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Sunday, August 31, 2008

More than 25,000 Somali Refugees Fled Kenya Since Beginning of 2008

Sharp increase in number of refugees entering Kenya At least 25,000 Somali refugees have arrived in Kenya. Instability in southern Somalia has led to a sharp increase in the number of refugees entering Kenya. At least 25,000 Somali refugees have arrived in Kenya since the beginning of the year to join 130,000 others living in refugee camps since 1991 in the arid Dadaab area in the northeastern province, said officials.

There are only a handful of wells to provide water, food is carefully rationed by the World Food Programme, and most people live in flimsy huts made from bits of twig bound together with string and covered in plastic sheeting from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
The land is flat, and the shrubs are almost exclusively thorn bushes with spines as long and hard as nails. And yet still the Somalis come, at a rate of at least 200 a day.

Those thronging the fence are hoping to jump the queue for registration as refugees - a status that gives them a fighting chance at a relatively safe and stable life denied to them at home in Somalia.

Bitter fighting In Mogadishu

Take Dahawa Mohammed Noor. Back home in Mogadishu, she had a good life as a wife, a teacher and a mother of nine. But the fighting between the Islamist insurgents on the one hand and Ethiopian forces backing the Transitional Federal Government on the other, has grown ever more bitter over the past few months.

Dahawa and her family managed, but only just. She and her husband struggled to keep their children fed as the cost of food more than trebled over the past six months. But Dahawa and her family were determined to stay - Mogadishu was their home, after all. Then the fighting drifted towards their corner of the city. In one bloody, terrifying night, Dahawa said soldiers raided their neighbourhood. With tears streaming down her face, she was unable to explain exactly whathappened, except that her husband and five of her children were all killed.

With the surviving members of her family, Dahawa fled Mogadishu, and spent three weeks trekking and hitching rides through Somalia's western desert to the Kenyan border and the relative security of Dadaab. Dahawa's story is tragic, but it is hardly unusual.

Bandit culture In Somalia
Bloodshed, drought and starvation are all contributing to what amounts to a perfect storm for aid agencies. A UN analysis of food security in Somalia found 3.25 million people desperately in need of humanitarian support - a figure 77% higher than their estimates at the beginning of the year, and one which represents 43% of the entire population. The civil war lies at the heart of the crisis. I'm telling the Somalis 'enough, enough' - 18 years (they've been at war) and I think it's the right time now that they sit together.

Abdul Aziz Arrukban
UN Secretary General's Humanitarian Envoy

The escalating battles between the mosaic of factions and clans have forced hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. They have also created a culture of banditry and piracy that makes it all but impossible for aid agencies to deliver food, medicines or shelter to large parts of the country.

The UN describes the current security situation as the worst since the conflict began 17 years ago. The violence has also contributed to an economic crisis made worse by the uncontrolled printing of cash to fund the war. Together with soaring prices for imported fuel and food, the surplus of Somali shillings has triggered hyperinflation that has forced the cost of food up 700% in the past year. That, in turn, has created a new class of urban poor, unable to feed themselves. And on top of it all, a drought - now in its fourth year - has all but destroyed crops and livestock across much of the south.

Diplomatic frustration

For the UN Secretary General's Humanitarian Envoy, Abdul Aziz Arrukban, the situation is exasperating. The number of refugees is expected to surge in the coming months

He has just completed a tour of the region, including a brief visit to the town of Wajid in the south of Somalia. On a tour through the Dadaab refugee centre, the Saudi-born diplomat waved his hands in frustration. "In the market (in Wajid), I picked up an egg, and I asked how much it was. Do you know that egg cost 20 US cents?" Mr Arrukban asks.

"That is more than five times what it cost six months ago. That's just too much," he continues. "How can these people pay for that? It's impossible."

Mr Arrukban's job is to facilitate the humanitarian response to the crisis, but he was also quick to admit that it is just a band-aid.

"I'm telling the Somalis 'enough, enough' - 18 years (they've been at war) and I think it's the right time now that they sit together," he says.

"They must figure out some way to find peace because building more camps (like Dadaab) is not the solution," he adds. That prospect appears a long way off.

The UNHCR says while the daily numbers of refugees now arriving in Dadaab are at an all-time high, they expect them to surge still further over the coming weeks and months.

This article was posted on Somalinews.com

6 Civilians Killed By Former Mogadishu Mayor's Militia In Mogadishu, Somalia

On August 30, 2008, members of the TFG militia, specifically those under the command of the former Mogadishu Mayor, Mohammed Dhere, executed 5 civilians in the Ba'ad market which is the second largest market in Mogadishu.

As the holly month of Ramadan approaches, residents of Mogadishu crowd the markets to gather food in preparation for the holly month. Unfortunately, the gathering of many unarmed civilians provides the TFG Militia with many targets including women, children and important businessmen.

This is not the first incident where TFG militia armed with automatic weapons entered markets at the heart of the city and murdered shoppers and businessmen in broad daylight. In addition to killing random victims, the TFG militia also rob stores and detain whoever they want.

In Mogadishu, it is normal never to hear from those the TFG militia, including copy-Ethiopia, detain unless they pay tariffs. Most often though, the TFG detain businessmen whom they think may own properties and demand money for their release. Killing civilians is a way of announcing their seriousness and that they mean business.

Currently, the Ba'ad market is closed as the shop keepers are worried they may be targeted by the TFG militia raiding the market.

Somali blogs and news will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.
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Source: Somalia blogs and news Technology Somali Blogs http://windowsandlinuxwebhost.blogspot.com/
Sports > http://torontobasketballfans.blogspot.com/
Additional Somali Sources
Af Soomaali blog Somalia Blog YouSomali Number 1 Somali Blogs Mogadishu News Current Somali News Somali News Articles United Islamic Courts Blog Somali News Blog Somali By Somalis Somali Cities Blogs US Agenda In Somalia Somali Music
Other Somali Sources Amin Arts Discussions Somali News and Blogs

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Somali TFG Police Clash with Ethiopian Trained TFG militia

The Somali Transitional Government Police in deadly clashes with the TFG's Copy Ethiopia army in Afgoye in the Lower Shabelle region. Residents of Afgoye report that major fighting is taking place in the heart of the agriculturally rich city coming from both sides of the TFG militias. So far, no casualties have been reported from the hostile areas but are expected to arise as the fighting cools down.

The TFG copy Ethiopia army was trained in Ethiopia for the purpose of one day replacing the Ethiopian army and defending the Transitional Federal Government. So far, they have conducted robberies, murders, rape, and displacements of the Southern Somali populations. Earlier this month, the took part in killing 75 civilians in a refugee camp.

Not only are they targeted by the other groups of the TFG forces such as the Police, but also the Copy Ethiopia militia are targeted by anti-government and anti-Ethiopia liberationists such as Al-Shabab and ICU armies. As a result, several hundreds of the original 3000 Copy Ethiopia troops have surrendered to anti-Ethiopian fighters who gave them amnesty after disarming them.

Today's fighting shows how far the Copy Ethiopia are from what the Ethiopians are said to have trained them for. Instead of engaging the anti-government force, they caused distress and fear among the civilians. And now, they are fighting other forces of the government which they are supposed to protect. The Copy Ethiopia are said to be commanded only by Ethiopian generals who dictate their missions. Whether their commanders are in sync with the TFG is unknown.

Somali blogs and news will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.
Somchat would like to publish your story. Please send us your link so we can review it and publish it!
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Source: Somalia blogs and news
Technology Somali Blogs http://windowsandlinuxwebhost.blogspot.com/

Sports > http://torontobasketballfans.blogspot.com/

Additional Somali Sources

Af Soomali blog Somalia Blog YouSomali Number 1 Somali Blogs Mogadishu News Current Somali News Somali News Articles United Islamic Courts Blog Somali News Blog Somali By Somalis Somali Cities Blogs US Agenda In Somalia Somali Music

Other Somali Sources

Amin Arts Discussions Somali News and Blogs

Friday, August 29, 2008

Ethiopia hints at leaving Somalia - BBC News

Ethiopia invaded its neighbour in 2006 to oust an Islamist militia and re-install the transitional government. He told the UK's Financial Times paper that financial pressures had to be taken into account and said the commitment was not open ended.

The withdrawal of Ethiopians is a key demand of the Islamist insurgents. Al-Shabab, the radical wing of the Islamists who controlled much of Somalia in 2006, has refused to recognise a recent UN-brokered agreement the interim government has signed with an opposition group including a top Islamist leader. It has demanded that Ethiopian troops leave Somalia before any ceasefire is considered.

Somalia has experienced almost constant civil conflict since the collapse of Mohamed Siad Barre's regime in January 1991.

'Lose patience'
"The operation has been extremely expensive so we will have to balance the domestic pressures on the one hand and pressures in Somalia on the other and try to come up with a balanced solution," Mr Meles told the Financial Times.

We didn't anticipate that the international community would be happy riding the Ethiopian horse and flogging it at the same time for so long said Prime Minister Meles Zenawi who has been struggling to reconcile a rift within the Somali interim government.

The Somalia president and prime minister fell out over the sacking of the mayor of the capital, Mogadishu, which has experienced the brunt of the violence.

The BBC's Elizabeth Blunt in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, says Mr Meles's remarks may partly have been intended to concentrate the minds of the Somali leadership by pointing out that if Ethiopia really did lose patience it could pull out and leave them to their own devices.
He did express the hope that a replacement force would be fully or nearly fully deployed before the Ethiopian troops left.

But he added that given past practice, Ethiopia could never be sure when the African Union could deploy in any meaningful sense.

He also blamed the West for the continuing instability, saying it had offered lukewarm political and financial support for an African Union peacekeeping force.

"We didn't anticipate that the international community would be happy riding the Ethiopian horse and flogging it at the same time for so long," he said.

So far only about 2,200 of a planned 8,000-strong AU peacekeeping force have been sent to Somalia.

BBC News

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Abducted Journalists Not Harmed!

August 27, 2008 - Qaranimo Online - An organization that fights for press freedom says it has received word that a Canadian freelance journalist kidnapped in Somalia has not been harmed.
Dennis Trudeau, spokesman for Reporters Without Borders, said from Montreal that the organization was told Tuesday by the National Union of Somali Journalists that Amanda Lindhout, 27, from Sylvan Lake, Alta., is not being mistreated by her captors.
Lindhout was abducted at gunpoint with Australian photojournalist Nigel Brennan, 35, outside Mogadishu on Saturday.

"The journalists have not been harmed," Trudeau said. "They are clothed, they're being fed and they may even have access to satellite TV."

Trudeau said the journalists are being held about 80 kilometres north of the Somali capital, Mogadishu. "But obviously, you know, for reasons of security and whatever, we can't tell you exactly where they might be."

Trudeau said earlier news reports suggested that the journalists' guards were also abducted, but he said that is not the case according to Somali journalists' union.
Islamist insurgents didn't take pair: spokesman Islamist insurgents in Somalia said they are not responsible for the kidnapping, according to a news report published in the Australian.

Sheik Abdirahim Isse Adow, a spokesman for Somalia's Islamist insurgents, told the newspaper that the kidnapping may have been carried out by a fringe group. "We don't know who kidnapped them. There is a [rebel] group which kidnaps for ransom, separate from rivals who have political objectives," Adow is quoted as saying in an interview published Tuesday.
According to the report, Adow said his group is investigating and is willing to help to secure the release of the two journalists.

"We shall do all that is possible to save them," he told the Australian.

The Somali government confirmed the kidnapping on Sunday. Foreign Affairs in Canada has not yet confirmed the incident. Foreign Affairs said on the weekend that the Canadian high commission in Kenya is aware of news reports that indicate that the two journalists are missing.
The department said consular officials are in contact with local authorities to try to confirm the reports.

News Report on CBC.Ca

At least 12 Somali TFG and Ethiopian militia Killed In Mogadishu

On August 26th, twelve soldiers have been killed in Somalia after insurgents attacked Somali and Ethiopian troops south of Mogadishu, a report says.

Anti-Ethiopian groups attacked government militia and their Ethiopian supporters at Shirkole and Gashandhiga bases south of Mogadishu killing 12 soldiers, a Press TV correspondent in Somalia reported.

Unconfirmed reports indicate that the Ethiopians have lost two military vehicles in the attack. There has been no immediate report about the casualties of the anti-government groups.

The almost daily clashes between Ethiopian proxy government militia along with its Ethiopian army supporters and anti-government groups have weekened the Ethiopian military's hold on the Southern Somalia region. Ethiopian retaliation to these attacks claimed at least 6000 lives in the past year alone, and more than 2.5 million displaced civilians.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It is Over! Google Officially Retired Referrals! My Referral Ads No longer display! The Termination of Google Referrals

No More sign ups! No more Daily Conversions, No More funky Banners, No more Google Referrals! Google is no longer providing Referrals as part of their Google Adsense program. What are the alternatives to Google Referrals?

If you are not familiar with Google Adsense, this may not be in your radar. But those of you who are Adsense users, you will be missing a big chunk of your daily income because the Referrals Program is terminated to make way for Google Affiliate Network. As of today, millions of web sites are no longer showing Referral ads as the code to show the ads no longer works! If you have visited Somchat.com before, you would have noticed the big banner reading "Get Your Web SIte Free, Easy 3 steps" from Wetpaint.com. I tell you, that made me money everyday as they paid a good change per sign up!

With millions of web sites showing Google Adsense, many web surfers will notice the difference as the web will probably be faster a little bit due to the following reasons.
The referrals program from Google was mostly Banner oriented. This means web sites normally showed a large graphical banner, sometimes a flash banner or animated gif for a referral ad.
The fact that millions of web sites showed Google Adsense Referral banners meant that millions more web pages within those web sites also displayed the same banners. Basically, Every web sites, out of those millions of adsense enabled sites, had at least more than one web page showing the same ad banner. When that many pages are no longer showing the ads, you can imagine how much traffic bandwidth is freed up.

The Alternative to Google Adsense Referrals.

Apparently, Google is trying hard to make up for the lost revenue incurring from their Referral retirement. To offset this loss, Google introduced long ago, the Google Affiliate Network (GAN). This is where millions of web publishers sell Google partner products on their web sites and take a piece of the pie. Although this is an excellent source of income for web sites with large traffic, (i.e hundreds of thousands of visits per day to millions of visits per day), web sites averaging fewer than ten thousand visits per day will likely to see that sales are hard to come by. And as a result will not collect enough commissions. In contrast, the Referral program made the majority of small time web sites conversions so money went to almost every Google Adsense subscriber's account that used referrals.

So, although the GAN is an alternative to Google Referrals it is still not nearly as profitable to less popular web sites, as the Google Referrals was.

Switching to More text and graphical based Google's Adsense for Content links.

Now that a large space will be available on publisher's web sites, where the Referral banners used to be displayed, many publishers will be replacing them with textual links from Google Adsense for Content. Adsense for Content will now become the primary source of showing Google Adwords subscribers links on web sites. So, expect to see more links on the web sites you visit! Either that, or Google will display banners instead of links through the Adsense for Content where clicks will be counted as supposed to sign ups and conversions from Google Referrals.

To every Google Adsense publisher! I say, Good luck to your financial success, because Google's decision to retire Adsense Referrals will definitely pick your pocket a bit.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Warning! Waagacusub Has a Deadly Computer Virus!

Waagacusub is a major Somali News web site with daily updates. It is well known for articles that are critical to every group of the Somali polical spectrum. None the less, many Somalis overseas as well as many in Somalia read it daily and are finding it tough to continue to visit the WaagaCusub news site due to technical difficulties.

If you haven't visited Waagacusub.com lately, please do not visit their web site for your own computer's sake. There is a virus on Waagacusub web site which is a major threat for your computer and it can harm your pc. It has been like this for the last several months.

We spoke with the WaagaCusub webmaster and asked if he knows about the virus on their web server. According to him, there are outside groups trying to shut him down and are attacking the web server that hosts them with virus. A web server is an online computer in which a web site's files are kept for public access through a public universal resource locater (url).

Unfortunately, the same people that are out to criple waagacusub.com are indirectly causing havoc in Somali people's homes infecting individual computers unintentionally.

Ahmed Olad, a Somali student in University of Mysore said, "I visited Waagacusub.com several weeks ago and my computer shut down right of way. I couldn't turn it back on. I had to take it to a pc repair guy near my house who charged me some fees to reinstall the operating system."

The threat level of the virus on Waagacusub.com is severe and may not only infect your computer's hard drive, it may actually damage your hardware. Furthermore, the majority of anti-virus programs do not detect it. Most often, you will notice your computer shut down unexpectedly before you even finish opening the waagacusub.com index page.

It is rare that Somali news web sites are infected with virus by a group of individuals out to shut them down. However, no one knows the exact number of web sites that may have a virus on their web server. The best way to surf the web to minimize the any unwanted effects to your pc is to browse while you have an antivirus software installed. If you do not have one install, stay away from waagacusub.com and first download and install ThreatFire and PC Tools Firewall Plus which is free.

Here is the download link to ThreatFire which comes with PC Tools FireWall Plus program

Somali TFG Leaders Sign Reconciliation Agreement

somali TFG President and Prime MinisterAbdulahi Yuusuf Nuur Cadde, the respective TFG interim President and Prime Minister signed a deal of agreement on August 24, 2008 in Adis Ababa, the Capital city of Ethiopia. The two were called earlier this month to a negotiation function administered by Zenawi and his staff in Ethiopia where they were blamed for fuelling further unrest in Somalia because of their differences.

In a news conference in Adis Ababa, in order to abide to the will of the Prime minister of Ethiopia and Mr. Zenawi. the TFG heads announced their agreement in a written document outlining the terms in which their agreement is to hold valid containing the following conditions.

  1. To ensure the success of the disposal of former Mogadishu Mayer Mohamed Dhere.
  2. To abide by the Prime Minister's decision of naming the new ministers
  3. To name to the cabinet of minister five new ministers and to include two the former ministers who resigned in support of Abdullahi Yusuf.
  4. To keep as ministers those who vocally resigned but have not submitted their resignation to the office of the Prime Minister

The two rivals of the TFG have supporting cast in the TFG parliament each working on strategies to oust the other from the government. In fact, Abdullahi Yusuf threatened the Prime Minister that he would get rid of him like he did his predecessor, Mr. Gedi. The Ethiopian dictator, Zenawi, of whom both of them take command and who dictates their agendas and tasks in the TFG clearly took sides on their conflict favoring Mr. Nur Ade, the Prime Minister. Mr. Zenawi commanded Abduhi Yusuf on several occasions to quit meddling with the TFG government affairs and political routes and rather become part of the solution instead of the problem.

Yesterday, as a final note, the Zenawi government wrote to both conflicting parties announcing they would withdraw their troops out of Somalia if the TFG continues to be divided. As a result, the two heads finally signed a deal to unite in order to stay in power in Somalia.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Amanda Lindhout and Nigel Abducted at Gunpoint in Refugee Camp near Mogadishu

Two freelance journalists one from Alberta, Canada named Amanda Lindhout, age 27, and one from Australia named Nigel has been abducted at gunpoint near the Somali capital of Mogadishu. Amanda's father who lives in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada told Canadian reporters on Saturday that he was contacted by Foreign Affairs department to inform him of the Kidnapping.

According to Global National, a Canwest News Service group,who interviewed Amanda's father by a telephone, said the journalist arrived in Somalia with an Australian friend, the other journalist who was also kidnapped whom the Australian news media calls him only by Nigel.

Ms. Lindhout had being on tour through Africa to gather freelance reports which she planned to sell to Canadian broadcasters and a French television network. Amanda's mission in Somalia was to report on the deteriorating security situtaion as well as the food shortages affecting 2.6 million displaced people.

A Somali translator and two bodyguards set off with the journalists on Saturday morning for a location near Elasha, 18 kilometres south of the capital, and it is believed the group was in a vehicle that was stopped by gunmen as it travelled to a refugee camp near Elasha,

Earlier Saturday, Reuters reported that an unnamed Canadian and an Australian reporter had been abducted on their way to a displaced persons camp. “They left us this morning to visit internally displaced camps on the outskirts of Mogadishu,” said Mohamed Ajos, the head of security at Mogadishu’s Shamo Hotel, where the pair had been staying. “Now they are nowhere to be found. They were accompanied by a Somali translator and were to visit parts of Lower Shabelle region.”

The Canadian Foreign Affairs Department in Ottawa issued a travel advisory on July 11 warning all Canadians in Somalia to leave the country indicating that, “there is a high security threat in Somalia. Killings and kidnappings continue to occur in all areas of the country and there have been targeted assassinations of foreigners, including journalists, human rights activists, and humanitarian workers.”
Somali blogs and news will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Zenawi's Minister Calls Somali TFG Heads Liars and Incompetent

The Ethiopian Foreign Minister accused the Somali Prisident and the Somali Prime Minister of being responsible for the unrest in Somalia.

Melez Zenawi's Foreign Minister accused the Somali TFG's President and Prime Minister of being behind the civilian displacement and the country's unrest. He said that the two top heads of the TFG lie to the Zenawi government and to the International community when the claim that anti-government groups are causing the civilian unrest in Somalia. On the contrary, the Ethiopian minister that that they do not do their responsibilities to the Somali government properly, but rather busy themselves with propaganda to deceive the International donors.

The minister continued that the two persons have no experience in managing a unity government and that they mostly look out for the their respective relatives and sub-clans.

The Ethiopian minister's accusations arise at a time the TFG President and Prime Minister are in Addis Ababa, the Capital city of EThiopia, as they get rebreifing from their so called boss, Melez Zenawi. The majority of the Somalis call the TFG a cover-up puppet government that is put together to legitimize the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia.

It was early this week that Abdullahi Yusuf ordered his militia to bombard the biggest market in Somalia, Bakaraha, with heavy artillery including BM shells. The Bakaraha is located in the heart of Mogadishu housing the majority of capital city's residents. It is also the heart of the financial district of Somalia. The TFG militia routinely target Bakaraha to conduct robberies and collect tariffs while they rob banks, money transfer companies, and small Qat shops on a regular basis.

Abdullahi Yusuf is also linked to pirates operating in Puntland region.

Somali blogs and news will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.
Somchat would like to publish your story. Please send us your link so we can review it and publish it!

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Source: Somalia blogs and news


Sports > http://torontobasketballfans.blogspot.com/

Additional Somali Sources

Friday, August 22, 2008

Want to Download Streamed Videos? YouTube, MSN, GoogleVideo, AOL Videos, All Streaming Media?

How to record streamed music and videos and to your computer?

[DnldAndRcrdMngr-744163.JPG]Today I will to teach you something new to most of you.  Ok, wait, maybe it is only new to some of you because this is being around for sometime.  But it is still relatively new and that's why those of us who are not Internet savvy or a techie did not figure it out yet.  I am talking about getting the Music and the other Media on the web copied to your computer.  So lets set the objective of this article straight.  After going through this reading, you will know how to save any video from Youtube.  You will also understand the technologies behind the media you will be dealing with.  If you get anything out of this article, let it be that you can save those favorite videos of yours from Youtube and other similar web sites into your computer so you can either store them in a CD or just keep them for any other purpose.

Introduction to Youtube.

I will concentrate on the Youtube example, but I will try to show you other examples later if possible, to make it easier for beginners because Youtube is probably the most famous web sites ever, of course after Google web site.  Don't argue on that statement, and of course it is not an important point of the lesson here.  Any ways, the background on Youtube is that it is a video sharing web site.  This means if I upload a video and you get to see that video as well as other millions of users can watch the same video at the same time.  So, it is simply a storage for virtually unlimited number of videos. 

Until recently, Youtube users only either uploaded videos on Youtube or watched what others had uploaded.  But nowadays, there are numerous ways to also download videos from Youtube with the help of computer programs.

Using Programs to download Videos

The best method I discovered so far is to use RealPlayer, which is one of the most popular media players out there in the market.   If you haven't heard the name, then you probably spent the last decade or so in a deserted Island where there is no Internet connection.  No pun intended!

If you are familiar with RealPlayer, go and download the latest version at the Real Networks web site.  The version I use, which is the only one that will allow streaming media downloading, is v11.03, apparently the latest one.  This is a free program unless you want to buy it for more additional commercial features.

Once you have downloaded Real Player, you need to install it, then you can start downloading.  Of course I will walk you through the necessary steps to perform the task I mentioned here.  So, sit back and read more.  Now look, I know this article can get lengthy and you may not have time to read it all at once, so I recommend you Add to Favorites,

  1. Click on Favorites
  2. Click on Add to Favorites
  3. Click on Ok

How to download Real Player

The steps of downloading RealPlayer 11.03 involves visiting the download web site and then registering with Real Networks (Free Registration) and then when provided with the download link opening the link and saving the download file into your computer.

  1. Go to Real Player Download Link

  2. Under Basic Player heading click on Get Your Player --> button
  3. Once the File Download box shows up on your screen click on Save button
  4. Select the desired folder you want to save the RealPlayer Installation program
  5. Click on Open button again.  Internet Explorer will start the download.

Installing RealPlayer v11.03

Once the download finishes, Internet Explorer will prompt you whether or not you want to run the program or open the folder containing it.  Click on Run button to start installing it.  Some time during the Installation, RealPlayer program will ask you if you want to activate the option to download Streaming Media from the Internet so you need to check the box that says Yes.

That is it.

How to Download the Videos On Youtube

You now have RealPlayer v11.03  installed and ready to download any video.  Whenever you start[DownloadVideoBtn_RPlr-743617.JPG] watching a video, RealPlayer media recording function will start and ask you if you want to download the video.

  1. Click on Download This Vidoe Button
  2. Allow the RP Download Manager to finish downloading[DnldAndRcrdMngr-744163.JPG]

Now to Find the vidoe,

  1. Start Real Player
  2. Click on My Library
  3. Select Downloaded Recordings

You should then see a list of the videos you have downloaded onto Real Player.  Please remember that all Youtube videos are in .flv format which is the standard Flash Player format.

From here on, what you do with the videos you have downloaded is up to you!  However, I will try to explain how you can move it your mobile phone or burn it into a CD to watch it on your VCD/DVD/Vidx player.  But all that in due time.



Abdullahi Yusuf Orders His Militia to Destroy Biggest Market in Mogadishu with Heavy Artillery

The Somali Ethiopian backed TFG President ordered his guards to destroy the Financial market of the city, the Bakaaraha Market which is known to be the biggest market in Somalia.  Abdullahi Yusuf ordered his guards to bombard Bakaraha with heavy artillery as retaliation after his militia had been attacked by Al-Shabab and other anti-government forces in his compound in Somali Villa. 
Several important structures were hit with mortar shells.  Among the buildings damaged by the TFG militias tanks and BM shells include the Hormud Telecommunication office building and Amal bank.  No word of the number of casualties despite the Bakaraha market being one of the most populated areas of Mogadishu, Somalia's Capital city.
As Dalkanews.com reports, the anti-government forces are in battle with the Ethiopian army in several fronts in many districts in Mogadishu's north-west to the southern part of the city.  Although the Bakaraha Market is being targetted by Abdullahi's militia, no fighting is happening there at the moment on Thursday August 21st.
On August 20th, several Somali TFG militia (the Copy-Ethiopia militia) were killed by remote controlled land mine.  They were said to have being conducting armed robbery on civilian vehicles that were headed to Bakaraha Market. 

Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
Somchat would like to publish your story.  Please send us your link so we can review it and publish it!
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Learn to Download Online Videos From Popular Video Sharing Sites - Youtube, AOL, CNN, All Streamed Media

How to record streamed music and videos and to your computer?

[DnldAndRcrdMngr-744163.JPG]Today I will to teach you something new to most of you.  Ok, wait, maybe it is only new to some of you because this is being around for sometime.  But it is still relatively new and that's why those of us who are not Internet savvy or a techie did not figure it out yet.  I am talking about getting the Music and the other Media on the web copied to your computer.  So lets set the objective of this article straight.  After going through this reading, you will know how to save any video from Youtube.  You will also understand the technologies behind the media you will be dealing with.  If you get anything out of this article, let it be that you can save those favorite videos of yours from Youtube and other similar web sites into your computer so you can either store them in a CD or just keep them for any other purpose.

Introduction to Youtube.

I will concentrate on the Youtube example, but I will try to show you other examples later if possible, to make it easier for beginners because Youtube is probably the most famous web sites ever, of course after Google web site.  Don't argue on that statement, and of course it is not an important point of the lesson here.  Any ways, the background on Youtube is that it is a video sharing web site.  This means if I upload a video and you get to see that video as well as other millions of users can watch the same video at the same time.  So, it is simply a storage for virtually unlimited number of videos. 

Until recently, Youtube users only either uploaded videos on Youtube or watched what others had uploaded.  But nowadays, there are numerous ways to also download videos from Youtube with the help of computer programs.

Using Programs to download Videos

The best method I discovered so far is to use RealPlayer, which is one of the most popular media players out there in the market.   If you haven't heard the name, then you probably spent the last decade or so in a deserted Island where there is no Internet connection.  No pun intended!

If you are familiar with RealPlayer, go and download the latest version at the Real Networks web site.  The version I use, which is the only one that will allow streaming media downloading, is v11.03, apparently the latest one.  This is a free program unless you want to buy it for more additional commercial features.

Once you have downloaded Real Player, you need to install it, then you can start downloading.  Of course I will walk you through the necessary steps to perform the task I mentioned here.  So, sit back and read more.  Now look, I know this article can get lengthy and you may not have time to read it all at once, so I recommend you Add to Favorites,

  1. Click on Favorites
  2. Click on Add to Favorites
  3. Click on Ok

How to download Real Player

The steps of downloading RealPlayer 11.03 involves visiting the download web site and then registering with Real Networks (Free Registration) and then when provided with the download link opening the link and saving the download file into your computer.

  1. Go to Real Player Download Link

  2. Under Basic Player heading click on Get Your Player --> button
  3. Once the File Download box shows up on your screen click on Save button
  4. Select the desired folder you want to save the RealPlayer Installation program
  5. Click on Open button again.  Internet Explorer will start the download.

Installing RealPlayer v11.03

Once the download finishes, Internet Explorer will prompt you whether or not you want to run the program or open the folder containing it.  Click on Run button to start installing it.  Some time during the Installation, RealPlayer program will ask you if you want to activate the option to download Streaming Media from the Internet so you need to check the box that says Yes.

That is it.

How to Download the Videos On Youtube

You now have RealPlayer v11.03  installed and ready to download any video.  Whenever you start[DownloadVideoBtn_RPlr-743617.JPG] watching a video, RealPlayer media recording function will start and ask you if you want to download the video.

  1. Click on Download This Vidoe Button
  2. Allow the RP Download Manager to finish downloading[DnldAndRcrdMngr-744163.JPG]

Now to Find the vidoe,

  1. Start Real Player
  2. Click on My Library
  3. Select Downloaded Recordings

You should then see a list of the videos you have downloaded onto Real Player.  Please remember that all Youtube videos are in .flv format which is the standard Flash Player format.

From here on, what you do with the videos you have downloaded is up to you!  However, I will try to explain how you can move it your mobile phone or burn it into a CD to watch it on your VCD/DVD/Vidx player.  But all that in due time.


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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Somalia at Olympics 2008 Beijing Results Report for Abdinasir Said Ibrahim and Samia Yusuf

While Abdinasir Said Ibrahim is said to race tomorrow on August 20th, 2008 at 8:55 PM running the 5000m event at Beijin's National Stadium further delaying any hopes of medal contention for the Somalia Team, the final results are in for Samia Yusuf Omar who finished last in the both Round 1 (46th) and Round 1 Heat 5 (8th). 

On August 18th, unfortunately, Samia's Olympic medal hopes came to an end as she didn't make it to the qualifying rounds.  Samia, though persistently punctual, unfortunately ran approximately 7 seconds slower then the second last runner, as she finished at 32.16 seconds.
Abdinasir Said Ibrahim, the other Somali Olympic medal hopeful is scheduled to participate in the 500m race even on August 20th. 
Very little is known about Abdinasir and Samia as they have very little track experience in International stage.  Also when the focus is on Somalia at all—which is not often in the international media—people remember the power struggle, famine and piracy in the Indian Ocean's Horn of Africa state.  
People are more familiar with Abdi Abdirahman, Somali born who is an American citizen participating the 10000m race event.  Abdirahman attended Tucson High School and Pima Community College in Arizona, became an American citizen 8 years ago in 2000.
Abdirahman first represented the United States at the Athens and Sydney Olympics in the 10,000m last Olympics in 2004. He also finished 15th in this year's 1000m running for the United States.
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Ethiopian army Detain Somali youth in Beledweyne, Hiiraan

After they massacred Somali civilians last week when they opened fire into crowded refugee camp last week, the Ethiopian troops are back to their capture, torture and behead strategy.  Early this morning on August 18, 2008. they detained tens of Somali civilians, mostly youth, from their homes in Beledweyne in Howlwadag and Hodon communites. 
According to witnesses, the Ethiopians are entering homes and detaining the young then taking them into military vehicles without mentioning why and where they are taken.
The Ethiopian soldiers are doing this in broad day light, despite the fact that part of Beledweyne is controlled by the anti-government ARS fighters, who can attack them any time.
It is not uncommon for the Ethiopian soldiers to conduct their searches in the areas they control in Beledweyne or Mogadishu or other small towns in Somalia.  Very often, they detain the youth and torture them.  Most often, they dispose of the dead bodies out into the streets nearby where they detained the young Somalis.  It is unclear whether the Ethiopian army will do this again or not.  We hope not!
Despite the Atrocities and Massacres they continuesly commit in Somalia, the Ethiopian soldiers are financed and funded by the American government to conduct its Geo-political Agenda in Somalia.  Therefore, the Somali people beleive that only the U.S. can stop them from killing the Somali people, although they are well aware that this will not happen any time soon.
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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Sunday, August 17, 2008

75 Somali Civilians Masssacred in A Refugee Camp by Ethiopian Army While Somali President is in Ethiopia

More than 75 people were killed in Somalia on Friday, August 15, 2008, after roadside bomb blasts prompted Somali TFG and Ethiopian troops to open fire on nearby civilians, witnesses said.  Most of the people died when Ethiopian solders shot into traffic and nearby refugee camps.

While the Ethiopian troops massacre Somali civilians in Arbiska near Mogadishu killing more than 75 of Mogadishu's displaced, the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) President and Prime Minister, along with the head of the TFG Parliament are in Addis-Ababa having a meeting with the man who's behind the killings.  The three of the top TFG group attended the meeting that is held for mediation between the TFG President and the Somali TFG Prime Minister conducted by Melez Zenawi.
Despite yesterday's genocide, the Somali Citizens do not expect the Somali Transitional Federal Government to express any condemnation for the Ethiopian Troops ruthless killings of civilian population in the Mogadishu area, let alone the Top TFG officials currently in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, to bring up the issue with Melez Zanawi.  It is suspected that Mr. Yusuf and Mr. Nur Cade are fearful of the Ethiopian dictator who once before jailed infamous Somali warlords such as Muse Sude in Ethiopia. 
 The former warlord of Puntland and now the President of the TFG is indifferent of the struggles of the southern Somali population, specially those in Mogadishu.  He repeatedly admits that he wants revenge, apparently on the Hawiye clan which dominates the Southern Somalia.  In a poem he wrote which was found on a vehicle he deserted after being ambushed by Alshabab, Abdullhi Yusuf expresses his deepest desires.  He writes that he wants the Mogadishu residents to submit to him, and that he orders mass murders, daily robberies, and other armed savagery acts against the Mogadishu residents, only to have them surrender and submit to his will.  Now that the Ethiopian soldiers are killing unarmed non-combatant Somali civilians, Abdullahi Yusuf will keep quiet and watch the people he seems to hate most die until no one left.
The Somali Transitional Government, as the Somali people are aware of, is a puppet for Melez Zanawi, who is in turn hired by Mr. Bush of the United States Government.  Therefore one can claim that Mr. Bush and his government are in-directly responsible for yesterdays killing of 75 Somali refugees near Mogadishu.
Dr. Abdul-Qasim Salad Hassan, the former president of the TFG, not long ago, admitted that the U.S. government should stop supporting the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia.  He said the American people and the Somali people have neutral friendship and that their friendship can be affected if the invasion of Somali is continued, with the backing of the U.S. Government.
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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    Source: Somalia blogs and news 
    Technology  Somali Blogs http://windowsandlinuxwebhost.blogspot.com/

    Saturday, August 16, 2008

    Fifty Displaced Civilians Killed By Ethiopian and TFG Militia In Somalia, Worst Civilians Casulties in Country History

     Ethiopian and TFG Militia who were at Arbiska, a refuge camp for displaced civilians who ran away from the Ethiopian army shelling, killed more than 50 of the displaced people today in Somalia.  The killed displaced Somalis who are refugees in their own country, were mainly women and children and elders.
     According to witnesses, The Ethiopian soldiers and TFG Militia detained people after stopping their cars randomly while they drove in Arbiska.  The soldiers then handcuffed the civilians hands on their back and shot them on the spot.  Others were shot while they were in their cars.  Unable to watch the mascare, those who witnessed claim they have never seen such a brutal killings of so many unarmed civilians in one place and called it the worst genocide in Somalia.  To add to the casulties are the unknown number of injured people who are no where near a hospital.  The Ethiopian and TFG militia drove back to Afgoye where they're based.
     Dispite the civil wars and the armed conflicts of the past nearly 18 years, no armed group ever killed this many people at once, in one place.  This savage killings of Somalia's displaced civilians brings forward the International community's indifference of the Somali people's struggle.  Ironically, the U.N. considers Ethiopia peacekeeping force.

    Earlier on August 15, Ethiopian Troops Behead Somali Civilians Near Mogadishu

    The Ethiopian military in Somalia continue to their rampage and terror.  They once again detained unarmed civilians and beheaded them, then put them out on the streets as to make example of them.
    The ruthless terrorist acts happened in an area between Afgoye, where the TFG and Ethiopian troops currently control, and Mogadishu.  As witnesses say, the Tigrey army stopped a car full of civilians on Thursday evening then escorted the passengers to an unknown location where they apparently tortured them overnight.  Early Friday morning on August 15, the same passengers were found dead, 8 of them beheaded in a nearby street in between Mogadishu and Afgooye town.
    So far, no reports of investigation on the matter and no one from the TFG appeared to be interested to discuss the civilian murders.  Also, there is no official news release from the Ethiopian troops on why they tortured then beheaded the Somali civilians.
    This is not the first time the Ethiopian Tigrey men killed and beheaded unarmed Somali civilians.  On May 8th 2008, the Ethiopian troops killed 17 Somali civilians. About two weeks prior to that day, on April 23rd, Ethiopian army slit the throats of 20 Somali clerics in a mosque.  On Sunday July 13, several young men were executed by Ethiopian troops and TFG militia in Mogadishu and its surroundings.
    The Ethiopian invasion of Somalia is funded by the Bush government under the cover of fighting terror in East Africa.  Political observers say the U.S. Agenda in Somalia is far more deeper than just plain old war on terror.
    Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
    Somchat would like to publish your story.  Please send us your link so we can review it and publish it!