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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mohammed Dheere Removed as Mayor of Mogadishu.

July 29th marked a great change for Somalia specially the residents of Mogadishu as news broke out of the removal their Mayer, Mohammed Omar Xabeeb.  To mark the occasion, several hundred displaced people demonstrated in the outskirts of Mogadishu on July 30th to show their support for the Prime minister's decision.  Mohammed Omar Habeeb, aka Mohammed Dheere is known as a villain, a vicious criminal and killer committed war crimes during his rule of the Jowhar district. 
The now ex mayor of Mogadishu was a wanted man in Mogadishu targeted by Alshabab, local anti-government militia, and is hated by the majority of the capital city's residents.  He survived several assassination attempts in the city in which most of them had killed either his drivers or his gaurds during the past year alone.  He has his own militia that is independent of the the TFG militia who are only under his command.  Very often, Dheere orders them to collect head tax from those they arrest and literally take over people's lands, businesses and belongings with the threat of violence.
Not only was Mr. Dheere harassing Mogadishu citizens for his gain, but also he worked on behalf of his immediate master, Abdullahi Yusuf, the so called President of the TFG.  Mohammed dheere is basically ignorant.  If you listen to his speeches and news conferences, one can tell he has no sense for politics and has no goal or political stand point.  His sense of pride drives from gathering wealth from poor innocent citizens by every means, thus having no viable agenda. This is why he is not trusted to do anything but just stay in Mogadishu and rob the civilians.  In fact, his mere habit of turning his daily living into chaos is what his masters need. 
There are, or were, over 3 million people in Mogadishu, making it the biggest city in Somalia.  However, several hundred thousand of those people are now in the outskirts of Mogadishu as they fled the city's terror; mainly caused by Ethiopian invasion and TFG's lack of respect for human lives.  The Ethiopian invasion was originally masterminded by the Bush administration of the United States of America, some reasons I don't want to mention here (read the US Agenda In Somalia article) mainly because it doesn't want Somalis to unite and rebuild their country. 
Despite the conflict, there is a possibility the United Nations may get involved and send peace keeping force to Somalia, if there are is a reasonable calm and hope of peace to keep.  Realizing this, the TFG's goal is to maintain the distress and displacement by means of constant violence in the Capital to send a stress signal indicating there is no peace in Mogadishu, so the UN should stay out!  Some sources, including major Somalia news media sites, say the TFG was in fact behind the killings of high valued UN officials and other humanitarion NGOs.  Dheere's task was, and may still be, to maintain the instability in Mogadishu using his own militia.
Many Somali scholars believe Mr Dheere does not have the intellect to even understand what he is doing to the Somalia citizens and to Somalia's hope for peace.
Somchat.com will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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