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Friday, June 27, 2008

Should Somalia Celebrate its July 1st Independence Day?

Mogadishu is pounded by heavy artillary on a daily basis by and uninvited Ethiopian army. These days, it is not so uncommon to hear the sounds of PM artillary and to smell the gun powder while heavy smoke is every where specially in the most economically functional area of the city such as the Bakara market. It is an understatement, to say the least, that innocent people are terrified to live in the capital as they face harsh life full of fear. Those who can get away, didn't go far as they relocated to outskirts of Mogadishu but they are neither safe nor in good living conditions.

The rest of the country is not much better off as there are conflicts everywhere except for a few states such as Somaliland. Basically, Somalia in general is occupied by unwelcome Ethiopian troops, although there are freedom fighters chasing them everywhere they are. At least that is the picture one can conclude from reading most Somali news web sites.

Regardless of the resistance and relibration's efforts to oust the Tigres, Somalia is not on its feet at a time when its independence is coming in a few days. You see, July 1st is the day, as Somalis all over the world know, Somalia took its independence from Italy and England. Every year, the somalis celebrate this day for their independence. But should this year be skipped? Only to remind ourselves that we are under enemy occupation?

What do you think? Let your voice be heard because the world is listening. Click on Comments to Add Comment link below to express your opinion here.


  1. i Think we should even tho we dont have that freedom today.its realii Sad but that all what we got Mantay

  2. ASC. Thank you for being the first one to post a comment on the new somali blog web site somchat.

    There is a nice article on dalkanews about why the Somali people should NOT celebrate it's independence titled XORNIMOOY OOY!!!. The auther, Abukar Albadri, says that Somalia is not a sovereign state because it does not have the capacity to manage it's own affairs politically. socially and economically.

    Read the article on Freedom and liberty on Dalkanews.com
    XORNIMOOY OOY!!!. Unfortunately, it is in afsomali language so I hope you can read Afsomali


Faahfaahin, fikrad, falanqayn, iyo waxii aad qabto hoos kusoo qor si aanu Kuula aragno ra'yigaaga.