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Monday, August 24, 2009

Care to Invest in Money Making Internet Business?

A money making internet business isn't really that much different than a traditional real world company. Both begin with a dream and a plan and both need certain elements to be successful. For example, most businesses fail in the first couple of years because of lack of capital. There just wasn't enough money invested in the venture or the money wasn't appropriately managed. Whatever the case, the cash flow dries up and the venture comes to an end. Businesses might also fail because of lack of knowledge or experience. This may happen when someone jumps on a popular business bandwagon even though he knows little about the specific product or service and has little or no experience in the industry. Of course, companies also fail because of economic and/or market forces over which the owner has no control. When automobiles became more popular than horse-drawn carriages, the carriage maker had little recourse but to close up shop and find another line of work. When jobs are scarce and money tight, worried people cut back on discretionary spending which often means less revenue for entertainment venues such as restaurants and movie theaters. A money making internet business is more likely to be successful if the entrepreneur invests an appropriate amount of capital based on a solid budget and if the venture generates a positive cash flow. The entrepreneur is more likely to be successful if he chooses a venture that stems from his personal knowledge, education, and professional experience. No venture is completely immune from outside economic and market forces, but a savvy entrepreneur will pay attention to such possibilities and plan ways to help the business survive the rough times.

An entrepreneur actually has three choices when it comes to launching a new venture. She can open a physical location, such as a retail store or an office that offers professional expertise, such as in accounting or real estate. A second option is to launch a money making internet business by purchasing a domain name and setting up a website that offers either products or services. The third option is to do both establish a physical location that is supported or integrated with a well-designed website. This third option is so important that even established businesses are finding it necessary in today's online-centered world to create websites that promote their products and services, provide information such as the address of the physical location and hours of operation, and perhaps informs potential shoppers about upcoming sales or special offers. By incorporating an online presence into a strategic marketing plan, traditional companies have the potential to expand consumer base and increase sales revenue. Those who ignore the internet phenomenon may find themselves sharing the fate of unimaginative nineteenth century carriage makers, bemoaning their fate and wondering what went wrong.

Of course, not every entrepreneur wants to establish a traditional business and not every entrepreneur is looking for overnight wealth. The money making internet business phenomenon has opened a broad and easily accessible path for a multitude of individuals to earn an income without the overhead expenses of a traditional store or office. These micro-companies who might never have found the niche customers for their unique products with traditional advertising methods now have a way to promote them throughout the world with very little cost. They may not become millionaires selling items that fit in a small niche, but they have an opportunity that didn't exist before the internet revolution took place. Other people establish a money making internet business offering products with broad appeal. These entrepreneurs work hard to set up distribution channels and shipping avenues. They hire employees to keep the company website current, to fill orders, and provide top-notch customer service. With both these examples, though, the entrepreneur's success is built on a foundation of knowledge and expertise. As King Solomon wrote: "When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee" (Proverbs 2:10-11). People with passion find fulfillment worth more than riches. Tapping that passion is much more rewarding than a get-rich-scheme.

The internet revolution has provided opportunities for many with imagination, passion, and persistence. But be assured that it also has opened the way for the unscrupulous to trap the unwary in money-stealing schemes promising overnight riches, but that deliver little or nothing. These sites can be recognized by the use of extravagant hype and continued pleas to buy now. Some websites promise to expose money making internet business scams and yet they use these same techniques of excessive customer testimonials (which may or not be true) and "trust me" language. Aspiring entrepreneurs are well-advised to stay away from such websites when researching legitimate business opportunities. Instead, they should take a hard look at their own skills, hobbies, passions and experiences, especially if the dream is to make a full-time income from the potential online company. A coin collector may find success as an online coin dealer, particularly if the website also contains relevant and helpful information to other coin collectors and hobbyists. A gardening expert may find success offering vintage flower seeds, hand-painted pottery, and message boards for other enthusiasts on her website.

Of course, there are opportunities that are unique to the online world. For example, a web designer has an excellent opportunity to open an online shop selling his services to other entrepreneurs. Web-hosting and online marketing firms exist only because the internet itself exists. Additionally, there are people who aren't looking for a full-time money making internet business. Stay-at-home moms and retired people, for example, often seek opportunities to bring extra income into the household. They may earn that extra income by tapping into affiliate programs, establishing an website with ads geared to a specific topic, writing and selling ebooks, or perhaps offering some type of product or service. The bottom line is that a legitimate money making internet business requires the same forethought and planning as any other legitimate business. Those who plan before launching into a venture are the ones with the greatest likelihood of meeting their personal goals and objectives.

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