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Friday, August 15, 2008

August 15 India's Independence a Contrast to Somali People's Struggle

India's Independence day is August 15.  It is on Friday so I get to go to the Mosque.  After the Mosque on that day, there is going to be a feast in my house.  You see a friend of mine got married several months ago.  His wife and her family, along with his Uncle already held ceremonies for his wedding in Saudi Arabia, where his wife is.  So, he is here studying in Mysore.  So, he decided it is time he got his friends together and hold some sort of du'a, a gathering to mark his wedding.  Anyways this is not about his life, or mine for that matter. Its about Independence!
To be free and independent means to have rights and honor and freedoms to do what you want with yourself.  For the Somali people, freedom means to be free from Ethiopian influence, to be free from warlords, to be free from TFG Militia, and most importantly, to be free from American and other foreign westerners.  For me, it means to have the right to say what I feel about the situation in my beloved home land.
In all honesty, I am not sure what to tell the readers of this blog.  But I know how I feel about the awful situation my people are currently in.  So I write my feeling down so you know about their struggle.
India is celebrating its Independence from the British several decades ago.  Today Indian people are enjoying themselves and the peaceful homes they live in.  Their cities are crowded with celebrations and people are out partying and congratulating themselves as they share sweets and treat themselves good.  You can see them kissing and hugging and sometimes singing Indian songs.  Even the animals are decorated with multicolored dyes.  They makes good wishes for the upcoming year.  The police are out conducting their police work though there isn't much work for them.
Here in Mysore, schools are closed, shops closed, all business life halted.  That is because, every Mysorian is out to celebrate India's Independence.  People are gathering out on the streets and there are several concerts in the city.  No fights, no gun shots, just fire crackers everywhere.
Why is it that they enjoy themselves so much?  Because, the Indian people are free.
Unfortunately, my people are not free!  Therefore, when our Independence came and went unnoticed, it was due to the fact that we cannot call ourselves independent.  The Somali people are invaded, detained in groups and tortured then beheaded.  Others are told to fight against their brothers.  Our Mosques are now enemy basis.  Our historic sites such as the half century old Football Stadium, are also enemy basis.  Our wise elders are hunted daily, important figures are murdered.  There are so many evil deeds that when I start listing them, I can't.  Not because I am weak, but because I weakened with sorrow.
Somalia's Independence is July 1st.  That is when the Europeans colonists gave us back our country.  Now, I think we should either change that date to when the Ethiopians leave, forcefully or otherwise, or have two Independence dates; one for the departure of the Ethiopians, and the other being July 1st.
Either way, the Somali people including the future generations should remember the devilish wrong doings of the Ethiopian government. Our children should be aware of why the enemy invaded us.  They should be told how the enemy got into our country and who brought them to Mogadishu.  Our people should realize that the enemy could never walk our streets if some bad apples did not make deals with the devil.  We should write down the happenings, the wrong decisions and all the struggle our women, children and youth have/had to go through because of those bad apples.  When Somalia is independent and free again, we should celebrate it more than once a year.
I reported yesterday about the Somalia team, specifically Samia, in the 2008 Olympics in Chine this year.  When billions of people throughout the world saw the Somali flag being waved in International stage, what do you think came to their minds?  Did they ask themselves, where is Somalia?  Or Maybe if they already Knew that did they say, are the Somali people enjoying the Olympics? Perhaps they asked if there were people in Somalia watching and supporting their team.  Perhaps there are!
But certainly, the Somali people, specially those in Somalia have no time to enjoy the Olympics this year.  In fact, they weren't able to enjoy it the last time it was held back in 2002.  Reason? They are busy running and hiding away from the invaders who are out to hunt them, and kill them if they find them.  Not like India where the sounds and sites of freedom would make you cry with happiness.  On the contrary, the news coming out of Somalia would make any human being cry with sadness.  The daily shelling of civilian homes, the constant displacement of Somali population, the degrading economy due to instability and to top it all, the restless enemy who have no Interest in peace.
Sometimes it seams, the world don't care about us.  But then, one must ask, if we cared for ourselves, would we be in this situation in the first place?
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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