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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Why did Somali Insurgents Reject al-Qaida Criticism

It was just a few weeks ago in DJabuti, that the head of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) agreed with the useless TFG to a deal calling for an end to insurgent clashes with Ethiopian invaders and their proxy allies, the TFG Millitia, where both parties agreed to bring UN Troops to Mogadishu to replace Ethiopian civilian hunters, an unlikely task, in the next 120 days. Provided the fact this is not much of a deal worth even discussing, there are cries from concerned muslims around the world about how this is an invitation for the Ethiopian army to continue their work which is a job the Bush administration wants to sustain destabilization of the Somali people.

As reported by VOA, Sunday, an al-Qaida leader, Abu Yahya Al-Libi, posted a video to a militant Islamist website, criticizing the deal. He urged Somalis to continue fighting for an Islamist government in Somalia.

Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia Deputy Chairman Abdirahman Abdishakur, who was in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, rejected the terrorist appeal.

"I do not think we are interested in al-Qaida's statements and they have nothing to do with Somali issues. Al-Qaida has not got any base in Somalia and they always issue statements against any peace process. I do not think their statements are relevant to the Somali people," said Abdishakur.

This is why the Somalis have unsurmountable task of uniting themselves before any peace can take hold in their country. Some of us are weak and are afraid they may be labelled terrists if they don't do what the big GIANT wants; comdemn someone else for speaking their opinion on a certain issue that involves us. Is Abdishakur afraid that the US may put him on the terrorist list if he doesn't reject what Abu Yahya Al-Libi says? Considering one of the deals in the agreement he recently signed was to abandon his militant activities, I am not surprised he is doing what he can; condemn instead of abandon.

Does Somalia deserve the top spot in a failed state list?

Earlier this week, a global survey of states most at risk of failure named Somalia and Sudan as the top two most unstable countries in the world. As reported by VOA, both African countries are embroiled in complex internal and external conflicts that are destabilizing neighboring countries and threatening tens of millions of people.

How about that?, The americans first start the conflict and maintain the externel influence to continue destaibilization and then turn around and have their news agencies report it.

Read the full report by By Alisha Ryu, from her Nairobi office. http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-06-27-voa44.cfm

Report Says Somalia, Sudan Destabilizing East African Region

Friday, June 27, 2008

Should Somalia Celebrate its July 1st Independence Day?

Mogadishu is pounded by heavy artillary on a daily basis by and uninvited Ethiopian army. These days, it is not so uncommon to hear the sounds of PM artillary and to smell the gun powder while heavy smoke is every where specially in the most economically functional area of the city such as the Bakara market. It is an understatement, to say the least, that innocent people are terrified to live in the capital as they face harsh life full of fear. Those who can get away, didn't go far as they relocated to outskirts of Mogadishu but they are neither safe nor in good living conditions.

The rest of the country is not much better off as there are conflicts everywhere except for a few states such as Somaliland. Basically, Somalia in general is occupied by unwelcome Ethiopian troops, although there are freedom fighters chasing them everywhere they are. At least that is the picture one can conclude from reading most Somali news web sites.

Regardless of the resistance and relibration's efforts to oust the Tigres, Somalia is not on its feet at a time when its independence is coming in a few days. You see, July 1st is the day, as Somalis all over the world know, Somalia took its independence from Italy and England. Every year, the somalis celebrate this day for their independence. But should this year be skipped? Only to remind ourselves that we are under enemy occupation?

What do you think? Let your voice be heard because the world is listening. Click on Comments to Add Comment link below to express your opinion here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

WFP robbed by the TFG!

There are disturbing reports pointing to another episode of bad deeds happening to the UN's World Food Program agency in Mogadishu, Somalia. In the past, there had been complaints coming from the WFP agency citing lack of security is preventing them from helping those who are starving in the outskirts of Mogadishu, in this east African country. One of the solution was to bring about a UN force to help secure their operations.

On a side note, the US's Bush administration somewhat outsourced the security situation to Ethiopian troops -and also so they can help them secure the unexplored oil that Goerge W Bush wants for his oil company. Many citizens of this troubled country report indiscriminate killings and mascares by the ruthless Tigree (Ethiopians)on the civilian population instead of securing the country they invaded.

Today, there are reports that the TFG millitia army outclassed itself by robbing the same organization they were suppose to secure its operation. Basically, they stopped the WFP trucks on their route to the outskirts of Mogadishu heading to refugee centres.

For about and hour, the Abdullahi Yusuf loyalists kept the unarmed UN trucks under seige as they forced the drivers to pay up or stay put! Eventually, the defenseless drivers paid up not only to continue to their route, but because they were also threatened that they would be shot if they don't put out!

It brings one to question, should the UN continue to play a supportive role towards the TFG while the The Transitional Federal Government force the UN representatives to pay fines for helping the citizens of the country in which this same government is suppose to rule? I guess when you have no other means of getting income, you simply rob those you can force to pay!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Does Al-qaeda have influence in the Somali-Ethiopian conflict?

Welcome brothers and sisters where we discuss issues relating to our country so others can join our struggle and feel sorry for us! With that said, I have read news on dalkanews.com that there is Al-Qaida influence in the Somali-Ethiopia war.

As I qoute, "“ Waxaan ka Codsanaynaa Ururka Al- Qaacida in ay arimaha soomaaliya faraha kala Baxaan maxaa Yeelay hadaan diinta islaamka isku xukumayno iyo Hadii kale anaga ayay noo taalaa shacabka Soomaaliyeedna Waxaan ugu baaqayaa in ay taageeraan Heshiiskii Jabuuti," ayuu yiri Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur.

"We request that Al-Qaeda to leave the Somalia situation because if we, the somalis, are to rule ourselves in the Shari-ah, it is up to ourselves",said Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur. Abdirahman Abdishakur is one of the political leaders who signed the agreement recently in DJabuuti on behalf of the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (A.R.S.)

This was reported in Dalkanews. So I beg to ask, is there really Al-Qaeda representative in midst of the Somali community? The second question is, are the somalis better with or without their help?

How does american pay to kill Somalis?

While you and I are sitting infront of a computer basically enjoying peace and calm in our lives, there are people in many places in Africa struggling to survive. If you live in the west, it is next to impossible to know what I mean. Really. How many of us living in North America, or in Europe ever witnessed a murder? No, the TV and movies certainly don't count in real life. I am talking about a real cold blooded murder where a soldier stopped a civilian right in the street, then aim his AK-47 at him, and then right there infront of everybody that was there, shut the civilian right in forehead. Now, you ask yourself, have you ever seen anything closer to that brutality, happening to so many innocent people? What if I told you that you could be the one financing that same soldier to kill thousands of young women and children with missiles and automatic guns as the defendlessly cry and beg for their life?

Everyone denies what they can't admit to. It is in human nature to say, "It is not my fault, it is someone else's fault". But, the fact is what the truth tells.

Africa is a continent whose countries are controlled by dictators. Zimbabwe, we all know who the dictator is. Ithiopia, his name is Zinawi. etc etc. The governments are ruthless and in order to stay in power they usually have to resort to making sure everyone is in check and that no political movements or other orginaziation can say or do anything not in the governments interest. But people do. So the government imprisons, torturs or kills members of the civilian population who, regardless of the extents of their actions, do something anti-govermental. Just recently, a couple years back, a prime example was when Melez Zenawi, the Ethiopian dictator, ordered his military to shoot at a gathering of students demonstrating against him after fixing an election. The Zenawi government is not legit and all Ethiopians know that. In fact, there is a struggle against him with rural areas being attached everyday by armed millitias. So he kills every citizen who speaks of them or the facts, or says something. Similarly, we all know what Mugabi in Zimbabwe does to his people, the same Saddaam Husein did, but that another story.

Killing your people, those that are citizens of the country your dictatorly rule, and killing people from other nations is totally a different thing. That is why America is hated all over Arab countries. They kill, or help kill foreigners. But fortunately, the American government cannot kill its people because it is a democratic country. Well it atleast cannot kill its people in broad day light. Regardless, it does contribute to killing people overseas, especially in Africa. I am not even going to mention IRAQ because that is well documented. But, I refuse, and I must, as an african to stay quiet while african people are killed by foreigners because it suits their interest.

Here is the situation, take Somalia for example. It is a small country whose population no more than 10 million people. But the country is located in a strategic geographical area where there is unexplored oil, natural gas, and minerals. So it is a hot bed for oil exploriation companies as they all have their eye on it. The bigger company you are, the most influence on who explores that oil you want to be.

Apparently, this is the truth because there are documented news stating there are several amercian, European and asian companies running around inside the country eventhough the country is at war with Ethiopia. A simple google search Somalia Oil keyword will return numerous links and mostly about oil companies. But you might not hear this fact. Goerge Bush sent US Troops, under the cover of helping starving somalis, so he can get influence for his oil company in the exploration of this untouched oil reserves. His son, then came back to Somali again a decade later, again under the cover of rooting out al-qaida-, so he can get influence for his oil company. But this time, the jr. Bush will not leave because he does not have troops on the ground in the cities to be attacked like what happened back in 1993. We all know black hawk down movie.

Instead of getting american troops killed, this Jr. Bush, decided to hire someone whose lives he don't have to protect. Wait, who is dumb enough to do this? No country in the world wants his people getting killed for something they will not profit from. Wait, what about the dumb hungry, ignorant, ugly africans!?

Yes, you guessed it. Bush hired an african dictator to do the dirty work. This dictator is Ethiopian ruler, Melez Zenawi. Now instead of American troops fighting for oil, it is Melez Zenawi fighting for his security - apparently the ruthless can claim his christian country's security is at risk by muslim government in somali taking hold in the future- amazing.

So you see, Zenawi's troops are walking around in Somalia killing anyone they feel is looking at their direction. They are shooting rockets anywhere and everywhere and every direction, and as a result, young children and women, and basically anyone in the country is a target because no one cares who gets killed and who dies.

To think that the money given to Zenawi to keep his troops there comes from american tax payers, it is a shame this has to go on! Wonder why everyone hates americans!

Facts are what truth says! Check google for keywords like, somalian war, somalia invaded, ethiopian occupation in somalia, oil exploration in somalia. The somali Oil war and you will see what I am talking about.