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Monday, July 14, 2008

Several Young Somali Men Found Dead in Mogadishu after being Taken from their Homes by Ethiopian Troops and TFG Militia

On Sunday July 13, several young men were executed by Ethiopian troops and TFG militia in Mogadishu and its surroundings.  The youth were arrested and taken in military vehicles by the Ethiopian troops and the Transitional Federal Government militias on Saturday and early Sunday. 
Although the number of young Somalis that were arrested for this operation is not known, various sources including people who witnessed the mass arrests indicate more than hundred unarmed young men were rounded up for 72 hours and were taken to secret captivity with rumors that they are held in jails located in the Somali Villa Presidential base where they are tortured and then killed.
The mass round up was carried out in Dayniile and Radaarka district in Mogadishu during July 12 and July 13 by a joint operation of TFG Militia and Ethiopian army.  According to witnesses, the TFG militia and the Tigres (Ethiopian army) harassed, raped and snatched people's properties.  On Sunday, they broke into deserted houses and took anything they found inside including house furniture, jewellery, and automobiles.  Most people fled the two districts due to fear they or their children may be arrested and later killed.
The dead bodies were found Sunday morning on the streets of Mogadishu laying handcuffed and their legs tied together.  At least 3 bodies of what appeared to be young men between the ages of 16 to 25, were found blind folded.  In addition, at least 29 unarmed civilians were killed after they were taken out of their homes and brought out to showcase the killings so people can flee in an attempt to cause mass displacement of the population of Deyniile and Radaarka districts. 
The Ethiopian troops conduct these searches systematically in Mogadishu often and usually arrest people who are mostly later found dead, sometimes beheaded, on the streets.  A few months ago, several young men were found slaughtered after Ethiopian troops conducted raids in Wardhigley area where they removed people from their homes at night.  Around the same period, the Tigres also beheaded Somali civilians, mostly Muslim clerics, in Al-Hidaya mosque after overtaking the mosque during a prayer.  In the next few days, more dead Somalis are feered to be disposed out on the streets by Ethiopian troops.
Somchat.com will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story.

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 Additional Somali Sources

Af Soomali blog | Somalia Blog | YouSomali | Number 1 Somali Blogs |  Mogadishu News | Current Somali News |  Somali News Articles | United Islamic Courts Blog | Somali News Blog | Somali By Somalis | Somali Cities Blogs | US Agenda In Somalia

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  1. After reading this news and reading US Agenda In Somalia article by Dr. M. Omar Hashi it is clear why the Ethiopian Army and its allied TFG militia are causing unrest in Mogadishu. Dr. Omar's article clearly says that they want to cause international outrage so the UN troops stay out of Mogadishu or so that only troops to support the Ethiopian army and ensure the Tigres to stay in Somali soil can be sent there. Between the killings of civilians and UN officials, it is obvious what their plan is. No one is fooled by their actions. They're only causing more hatred towards the Tigres. Congratulations! Every Somali hates Ethiopians now.

  2. This kind of disgusting behaviour on the part of the US backed Ethiopian Xtian regime has been going on for years. It never gets reported in the mainstream media - mainly because it would tend to undermine the agenda of the so called 'powers that be' and we can't have that now can we?! rather than putting fear into the hearts of the Somalian people this will hopefully encourage them to take heart knowing that they are in the right.

  3. You're right Khalid. Many news media giants fail to take up stories that would interfere with the US Agenda and that effect the public relations of the United States government, including their operations on the so called "war on terror" which many people know is a war on Islam and islamic states. It is not a hidden agenda any more to cause continued hostility in Somalia so that the Ethiopian "xtian" regime can stay in Somali lands and steal the country's resources as the Bush wants to do -Bush's oil company needs more oil so Somalia is a hidden oil heaven he wants to control once he no longer in power. Any ways, the Somali people should be aware of the US Agenda and why the Ethiopians are not leaving the Somalis alone.


Faahfaahin, fikrad, falanqayn, iyo waxii aad qabto hoos kusoo qor si aanu Kuula aragno ra'yigaaga.