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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mohammed Dheere Removed as Mayor of Mogadishu.

July 29th marked a great change for Somalia specially the residents of Mogadishu as news broke out of the removal their Mayer, Mohammed Omar Xabeeb.  To mark the occasion, several hundred displaced people demonstrated in the outskirts of Mogadishu on July 30th to show their support for the Prime minister's decision.  Mohammed Omar Habeeb, aka Mohammed Dheere is known as a villain, a vicious criminal and killer committed war crimes during his rule of the Jowhar district. 
The now ex mayor of Mogadishu was a wanted man in Mogadishu targeted by Alshabab, local anti-government militia, and is hated by the majority of the capital city's residents.  He survived several assassination attempts in the city in which most of them had killed either his drivers or his gaurds during the past year alone.  He has his own militia that is independent of the the TFG militia who are only under his command.  Very often, Dheere orders them to collect head tax from those they arrest and literally take over people's lands, businesses and belongings with the threat of violence.
Not only was Mr. Dheere harassing Mogadishu citizens for his gain, but also he worked on behalf of his immediate master, Abdullahi Yusuf, the so called President of the TFG.  Mohammed dheere is basically ignorant.  If you listen to his speeches and news conferences, one can tell he has no sense for politics and has no goal or political stand point.  His sense of pride drives from gathering wealth from poor innocent citizens by every means, thus having no viable agenda. This is why he is not trusted to do anything but just stay in Mogadishu and rob the civilians.  In fact, his mere habit of turning his daily living into chaos is what his masters need. 
There are, or were, over 3 million people in Mogadishu, making it the biggest city in Somalia.  However, several hundred thousand of those people are now in the outskirts of Mogadishu as they fled the city's terror; mainly caused by Ethiopian invasion and TFG's lack of respect for human lives.  The Ethiopian invasion was originally masterminded by the Bush administration of the United States of America, some reasons I don't want to mention here (read the US Agenda In Somalia article) mainly because it doesn't want Somalis to unite and rebuild their country. 
Despite the conflict, there is a possibility the United Nations may get involved and send peace keeping force to Somalia, if there are is a reasonable calm and hope of peace to keep.  Realizing this, the TFG's goal is to maintain the distress and displacement by means of constant violence in the Capital to send a stress signal indicating there is no peace in Mogadishu, so the UN should stay out!  Some sources, including major Somalia news media sites, say the TFG was in fact behind the killings of high valued UN officials and other humanitarion NGOs.  Dheere's task was, and may still be, to maintain the instability in Mogadishu using his own militia.
Many Somali scholars believe Mr Dheere does not have the intellect to even understand what he is doing to the Somalia citizens and to Somalia's hope for peace.
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Friday, July 25, 2008

AU to Quit its Somalia Involvement Demands UN to Take Over Security

The Ethiopia based African Union which originally supported and voted for the Ethiopian invasion in Somalia announced yesterday they failed to bring peace to Somalia and urged the UN to take over the responsibility of stabilizing the country and keeping the peace. 
The AU added they are not able to ensure peace and security in the war-torn African country especially in Mogadishu and requested the UN to take over the task of bringing back the long eluding peace and stability to the region with UN troops.
Ramatan Lamarmura, the AU's Somali Affairs representative said that the AU is no longer able to sustain the security or have any control of it.  He added that the security of Somalia is no longer in the AU's hands showing diminished hope of helping Somalia back to its feet. Mr. Lamarmura said AMISON tried to bring a resolution to the Somali conflict where, as a result of fighting with local resistances, some of AU members' troops have died in the cause.  

According to Ramatan Lamarmura, the AU will stop operating in Somalia in the near future as soon as the UN can respond to their demand of taking over the task of resolving the Somali conflict.  However, the UN may not have much interest in resolving the Somali conflict although it already passed a bill to bring UN troops in Somalia.  Many politicians in Africa and all over the world base the UN's lack of interest in getting involved with Somalia is due to the US's interference upon any UN potential progress to bring peace and stability to the horn of Africa as that would come into opposition with the U.S. agenda in Somalia
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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ethiopian trained and Armed 3,000 TFG Militia troops Heading to Mogadishu

Ethiopian trained and armed 3,000 TFG militia troops arrived in Baidoa but are not expected to change the dynamic of the political situation in the country or bring any peace to Somalia.  In fact, concerned Somali civilians expect on the contrary.
As reported by Dalkanews.com on July 19, 2008,. despite the recent peace agreement between the TFG and the ARS which was to promote cease-fire in 30 days with a July 9th deadline, the TFG may have broken the agreement by flooding Somalia with 3,000 armed troops to augment the current TFG militia.  The troops arrived Baidoa late last week from the border of Ethiopia and Somalia where they were trained by Ethiopian generals are equipped by Ethiopia's Melez Zenawi.  No one know where they are to get their monthly salaries but they are under the command of the Ethiopian army, and as such are known Copy Amhara.

This army of three thousand TFG militia which are under the Tigres command are said to be preparing to continue what the Ethiopian army and the TFG militia were already doing; devastate the business institutions and cause as many civilian casualties, or displace Somali citizens, as was promised by TFG official, Mohamed Dhere, and the Mayer of Mogadishu.
In the past few weeks, the ARS had taken control of many Somali towns and Somali cities from Ethiopian forces and their TFG allies.  The TFG and the Ethiopian invading army are hopeful their newly armed three thousand Ethiopia trained troops can retake control of those towns and cities.  However, the Alliance of Re liberation of Somalia (ARS) intend to continue their operation of resistance and said these newly armed militia are no different then their kind of TFG clan based militias.  Further more, the ARS sees this as an opportunity to capture more weapons for their struggle and vow to gain control of this new army's weapons.

The ARS had already conducted attacks against the newly armed Ethiopia commanded TFG militia.  On July 16, Somali news web sites reported that the new copy amhara army arrived Baidoa early morning carrying several trucks loaded with dead and wounded soldiers after being attacked by ARS fighters on their way to the interim capital of the unpopular Somali government.  A day earlier, the troops were attacked in Bardaale by ARS fighters on their way to Baidoa who claim to have killed more than 100 troops. 

Somchat.com will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Somali Music: Where to find Somali Music audio and Videos:

If you are a Somali Music fan and like to listen to Somali Music on the Internet you will probably find Somali Music web sites that contain Somali Music Audio and Somali Music Videos. Just typing the keyword Somali Music in Google would have very useful web sites listed including sclub19.com and others. In this Article, we will discuss the mentioned web site as a good source for finding a comprehensive list of Somali Music such as Somali Songs, Somali Videos, News Somali Music tracks, Somali Music Albums and more. Read full article on Somali Music
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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Zenawi and Somali President Said Behind Aid worker's Assassinations

According to credible sources, the Ethiopian army along with prominent figures in the unpopular Transitional Federal Government headed by former warlord Abdullahi Yusuf are behind the planned executions, in Mogadishu and its surroundings, of the important aid workersand NGO staff, a leading Somali News web site, dalkanews.com, reported on July 12, 2008. 
As reported, more than 70 specially trained youth whose job is to assassinate important figures such as those in International aid organizations,Somali Businessmen, Somali engineers, Somali doctors, Somalia political opponents of any importance, and any person or persons found to impede the TFG's Presidents orders and United States agenda in Somalia and Horn of Africa.  Their main goal is to distort the image of anti-government movements and as such are dressed in similar clothing as Al-Shabab fighters and shout "Allahu Akbar" God is Great slogans when doing their job. 
The specially trained young men are said to carry silent pistols with bigger and poisonous bullets which they use to assassinate their targets.  Those are weapons that are not available in Mogadishu and this proves further that they are well equipped from their masters.  Apparently, this team of assassins were trained for a period of 3 months in Mogadishu Football Stadium, an army base of the Tigres, by Ethiopian Sergeants, Ugandan officials, and CIA operatives, along with a number of warlords such as Darwiish who is holding a top security position in the non-functional TFG government.  The reports add that the young killers take direct orders from General Morgan, Abdullahi Yusuf's son-in-law,  and an Ethiopian Sergeant.  Both,are in turn controlled by Mr. Zenawi, the man behind the Ethiopian Invation, and Abdullahi Yusuf who is the puppet TFG president.
The target is any person with any influence in the Somali political spectrum or anyone who does not comply with Mr. Zenawi's and Mr. Yusuf's interest including those who repel the puppet TFG government and who supports anti-government groups.  In addition, these young men have the additional task of causing International out rage to keep Mogadishu in line with the US Agenda In Somalia (Kill or displace as many civilians as possible so no UN peace keepers dare to come to the country.)  Further more, they are to kill their targets in Al-Shabab style clothes shouting Islamic slogans to make witnesses think they are from anti-government forces.  You can read the dalkanews.com's article on who is behind the killing of aid workers in Mogadishu.
Somchat.com will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hiiran.com's Abdi Yussuf Noor lie on Somalia: Situation Report

Review on the "Somalia: Situation Report No. 27 – 14 Jul 2008" by Abdi Yussuf Noor on 254 734 800 120 – nooryussuf@un.org on hiiraan.com.

The report by Noor (name pronounced and spelled Nuur in Somali) summarizes the events that took place in Somalia in the past week. You can read it at this url: http://www.hiiraan.com/news2/2008/July/somalia_situation_report_no_27_–_14_jul_2008.aspx

Al thought the report rewrites several reported news including the killing of Osman Ali and the WFP contracted drivers in Mogadishu, Somalia, Mr Noor fails to mention the truth about who is behind the killings. Several Somali News media web sites reported that no one knows who the killers were. Despite this fact, Mr. Noor implies that Al Shabab and Somali Re-liberation Alliance committed this shameful act when he writes: The motives for the incidents have not yet been established but may be related to recent threats against national aid workers issued by anti-government groups in Mogadishu

Looking back in the week the murder of Osman Ali occurred, Al-Shabab clearly condemned this killing and their spokesman, Abu Mansuur, blamed the murder of Mr. Ali on the TFG militia and the Ethiopian occupiers: "The Mujahedeen (fighters) are not behind his (Osman Ali's) killing and it is not becoming of them to kill important persons who help the Somali people on whose behalf we are fighting but the enemy of Allah (Ethiopia) are behind his killing," Muqtar Robow Abu Mansuur, spokesman for Al-shabaab movement told reporters in a telephone press conference.

Furthermore, Mr. Noor omits from his report the mass round up, of young men, that was carried out in Dayniile and Radaarka district in Mogadishu during July 12 and July 13 by the Ethiopian soldiers and their trained puppets, the TFG Militia. He did not mention that on Sunday July 13, several young men were executed by Ethiopian troops and TFG militia in Mogadishu and its surroundings.

Since most Somali people know the motives of the anti-government forces, which is to expel the Ethiopian invaders from Somalia, Mr. Noor's report clearly is meant to distort the resistance's image using the Somalia news media, specifically Hiiraan.com. This is a shameful act. Hiiran Online should review his reports before publishing them to the Internet because they are baseless as it references recent threats against national aid workers issued by anti-government groups which never happened. In fact, Al-shabab and UIC fighters are against any harmful acts towards aid workers. However, Hiiraan's writers may fail to know this because they are busy writing unconfirmed and untrue reports.

If you agree with my point of view, please either comment on the article "Somalia: Situation Report No. 27 – 14 Jul 2008" by Abdi Yussuf Noor on 254 734 800 120 or send the writer an email and let him know what you think about this using this email address: nooryussuf@un.org on hiiraan.com.

You can also comment on this article, or any other on somchat.com, by clicking on comments link below. I will answer any questions or concerns.

Somchat.com will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Several Young Somali Men Found Dead in Mogadishu after being Taken from their Homes by Ethiopian Troops and TFG Militia

On Sunday July 13, several young men were executed by Ethiopian troops and TFG militia in Mogadishu and its surroundings.  The youth were arrested and taken in military vehicles by the Ethiopian troops and the Transitional Federal Government militias on Saturday and early Sunday. 
Although the number of young Somalis that were arrested for this operation is not known, various sources including people who witnessed the mass arrests indicate more than hundred unarmed young men were rounded up for 72 hours and were taken to secret captivity with rumors that they are held in jails located in the Somali Villa Presidential base where they are tortured and then killed.
The mass round up was carried out in Dayniile and Radaarka district in Mogadishu during July 12 and July 13 by a joint operation of TFG Militia and Ethiopian army.  According to witnesses, the TFG militia and the Tigres (Ethiopian army) harassed, raped and snatched people's properties.  On Sunday, they broke into deserted houses and took anything they found inside including house furniture, jewellery, and automobiles.  Most people fled the two districts due to fear they or their children may be arrested and later killed.
The dead bodies were found Sunday morning on the streets of Mogadishu laying handcuffed and their legs tied together.  At least 3 bodies of what appeared to be young men between the ages of 16 to 25, were found blind folded.  In addition, at least 29 unarmed civilians were killed after they were taken out of their homes and brought out to showcase the killings so people can flee in an attempt to cause mass displacement of the population of Deyniile and Radaarka districts. 
The Ethiopian troops conduct these searches systematically in Mogadishu often and usually arrest people who are mostly later found dead, sometimes beheaded, on the streets.  A few months ago, several young men were found slaughtered after Ethiopian troops conducted raids in Wardhigley area where they removed people from their homes at night.  Around the same period, the Tigres also beheaded Somali civilians, mostly Muslim clerics, in Al-Hidaya mosque after overtaking the mosque during a prayer.  In the next few days, more dead Somalis are feered to be disposed out on the streets by Ethiopian troops.
Somchat.com will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Somali Prime Minister Need Peace to get Aid from EU Donors!!

The Somali prime minister called on all sides of the current conflicts in the region to show a courteous regard for the recent peace agreement as he insisted that peace was possible even though there were long years of civil unrest and continued war in the east African nation.  Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein told reporters in The Hague after meeting Dutch aid minister Bert Koenders, "After 18 years of difficulties and problems, today there is a new hope that peace and stability may again reign in Somalia."
Furthermore, Prime minister Hussein appealed to all Somalis to back the peace agreement agreed on June 9 at UN-mediated talks in Djibouti where members of the Somali Re-liberation Army and TFG representatives signed the deal.  Later the the military wing of the ARS have rejected the deal citing unfair provisions hidden in the terms of the peace deal.

Peace was possible "if the government, the traditional leaders, the religious leaders, the diaspora play their role," said Prime minister Hussein.

Last June's deal gave both sides one month to implement a cessation of hostilities but it was opposed by the military wing of the ARS fighters who have continued their struggle, insisting on an Ethiopian troops withdrawal as a precondition to talks and to ceasefire.

The ARS has waged a war since Ethiopia invaded Somalia illegally in early 2007 with the U.S. Bush Administration's backing.

The unpopular TFG's prime minister admitted that the allegations that the government militia is systematically killing or arresting WFP and UN officials made it extremely difficult to provide the east African state with the humanitarian assistance it so vitally needs.

Osman Ali Ahmed, the head of the UN Development Programme in Somalia, was shot dead, reportedly by government officials, on Sunday by unknown gunmen as he left a mosque in the capital Mogadishu.

The killing of the top UN figure in Somalia was only the latest of a number of slayings of aid workers including a WFP driver who was shot today, July 10th. Charities have repeatedly asked both sides in Somalia to spare humanitarian staff.

The African Union mission to Somalia has deployed 2,600 peacekeepers in Somalia in addition to over 30,000 Ethiopian troops spread across the country -- well short of a promised 8,000 multinational African troops. So far it has failed to stem the violence between Ethiopia and the ARS fighters.

The prime minister's call for peace after meeting with Dutch Aid minister seems to outline the need for calm in the country before he can collect any additional aid from foreign donors for his governments financial needs.  It is becoming more difficult for EU donors to pay financial assistance to a government who is not functioning even in the only city they are based.  Baidoa, which is the only city the TFG claimed control of, was recently attacked and is currently under siege by ARS fighters.


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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Top Somali TFG Government Officials Flee Baidoa.

The latest attacks by Somali Re-liberation Army on Baidoa city resulted in many prominent Somali TFG officials fleeing from their posts and duties sensing the resistance may attack again.  This comes after the airport, which was a base for the Ethiopian army in Baidoa, and all other government posts were attacked overnight on July 8th causing at least 17 TFG militia and Ethiopian soldiers killed.
Among the escaped Somali government officials are Salad Ali Jaile, Ga'ma dhere, Abdullahi Black, Asha Ahmed Abdalla, Muse Sudi and Qanyare.  They were said to be heading towards the outskirts of the Baidoa city where they vacated their posts unable to perform their governmental duties. 
All of the officials listed above, except Asha Ahmed Abdalla, were war-lords at some point during the last 17 years and were included in the government by Ethiopian influence which has US government backing.  Sources estimate more than 140 parliament officials fled the city which houses the TFG parliament consisting of 275 members.  Mr. Adan Madobe. the head of the parliament, requested the remaining members to stay put in Baidoa and assured them the Ethiopian troops will keep them safe from further attacks.
The Ethiopian troops were based at the Baidoa airport and were completely rooted out of their base and had many of their weapons seized by SRA during the attack.  The remains of the airport was reported burning the following morning including an Ethiopian military airplane.  The SRA fighters left the attacked positions before dawn to retreat to their perimeter in the outskirts of the city.
According to recent phone interviews with the SRA spokesman, the opposition fighters have Baidoa surrounded and plan to take over the city in the coming days. They asked the residents to stay away from government positions and the proximity of Ethiopian soldiers.  Reports coming out of the city say many of the city's residents are vacating their homes because they fear the Ethiopian army may start shelling civilians if they are attacked.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Alshabab: Osman Ali Ahmed killed by TFG and Ethiopian Tigres

Osman Ali Ahmed was shot as he left a mosque in the capital, Mogadishu, and died in hospital of his injuries. the spokesman for Al-Shabab Movement Sheik Muktar  Rabow Abu Mansur talked about the killing of Osman Ali Ahmed, head of UNDP in Mogadishu two nights ago saying that "we condemn those behind his killing and we have a feeling that those behind his killing had special interest in his death or had projects which he (the deceased) refused to approve" said Abu Mansur who added that they have nothing to do with the killings of those serving residents in Mogadishu.

Gunmen have killed the head of the UN Development Programme in Somalia, UN officials say. As the world body looks into Mogadishu seeking answers to the bloody murder of the Mr. Ahmed, Somali observers point the blame finger towards the residents of Somali Villa, a place that houses the Somali President and his militia that independently work to protect and carry out his orders, without the government body's knowledge or involvement. 

"The Mujahedeen (fighters) are not behind his (Osman Ali's) killing and it is not becoming of them to kill important persons who help the Somali people on whose behalf we are fighting but the enemy of Allah (Ethiopia) are behind his killing," Muqtar Robow Abu Mansuur, spokesman for Al-shabaab Islamist movement told reports in a telephone press conference.
In fact, Abu Mansuur blamed the murder of Mr. Ali on the TFG members and their supporting cast, the Ethiopian occupiers as he noted they were known to capture, kidnap, and detain UN officials if the humanitarian workers deny them their interest.  In fact the killers were seen driving government militia get away vehicles and being escorted to Somali Villa by other government militia on their route to the Mogadishu house of the TFG president.

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Who Shot Dead Osman Ali Ahmed the Top UN official killed in Somalia?

Osman Ali Ahmed was shot as he left a mosque in the capital, Mogadishu, and died in hospital of his injuries. Gunmen have killed the head of the UN Development Programme in Somalia, UN officials say. As the world body looks into Mogadishu seeking answers to the bloody murder of the Mr. Ahmed, Somali observers point the blame finger towards the residents of Somali Villa, a place that houses the Somali President and his militia that independently work to protect and carry out his orders, without the government body's knowledge or involvement. 
As reported by Somali news sources including Dalkanews.com, allegedly there are rumors that the killers had been seen driving in their vehicle towards Somali villa.  One man who followed the murderers' vehicle affirms that two other vehicles, that appeared to be the President's Militia, met with the killers at a prearranged rendezvous point where they continued to escort them into Somali Villa.
Despite the allegations, no one claimed responsibility for the killing.  However,  it is widely believed in Mogadishu that Abdullahi Yusuf is behind the killing of Osman Ali Ahmed. 
Similarly, just last month, the head of UHCR was kidnapped in Mogadishu outskirts where he was giving out food to the displaced.  Although it is not proven, many residents of the capital city discuss among themselves that he was taken to an under-ground jail in Somali Villa by Abdullahi Yusuf's orders.
Also late last month, the President's militia army outclassed itself by robbing the same organization they were suppose to secure its operation. Basically, they stopped the WFP trucks on their route to the outskirts of Mogadishu heading to refugee centres.

For about and hour, the Abdullahi Yusuf loyalists kept the unarmed UN trucks under siege as they forced UN Officials to pay up.  Eventually, the defenseless UN workers paid up not only to continue to their route, but because they were also threatened that they would be shot if they don't pay large amounts of fines.

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ethiopian army reserves escape from military bases

Confirmed reports from the border of Kenya and Ethiopia circulate Ethiopian army reserves flooding into Kenya after escaping from military bases as they fear they may be assigned to duty in Somalia. 
As reported by Dalkanews.com an Ethiopian sergeant speaking on condition of anonymity who recently escaped along with 38 of his troops said that, in the last two months, more than 4000 troops have fled the Ethiopian army bases located near the Somali border where army reserves were based in preparation for deployment to Somalia. 
In Wajeer, a border town in Kenya to Ethiopia, the sergeant gave out secrets of how the Ethiopian government handles its dead troops.  He said the dead are carried out of Somalia in a helicopter in bunches and are then sporadically thrown off the helicopter in the isolated remote border lands between Somalia and Ethiopia.  He also narrated frightful news that circulated inside the army bases of Ethiopian soldiers being killed in Somali towns by Alshabab and other Somali fighters.
In the past few months, the Ethiopian army invading Somalia have faced increased number of attacks from Somali fighters who are determined to expel the Tigres from their country by force.  It was last week that more than 150 Ethiopian soldiers were killed as they were chased out Guri-el and Matabaan cities in Galguduud region and just yesterday more troops were killed and weapons seized by Alshabab and UIC fighters, along with local Somali Militia, near Beledweyne in Hiran where the Ethiopians fled after heavy fighting.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Re: Goerge W. Bush Jr wants to start african war!


This picture shows a scene very much like the root causes of Somalia's harsh catosraphe.  What do you see in this picture? Explain in your comment.  Also posted on Somalia blogs, Somali news

Re: Goerge W. Bush Jr wants to start african war!

<a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQy-p-WW3JOat4ZQCBYtsHMrQTaXN_ZwYXCkNVrQI6BHiVnHHTWDLagzz9cLET_V_o5NjISuaoZr2gk3rhKjtRy1hbYWmmrcWJwI5ZQodt_g-oDJd2vm8dgKVS7o-WW53vXE0KquBMfZbH/s1600-h/isgoyska.JPG"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQy-p-WW3JOat4ZQCBYtsHMrQTaXN_ZwYXCkNVrQI6BHiVnHHTWDLagzz9cLET_V_o5NjISuaoZr2gk3rhKjtRy1hbYWmmrcWJwI5ZQodt_g-oDJd2vm8dgKVS7o-WW53vXE0KquBMfZbH/s400/isgoyska.JPG" border="0" alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5219523005058277490" /></a>
This picture shows a scene very much like the root causes of Somalia's harsh catosraphe.  What do you see in this picture? Explain in your comment.  Also posted on Somalia blogs, Somali news



Friday, July 4, 2008

Goerge W. Bush Jr wants to start african war!

What happened when Goerge Bush Sr. left office after his term?  He left behind US troops in Somalia, and a few months later, the Black Hawk Down incident happened where more than 10 thousand Somalis were killed in a battle with the American troops who later withdrew from the Somalia in a shameful manner.  What if I tell you that his son Goerge W Bush Jr. is about to repeat the same mistake with one difference.  He not only wants americans involved in the current Somali conflict, but he also wants many other african countries involved in bloody african war that is about to start in the Horn of Africa.
The situation in Somalia is currently unbearable for the somali civilians as the Ethiopian and the Ugandan armies take turns at shelling and burning the capital in the hope they will demolish the armed resistance.  Historically, there is bad blood between Ethiopians and Somalis and the two have a common hatred towards each other due to being arch enemies for centuries.  It is as though that Goerge W Bush read this history somewhere and decided that bringing the Ethiopians into Somalia was the perfect recipe to start a war between the two countries.  Except, it is not a war, it is a one sided devastation as the Tigrees reduced most of the country to useless fragments consisting of half walls and corpses, displacing over 3 million people from their homes and into refugee camps in their own country.  Despite the apparent lack of peace and security, the somalis live through this harsh reality.  However, they also fight back.
Fighting back is something the somali people are experts on.  They have done so when the English invaded and tried to slave them way back in the 19th century.  They fought till Somalia took its indepence in 1960.  They have done it again when they ousted the former dictator Siad Barre and later when Sr Bush wanted Aided arrested.  Certainly, they will not stop now when their arch enemy is in their home towns.  If fighting with Ethiopians seems hard to swallow reality, wait till the rest of Africa is brought into the battle field.
Goerge W. Bush Jr. is currently calling and contacting all african leaders such that of Brundi, Nigeria and Malawi, South Africa and Egybt.  This certainly is going to be the most successful recipe to start a war among African countries.

For more Somalia blogs, Somali news, visit somchat http://www.somchat.com

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Re: Ugandans shell Mogadishu with heavy Artillery Killing More than 10 civilians

For more Somalia blogs, Somali news, visit somchat http://www.somchat.com
What happened when Goerge Bush Sr. left office after his term?  He left behind US troops in Somalia, and a few months later, the Black Hawk Down incident happened where more than 10 thousand Somalis were killed in a battle with the American troops who later withdrew from the Somalia in a shameful manner.  What if I tell you that his son Goerge W Bush Jr. is about to repeat the same mistake with one difference.  He not only wants americans involved in the current Somali conflict, but he also wants many other african countries involved in bloody african war that is about to start in the Horn of Africa.
The situation in Somalia is currently unbearable for the somali civilians as the Ethiopian and the Ugandan armies take turns at shelling and burning the capital in the hope they will demolish the armed resistance.  Historically, there is bad blood between Ethiopians and Somalis and the two have a common hatred towards each other due to being arch enemies for centuries.  It is as though that Goerge W Bush read this history somewhere and decided that bringing the Ethiopians into Somalia was the perfect recipe to start a war between the two countries.  Except, it is not a war, it is a one sided devastation as the Tigrees reduced most of the country to useless fragments consisting of half walls and corpses, displacing over 3 million people from their homes and into refugee camps in their own country.  Despite the apparent lack of peace and security, the somalis live through this harsh reality.  However, they also fight back.
Fighting back is something the somali people are experts on.  They have done so when the English invaded and tried to slave them way back in the 19th century.  They fought till Somalia took its indepence in 1960.  They have done it again when they ousted the former dictator Siad Barre and later when Sr Bush wanted Aided arrested.  Certainly, they will not stop now when their arch enemy is in their home towns.  If fighting with Ethiopians seems hard to swallow reality, wait till the rest of Africa is brought into the battle field.
Goerge W. Bush Jr. is currently calling and contacting all african leaders such that of Brundi, Nigeria and Malawi, South Africa and Egybt.  This certainly is going to be the most successful recipe to start a war among African countries.