What you may have missed

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cabdullahi Yusuf oo Kasoo Horjeestay Shirka "Wadatashiga" ee Ka Dhacay Nairobi

-Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya Mudane C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa markii ugu horeysay cambaareeyay shirkii loogu yeeray “WADATASHIGA” kaas oo ka dhacay 12-13 bishan magaalada Nairobi islamarkaana ay soo qaban-qaabisay Qaramada Midoobay.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Miski lets us Look Over her Shoulders, hot Track mix Single by Miski - Music Video

If you haven't seen the new video of Miski here is your chance to watch it once. This little known artist has her own rythmic fast paced style of rap that only a few hardcore british grime lovers understand. Personally, it is just too fast for me. But if you're a rap music enthusiast, this artist has plenty of rhymes to offer. Here is her latest mix single Miski - Looking Over Shoulders.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Jaceylka.com oo Sheegay In Farxiyo Fiska Tuugo Tahay - Ma Runbaa?

Hadaan nahay bahda Somchat.tk waxaan rabnaa inaan halkaan kaga helino fanaanadda caanka ah ee ku magacdheer Fiska taasoo dhowaan dadka xiiseeya funka iyo suugaanta u sameysay hees ay ku raaxeystaan oo ay u bixisay Dhamac Jaceyl balse kusii magac dheer Dhag-dhag. Heestaas dad badani warkeeda ayay hayaan iyadoo aad looga faaloodo taasoo keentay in websiteyo badani Farxiyo Fiska heesteedaas so dhejiyeen.

Email Promises $10000 in 24 Hours - Has Microsoft Gone Crazy?

Microsoft u - not fake - can make money really fast with Microsoft u. This was the contents of an email I recently received which was the kind of email everyone forwards to everyone else. The email promised a lot of money in a very short period of time being on the Microsoft U program. I did some research and this is basically what I found out.

Northern Somali City Houses First Local Prison For Pirates

Out of necessity, Somalia's Northern city Hargeisa is now the home to the first Maximum Security Prison for the Pirates. Apparently no country in the world wanted to keep pirates in their prison for the long term. However, the UN, which gave the northern Somalis about $1.5 million (£940,000) for the refurbishment of Hargeisa prison, announced that the facility is equipped to receive international transfers. It is expected that the opening of this maximum security prison could theoretically relieve the burden on other nations affected by piracy that are unwilling to imprison pirates long term.