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Monday, May 10, 2010

Somali Mother too Afraid to Teach her Children about Somalia

So young and so innocent they are. Your children are your peace and happiness and what gives your soul its meaning. Your goal in life is teach your children who they are and where they come from, their parents' history and that of their ancestors. So, when they grow old enough to ask, you're proudly pass on your heritage to them. Unfortunately, one Somali mother is at a loss for thoughts. She is too afraid to tell her young child about her war torn country. So she cries out to the world hoping someone will put things in prospective and perhaps explain to her how to put Somalia into child friendly words so she describe it in a happy and child save way. This mother's name is Ifrah A. Ibrahim. Read the full blog below.

in reference to: Somalia online: What should I tell my children about Somalia? In celebration of Mother’s Day