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Sunday, August 17, 2008

75 Somali Civilians Masssacred in A Refugee Camp by Ethiopian Army While Somali President is in Ethiopia

More than 75 people were killed in Somalia on Friday, August 15, 2008, after roadside bomb blasts prompted Somali TFG and Ethiopian troops to open fire on nearby civilians, witnesses said.  Most of the people died when Ethiopian solders shot into traffic and nearby refugee camps.

While the Ethiopian troops massacre Somali civilians in Arbiska near Mogadishu killing more than 75 of Mogadishu's displaced, the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) President and Prime Minister, along with the head of the TFG Parliament are in Addis-Ababa having a meeting with the man who's behind the killings.  The three of the top TFG group attended the meeting that is held for mediation between the TFG President and the Somali TFG Prime Minister conducted by Melez Zenawi.
Despite yesterday's genocide, the Somali Citizens do not expect the Somali Transitional Federal Government to express any condemnation for the Ethiopian Troops ruthless killings of civilian population in the Mogadishu area, let alone the Top TFG officials currently in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, to bring up the issue with Melez Zanawi.  It is suspected that Mr. Yusuf and Mr. Nur Cade are fearful of the Ethiopian dictator who once before jailed infamous Somali warlords such as Muse Sude in Ethiopia. 
 The former warlord of Puntland and now the President of the TFG is indifferent of the struggles of the southern Somali population, specially those in Mogadishu.  He repeatedly admits that he wants revenge, apparently on the Hawiye clan which dominates the Southern Somalia.  In a poem he wrote which was found on a vehicle he deserted after being ambushed by Alshabab, Abdullhi Yusuf expresses his deepest desires.  He writes that he wants the Mogadishu residents to submit to him, and that he orders mass murders, daily robberies, and other armed savagery acts against the Mogadishu residents, only to have them surrender and submit to his will.  Now that the Ethiopian soldiers are killing unarmed non-combatant Somali civilians, Abdullahi Yusuf will keep quiet and watch the people he seems to hate most die until no one left.
The Somali Transitional Government, as the Somali people are aware of, is a puppet for Melez Zanawi, who is in turn hired by Mr. Bush of the United States Government.  Therefore one can claim that Mr. Bush and his government are in-directly responsible for yesterdays killing of 75 Somali refugees near Mogadishu.
Dr. Abdul-Qasim Salad Hassan, the former president of the TFG, not long ago, admitted that the U.S. government should stop supporting the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia.  He said the American people and the Somali people have neutral friendship and that their friendship can be affected if the invasion of Somali is continued, with the backing of the U.S. Government.
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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    Source: Somalia blogs and news 
    Technology  Somali Blogs http://windowsandlinuxwebhost.blogspot.com/

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