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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Why did Somali Insurgents Reject al-Qaida Criticism

It was just a few weeks ago in DJabuti, that the head of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) agreed with the useless TFG to a deal calling for an end to insurgent clashes with Ethiopian invaders and their proxy allies, the TFG Millitia, where both parties agreed to bring UN Troops to Mogadishu to replace Ethiopian civilian hunters, an unlikely task, in the next 120 days. Provided the fact this is not much of a deal worth even discussing, there are cries from concerned muslims around the world about how this is an invitation for the Ethiopian army to continue their work which is a job the Bush administration wants to sustain destabilization of the Somali people.

As reported by VOA, Sunday, an al-Qaida leader, Abu Yahya Al-Libi, posted a video to a militant Islamist website, criticizing the deal. He urged Somalis to continue fighting for an Islamist government in Somalia.

Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia Deputy Chairman Abdirahman Abdishakur, who was in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, rejected the terrorist appeal.

"I do not think we are interested in al-Qaida's statements and they have nothing to do with Somali issues. Al-Qaida has not got any base in Somalia and they always issue statements against any peace process. I do not think their statements are relevant to the Somali people," said Abdishakur.

This is why the Somalis have unsurmountable task of uniting themselves before any peace can take hold in their country. Some of us are weak and are afraid they may be labelled terrists if they don't do what the big GIANT wants; comdemn someone else for speaking their opinion on a certain issue that involves us. Is Abdishakur afraid that the US may put him on the terrorist list if he doesn't reject what Abu Yahya Al-Libi says? Considering one of the deals in the agreement he recently signed was to abandon his militant activities, I am not surprised he is doing what he can; condemn instead of abandon.

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