. Unfortunately, it didn't make it to the war torn city. What did K'naan do to prevent the World Cup Tour from escaping his birth place? Read the Interview Sports Illustrated had with K'naan here to find out his struggle to bring his first home the beloved trophy.

On another note, K'naan's Waving Flag remix for Haiti raised over $1M dollars with tens of thousands of sales. The proceeds all going to charities working in Haiti. Now here is an article of how this Waving Flag became the anthem of the world. Read the thestar.com's Antonia Zerbisias report - How K’naan’s ‘Wavin’ Flag’ became anthem for the world

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Bastooladda Ha Iisoo Dhoweyn: Aadan Madoobe

Ayaan waxaan xasuustaa in waagii dowladdii C/laahi Yuusuf horboodayay TFG-dii oo raggii baarlamaan ahaan u ahaa ay ku shiri jireen wadamada deriska Soomaaliya la ah ay ayaan isku dagaaleen gogoshii ay baarlamaan ahaan isugu imaan jireen taasoo ka dhacday Kharduum Sudan. Video-gaas meel kastaa ayaad ka heli kartaa.

Marka, shalay ayaa waxaa madoobo oo furaya xarunta golaha shacabka uu u sheegay saxaafadda in aan loo ogolaaneyn xildhibaanada baarlamaanka inay la soo galaan gudaha golaha bastoolado. Sidoo kale moobeeladana lama ogola in lagu dhex daaro meesha shirka ka socdo iyadoo xataa baabuurta banaanka lagu soo barkinayo.

Marka su'aashu waa, maxaa keenay in nin xildhibaan ah uu wato bastoolad? Yuu iskaga difaacayaa? Hadii uu isleeyahay isku difaac oo nafta ku ilaasho, waayo qofka uu bastoolad wax uga qaadayo oo soo weeraraya. Waa lawada ogsoon yahay hadii qof inuu xamar kugu toogto rabo, ma heleysid fursad aad ku soo saarato bastoolad. Tan kale, waxaaba lagugu soo weerarayaa qorka darandooriga u dhaca sida aakaha ama m16ka iwm. Marka bastooladu wax kaa dhicin meyso.

Hadiise ay ku faraxsanyihiin, naftu waa muhiime, inay wataan bastoolad oo geesinimo ay ka helayaan, waxaa haboon inaysan meelaha qaarkood marka ay joogaan aanaysan jeebka ugu jirin wax hub ah. Waa taqaan baarlamaan. Waxa laysugu yimaado waa dood iyo in la isla fahmo arrimaha ku soo kordha sharciga. Mararka qaarna doodu faraha ayay ka baxdaa. Marka yaa la doodi kara qof isagu sita bastoolad oo hadii warkaaga uu u begi waayo qabriga kuu diraya.

Nin hubeysan dood maba galo. Aadan Madoobe waa laga yaabaa inuu markii hore iska ogolaan jiray in xildhibaanada qaar ay soo horfadhiistaan iyagoo hubeysan. Hase yeeshee xaalku sidii hore maaha. Madoobe kursiga dad baa maanta ku heysta, kuwaasoo u badan yihiin dad ay isku jufo yihiin, sida wararku sheegayaan. Balse, hadii dhii'du gaarto sheekada, iskuma hubo qof hubeysan inuu dood la soo hor istaago.

Waa kanaa Video-ga Aaadan Madoobe oo xildhibaanada u sheegaya inay ka soo tagaan bastooladaha si nabadana uga soo qeyb galaan shirarka Baarlamaanka (waaba hadii uu dhacayee)

Halkaan ka daawo - http://www.waatv.com//0/video/somalia/fNzihyaPNwM.html

Waxaad joogtaa -
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Yaa U Sheega Burcad Badeeda in Dadka ay Qabsadaan Ehello Leeyihiin

Dadka ay qabsato burcad badeedku waa dad nool oo leh ehelo ay ka dhaseen. Waxaan badankeen aamin sanahay inaan waxba naga galin qofkii badda Soomaaliya iyagoo dhex jeexaaya burcad badeed markabkooda ku qabsato. Hase yeeshee, dadku waa shaqaale aan waxba galabsan. Qoys hindi ah oo ku nool gobolka Trivandrum ee dalka India ayaa cabaadkooda laga soo daayey television gobolkaas ku yaal. Waxa ay u andacoonayaan in dowladda India wax ka qabato xaaladda ay ku jiraan islamarkaana dowladdu sameyso dhaq dhaqaaqyo ay u ololeynayaan in eheladooda burcad badeedu heysato lagu soo daayo.

Daawo sawirrada dadkaas. Video-gan hoos ku jira ka fiirso.
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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hawo badanaa dhalinyarteena maanta. Abdi vs Young B.

Dhalin yarta soomaaliyeed waxay had iyo jeer isku dayaan inay ku milmaan dadka ay dhex degan yihiin. Waxay badankood iska doon doonaan waxyaabo aysan ku howl lahayn iyagoo mar mar soo dhoweeya qaabkii howlahaas lagu yaqaanay oo aan laga garan karin dadkii ay matalayeen.

Waxaad mararka qaar arkeysaa dhalinyar rapka isku dhibeysa, marar kale waxaa laga yaabaa inay kalaabyada uga horeeyaan dhalinyarta cadaanka ama midowga waalidkoodu kalaab isku dhex barteen, qaarkoodna uurkooda lagu qaaday. Kasii daran, Soomaali badan ayaa is leysa oo gaangistaro ah, sida kuwa Alberta, Canada isku laayay oo tobaneeyo iska dilay.

Waxaase ugu daran, qofku hadii oow howl uusan u dhalan isku taxalujiyo inuu hunguri ka raadiyo, waxaa fiican inuu ugu yaraan qofku ka muuqdo meeshii howshaas lagu hayo. Hadii kale halkaanna ma joogo xagana ma gaarin oo meel dhexe ayuu ku dhumay. (Hadii aad iga sugeyso wax murti ah, maahmaah ku haboon iisoo sheeg.)

Waxaan rabaa inaan ku tuso xaalada qaar caruurteenu ku jiraan. Wiilkan la magac baxay Young B oo isku sheega Rapper waxa uu isku dayayaa inuu hees English ah rap ku qaado.

Erayada uu ku rap-gareeynayo waxaa ka mid ah.

wada ..fa you saying..
yow yow geda fa outa heee ya
wasab maaaan, wasab maaan,
because i make it hoooot, because i make it hooot,
no matter weeya
no maata weeya
a five foot soomaali ya

Marka kore, sida aad ka arkeyso erayada uu ku heesayo, waxaa dareemi kartaa in qofkani dhiman yahay oo wax si ka yihiin. Maxaa haya?

Wiilka, waa Young B ye, waa fanaan soo baxaya oo isku taxalujinaya inuu heer ka gaaro rapka. Marka meel uu wax ka bilaabo uu la'yahay. Waxaa laga yaabaa inuusan ingiriiskaba ku hadal ee hadda ku jiro grade 9 ESL class maadaama hadda ka yimid kismaayo, ama ceelasha biyaha, oo U.N-tu keentay. Marka, inuu qoro wax lagu heeso oo macno ku fadhiya waa ka maqantahay oo weli ma fahmin inaadan iska heesi karin hadii aadan aqoon erayo isku aad aadan oo laxni leh.

Young B, waxaan rajeynayaa in sanad markaad saan ku sii socoto aad xirfad u yeelan doonto Rapka oo aadan u dhawaaqin sidii dameer mudac lagu muday oo KHA KHA laga siiyay.

Dhanka kale, waxaa jira wiil la yiraahdo Cabdi oo isna RAP ku howlan oo video-giisa soo geliyay youtube-ka (SI AAN tusaale ahaan u isticmaalo) Heestan la yiraahdo, 'Rap with a Cause' waa mid uu ku fara yareesano. Hadii aad ka mid tahay dhalin yarta dhageysata music-ga nuucaan ah, daqiiqadda ugu horeysa ee heesta waxaad fahmi kartaa inuu Cabdi la tartami karo fanaaniinta iibisa Albumada Rapka. Balse, sida uu heesta uu ku sheegayo, waxa ay ka tahay hobby oo uma jeedo inuu isku howliyo. Waakan video-ga heestaas.

Sababta aan isu bar bardhigayo Abdi iyo 'YOUNG B' waa inaan ku tuso heerka ay kala marsan yihiin labada wiil. Mid wuxuu isku dayayaa inuu sidii gaangiistar u heeso oo waa keeni la'yahay. Midna isagoo si ciyaar ciyaar ah ugu taag taagsanaya ayuu la tirsan karaa dad shaqadoodu tahay inay rap lacag ku cunaan. Marka, hadii aadan xirfad u lahayn, ha isku dayin waxii aadan haweysan karin.Somali News Videos - Somali Blogs - Somali News - Somali Videos - Somali Chat

Friday, May 14, 2010

Hees Nabad by Waayaha Cusub - Video

Heestan waa mid Waayaha Cusub qaadayaan oo la yiraahdo Nabad. Albumkii Maslaxo. Nabad waa la raadiyaa, nabad waa lariiqaa? Halkaan ka furo heestan. Waayaha Cusub heesta Nabad, Maslaxo
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