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Over three days in a London studio, Keane and K'NAN created the hit "Stop For A Minute". The track is taking off in the UK, cl...
Fanaanadda Caanka ah ee sanadka 2010-2011 Farxiyo (farhia) Fiska oo Qaaday hees cusub la magac baxday 'DHAG DHAG' ayaad ka dhageysa...
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Monday, May 17, 2010
Amanda Lindhout to send Somali Women To University
Amanda who was held hostage for more than a year in Somalia has started a foundation to send women in the war-torn country to university' reports CTV news. It seems the woman who probably learned most of what she knows about Somalia through her ordeal while she was in captivity and through the eyes of her captives is helping other women who are in no position to help themselves.
According to the CTV news report, Lindhout plans to send 10 women in Somalia to University this year, and 100 more by the next four years. This shows that the journalist has links in Somalia to the point where she can contact the women chosen to attend University through her scholarship program.
Although she raised only $5000 for the women's tuition and other expenses while they're in the School year, only $1000 per student is needed per year. Lindhout's organization is not yet registered and therefore need to wait a little longer before she can accept donations and give out receipts. Nonetheless, anyone who's willing to help can contact her personally and give what he/she can.
Of course, in Canada, everyone is listed in the phone book and Amanda Lindhout is no different so if you are serious about helping Somali women go to college, check the Bell Canada phone book.
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