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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Richard Phillips Tries to Escape from the Somali Pirates and Fails

More Somali pirates in ships are searching for the lifeboat containing four Somali pirates and their hostage -- the captain of a freighter they failed to hijack earlier this week -- according to a U.S. military official with knowledge of the situation. Full Article
The official -- who did not want to be named because of the sensitive nature of the situation -- said the escape attempt is being viewed by negotiators as an "optimistic sign" that Phillips is in good health. He has been held since Wednesday, when the hijackers seized control of his U.S.-flagged ship, the Maersk Alabama.
Read the full story


  1. Legal advisers complicated the issue of sea piracy.The solution is very simple - ships are sailing under countries flags and are the considered to be a sovereign territory. Any one boarding the ship with no crew's permission is trespassing and can be shot. Pirates boats should be sunk while trying to board the ship.
    That simple
    ( I served in the 70's as an armed sea marshal on an oil tanker)

  2. My utter revulsion towards these slime brings a few adjectives to mind: thieves, parasites, losers, scum...sadly, Madoff's version of the evil motto, "I can simply take what belongs to others, despite me being undeserving or my not working for it" comes in more violent forms.

  3. Well, it is not that simple! If you were a a sea marshal, you would have known that:

    1. Ships would have to yield to painfully numerous searches at every docking point if they carried weapons

    2. These weapons can easily be used against them by pirates if they get a hold of them first.

  4. Why does anyone ever want to get off a boat in the middle of the ocean? What puts peaple in the water in the middle of the ocean? I say use the strongest force available, the ocean. Just why do I have this wisdom and the USN does not. Aparantly nor do the French. Put them all in the water and see what they have to do then. With 300 miles to swim I can imagine what will happen. Pick the bastards off and leave them for the sharks. BGC

  5. Shoot the bastards in the head!!!
    USA - 5
    Somalia - 0


Faahfaahin, fikrad, falanqayn, iyo waxii aad qabto hoos kusoo qor si aanu Kuula aragno ra'yigaaga.