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Monday, August 18, 2008

Ethiopian army Detain Somali youth in Beledweyne, Hiiraan

After they massacred Somali civilians last week when they opened fire into crowded refugee camp last week, the Ethiopian troops are back to their capture, torture and behead strategy.  Early this morning on August 18, 2008. they detained tens of Somali civilians, mostly youth, from their homes in Beledweyne in Howlwadag and Hodon communites. 
According to witnesses, the Ethiopians are entering homes and detaining the young then taking them into military vehicles without mentioning why and where they are taken.
The Ethiopian soldiers are doing this in broad day light, despite the fact that part of Beledweyne is controlled by the anti-government ARS fighters, who can attack them any time.
It is not uncommon for the Ethiopian soldiers to conduct their searches in the areas they control in Beledweyne or Mogadishu or other small towns in Somalia.  Very often, they detain the youth and torture them.  Most often, they dispose of the dead bodies out into the streets nearby where they detained the young Somalis.  It is unclear whether the Ethiopian army will do this again or not.  We hope not!
Despite the Atrocities and Massacres they continuesly commit in Somalia, the Ethiopian soldiers are financed and funded by the American government to conduct its Geo-political Agenda in Somalia.  Therefore, the Somali people beleive that only the U.S. can stop them from killing the Somali people, although they are well aware that this will not happen any time soon.
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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  1. Get this, the Tigreys are killing Somali People in Carbiska, and Abdullahi Yusuf is concerned more with his problems with Nur Cade than he is with the innocent Somalis killed. I hope they arrest him in Itobiya and he never comes back to Somalia.

    I pray his plane crashes on his way back.

  2. Hi, i got a message in my email to this page. what do u do here like chat or somethin? Is ACBS link here? thanks oh yeah, I think it is wrong peple getting shot innocent people in refugee camps. I hope the UN investigates this.


Faahfaahin, fikrad, falanqayn, iyo waxii aad qabto hoos kusoo qor si aanu Kuula aragno ra'yigaaga.