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Friday, July 4, 2008

Re: Ugandans shell Mogadishu with heavy Artillery Killing More than 10 civilians

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What happened when Goerge Bush Sr. left office after his term?  He left behind US troops in Somalia, and a few months later, the Black Hawk Down incident happened where more than 10 thousand Somalis were killed in a battle with the American troops who later withdrew from the Somalia in a shameful manner.  What if I tell you that his son Goerge W Bush Jr. is about to repeat the same mistake with one difference.  He not only wants americans involved in the current Somali conflict, but he also wants many other african countries involved in bloody african war that is about to start in the Horn of Africa.
The situation in Somalia is currently unbearable for the somali civilians as the Ethiopian and the Ugandan armies take turns at shelling and burning the capital in the hope they will demolish the armed resistance.  Historically, there is bad blood between Ethiopians and Somalis and the two have a common hatred towards each other due to being arch enemies for centuries.  It is as though that Goerge W Bush read this history somewhere and decided that bringing the Ethiopians into Somalia was the perfect recipe to start a war between the two countries.  Except, it is not a war, it is a one sided devastation as the Tigrees reduced most of the country to useless fragments consisting of half walls and corpses, displacing over 3 million people from their homes and into refugee camps in their own country.  Despite the apparent lack of peace and security, the somalis live through this harsh reality.  However, they also fight back.
Fighting back is something the somali people are experts on.  They have done so when the English invaded and tried to slave them way back in the 19th century.  They fought till Somalia took its indepence in 1960.  They have done it again when they ousted the former dictator Siad Barre and later when Sr Bush wanted Aided arrested.  Certainly, they will not stop now when their arch enemy is in their home towns.  If fighting with Ethiopians seems hard to swallow reality, wait till the rest of Africa is brought into the battle field.
Goerge W. Bush Jr. is currently calling and contacting all african leaders such that of Brundi, Nigeria and Malawi, South Africa and Egybt.  This certainly is going to be the most successful recipe to start a war among African countries.

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