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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Does Al-qaeda have influence in the Somali-Ethiopian conflict?

Welcome brothers and sisters where we discuss issues relating to our country so others can join our struggle and feel sorry for us! With that said, I have read news on dalkanews.com that there is Al-Qaida influence in the Somali-Ethiopia war.

As I qoute, "“ Waxaan ka Codsanaynaa Ururka Al- Qaacida in ay arimaha soomaaliya faraha kala Baxaan maxaa Yeelay hadaan diinta islaamka isku xukumayno iyo Hadii kale anaga ayay noo taalaa shacabka Soomaaliyeedna Waxaan ugu baaqayaa in ay taageeraan Heshiiskii Jabuuti," ayuu yiri Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur.

"We request that Al-Qaeda to leave the Somalia situation because if we, the somalis, are to rule ourselves in the Shari-ah, it is up to ourselves",said Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishakuur. Abdirahman Abdishakur is one of the political leaders who signed the agreement recently in DJabuuti on behalf of the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia (A.R.S.)

This was reported in Dalkanews. So I beg to ask, is there really Al-Qaeda representative in midst of the Somali community? The second question is, are the somalis better with or without their help?

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Faahfaahin, fikrad, falanqayn, iyo waxii aad qabto hoos kusoo qor si aanu Kuula aragno ra'yigaaga.