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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ethiopian Occupation Debacle in Somalia Bankrupted America! By: Dr. M. Omar Hashi

Ethiopian Occupation Debacle in Somalia Bankrupted America!

Dr. M. Omar Hashi

Recent financial reports by both the IMF and World Bank—two of the leading pillars of Western economic imperialism in the world— declared, rather dejectedly and nervously, that the current American-instigated global financial crisis meltdown will continue to punish both Western economies (USA, EU) and their citizens in general, but also the military-industrial war machine in particular, well beyond the Bush regime.

In other words, the Western disaster- capitalism- gone wrong (i.e. the ongoing massive unemployment, regional displacements, homelessness, rampant crime, global anger and resentment at the US-EU) is here to stay. Initially, the "disaster capitalism model" was first intended to destabilize the non-Western Muslim and Third World economies and societies after the end of so called Cold War in 1990s. It was also to further institutionally block the economic and intellectual advancement "real liberation" of the non-Western populations- which actually was the stated aim of both the failed medieval Crusades and the recent late 19th to mid 20th century European colonialism.

What is Disaster Capitalism?

In its raw form Disaster Capitalism consists of the dual interlocking socio-economic and military-political destabilizations of non-Western societies.

It's prime features include but are not limited to: 1) the initial destabilization of a settled society ( for instance, Afghanistan in 2001, Iraq in 2003, ICU-led Southern Somalia in 2006) through combination of Western supported invasion-occupation, concomitant localized genocide and war crimes; related economic upheaval as agricultural production of basic foodstuff is intentional halted by United Nations in partnership with foreign occupation forces, therefore, causing widespread malnutrition and famine in the domestic population— all in the context of continual Western murderous efforts to impose weak, criminal illegitimate puppet dictatorship (either clan, sectarian and tribal based ).

 Furthermore, as Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq clearly show Disaster capitalists further destabilize the occupied society through meticulous igniting of civil wars and strife (either through clannish or ethnic/sectarian based dictatorship) or via the foreign occupation army's own wanton war crimes against targeted resistant communities.

After decades of using this disaster capitalism, rather effectively at that, to destroy countless national economies and societies in the Muslim and Third world; the predatory American disaster capitalists have now gone out of control to ravage their own economies for quick profit. Consequently, this has resulted in the spiraling decline of Western power and further loss of confidence in the whole Western financial system by the world.

 Moreover, the current financial crisis will not only force the US and EU to shrink their large military war machines budgets; but also continue to jeopardize related militarist multi-national corporations ( since they largely serve as the research and development base for the military war machines operations in the Third World); as well as making it all the more costly( and now "dangerous" in light of China and resurgent Russia ) for the US-EU powers to further wage the futile genocidal wars in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and throughout the Muslim-Third world.

However, what Western policymakers, geo-strategists and the American and European governmental media outlets (propaganda machine) will not ask (for very good reasons) are:

1) How did this global financial meltdown happen in the first place in 2008? And more importantly 2) Who or what is responsible for it continuing?

 Ethiopian Occupation Debacle in Somalia Bankrupted America!

Clearly, American and European powers have been off-set by a whole combination of self-inflicted failures both domestically and internationally in Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq arising directly out of the so called ideological War on Islam. However, it is only in the West's Ethiopian proxy occupation war debacle inside Southern Somalia which stands out as the only continuous failure for the West, one which will continue to eat away at the US treasury and Pentagon for many years. Basically, regardless of who becomes the next US President the Western powers cannot extract themselves from the failed War in Southern Somalia easily nor can they divert the ongoing catastrophic outcome for Ethiopian dictatorship. Unlike the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, Somalia is a "totalizing protracted war" that will not be resolved so easily.

First, the Horn of Africa has been in a state of utter continual war for the last 110 years (irrespective of a Somali state existing) solely because of the Western colonial "Crusader" created Ethiopian concentration camp. It has been a futile endeavor for the British, Italian, and French and before them the Portuguese conquistadors, who even tried miserably and failed to colonize southern Somalia in the 16th century.

 Secondly, for minimum peace to come to Somalia and the Horn of Africa region altogether the Western powers will have to deal with central underlying internal contradictions caused by "Ethiopian " regime's invasion of Somalia; these internal majority-minority contradictions inside Ethiopian concentration camp which have been exemplified by the Somali war must be truly dealt with.

Moreover, these contradictions have been exposed in the war in Somalia because of the largely conscript army of the oppressed Oromo and non-Habesha nationalities being used as cannon fodder- basically summarily destroyed by idiot Meles regime in the endless protracted war against the Hawiye people's Resistance. The conscript army and their home communities feel the sufferings, millions of hungry people within the Ethiopian concentration camp have realized that they will either continue to die in the hundreds of thousands for nothing for many years to come in Southern and central Somalia or they will have to rise up and topple the US-EU backed minority Tigrinya regime, who is the one shackling their necks to the Somali inferno.

Regardless of the oppressed Ethiopian captive populations freeing themselves or not, what matters is the consistent Hawiye Resistance forces inside Somalia will literally hit home the urgency of regime change inside Ethiopia via the endless protracted war. Meles dictatorship knows this as much as the valiant Hawiye freedom fighters in Mogadishu.

Meles dictatorship and losing the Somalia War: The bottomless pit!

Therefore, the only question left is how long will America and EU powers realistically afford to financially subsidize the Meles regime inside Ethiopia with zero results? Ethiopian regime is losing War in Somalia despite everything, specifically, now in the context of the constraints imposed by current financial meltdown.

The Occupation War in southern and central Somalia not only strains the Meles dictatorship to the core, but brings Ethiopia itself more nearer to actual disintegration. The more money US-EU powers pour into the Occupation of Somalia "bottomless pit", the more the Hawiye Resistance forces in fact become all the more stronger in Somalia! Yet, still the Ethiopian dictatorship all the more desperate and homicidal.

If dictator Meles got $2 billion dollars to invade Somalia in December 2006 along with being given the extraordinary exemption from US sanctions (not even conferred on trusty US ally Israel) to purchase tanks, artillery BM rockets, including chemical warfare agent white phosphorus from North Korea regime to fight Hawiye clans in Southern Somalia- and still that war continues— really what will another $2 or $3 or $10 billion of US military and financial assistance do for the Ethiopian army?

The logical answer is: Ethiopian Occupation can only further bankrupt Washington and Brussels and ensure the implosion of the Ethiopian concentration camp into pieces, from the inside out actually- since the Hawiye people's Resistance fighters have nothing but the Occupation to lose. And as every US $ dollar spent on fighting Somalia only means deficit spending for the West, while China and Russia continue to steadily build-up their enormous military-industrial sectors, Western policymakers might find out to their utter shock and amazement that it was Somalia which was that proverbial "straw that broke the US camel's back". In other words, it will be the Ethiopian occupation debacle in Somalia which in fact has triggered the collapse of the whole Western hegemony itself!


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 Additional Somali Sources

Af Soomaali blog | Somalia Blog | YouSomali | Number 1 Somali Blogs |  Mogadishu News | Current Somali News  |  Somali News Articles | United Islamic Courts Blog | Somali News Blog | Somali By Somalis | Somali Cities Blogs | US Agenda In Somalia | Somali Music

Other Somali Sources Amin Arts Discussions | Somali News and Blogs 

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