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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fifty Displaced Civilians Killed By Ethiopian and TFG Militia In Somalia, Worst Civilians Casulties in Country History

 Ethiopian and TFG Militia who were at Arbiska, a refuge camp for displaced civilians who ran away from the Ethiopian army shelling, killed more than 50 of the displaced people today in Somalia.  The killed displaced Somalis who are refugees in their own country, were mainly women and children and elders.
 According to witnesses, The Ethiopian soldiers and TFG Militia detained people after stopping their cars randomly while they drove in Arbiska.  The soldiers then handcuffed the civilians hands on their back and shot them on the spot.  Others were shot while they were in their cars.  Unable to watch the mascare, those who witnessed claim they have never seen such a brutal killings of so many unarmed civilians in one place and called it the worst genocide in Somalia.  To add to the casulties are the unknown number of injured people who are no where near a hospital.  The Ethiopian and TFG militia drove back to Afgoye where they're based.
 Dispite the civil wars and the armed conflicts of the past nearly 18 years, no armed group ever killed this many people at once, in one place.  This savage killings of Somalia's displaced civilians brings forward the International community's indifference of the Somali people's struggle.  Ironically, the U.N. considers Ethiopia peacekeeping force.

Earlier on August 15, Ethiopian Troops Behead Somali Civilians Near Mogadishu

The Ethiopian military in Somalia continue to their rampage and terror.  They once again detained unarmed civilians and beheaded them, then put them out on the streets as to make example of them.
The ruthless terrorist acts happened in an area between Afgoye, where the TFG and Ethiopian troops currently control, and Mogadishu.  As witnesses say, the Tigrey army stopped a car full of civilians on Thursday evening then escorted the passengers to an unknown location where they apparently tortured them overnight.  Early Friday morning on August 15, the same passengers were found dead, 8 of them beheaded in a nearby street in between Mogadishu and Afgooye town.
So far, no reports of investigation on the matter and no one from the TFG appeared to be interested to discuss the civilian murders.  Also, there is no official news release from the Ethiopian troops on why they tortured then beheaded the Somali civilians.
This is not the first time the Ethiopian Tigrey men killed and beheaded unarmed Somali civilians.  On May 8th 2008, the Ethiopian troops killed 17 Somali civilians. About two weeks prior to that day, on April 23rd, Ethiopian army slit the throats of 20 Somali clerics in a mosque.  On Sunday July 13, several young men were executed by Ethiopian troops and TFG militia in Mogadishu and its surroundings.
The Ethiopian invasion of Somalia is funded by the Bush government under the cover of fighting terror in East Africa.  Political observers say the U.S. Agenda in Somalia is far more deeper than just plain old war on terror.
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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