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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Warning! Bad Incoming Links Can Hurt Your PageRank From PR5 to PR3 in 48 hours.

Quantity isn't always better than quality. In the case of incoming links this is very true when you want good Google Page Rank. My website www.somchat.com had its PageRank drop from Pr5 to Pr3 in less than 48 hours! This is how it happened.

I had problems with bad (unranked) sites linking back to me and costing me valuable pagerank. This is how tried to salvage the situation. My website somchat.com was one day ranked pr5 by Google and a few days later got ranked pr3. I realized what changed in the those two days.

I posted several posts to my blogger blog. Unfortunately, about 20 unranked blogs (the owners) decided that what I had was good for their audience and so made some back links to the new blog posts on my site. It was nice gesture by them. Except when Google crawled those sites, it immediately -I think it was less than 48 hours since their links was made - my Google PR changed from a PR5 to a PR3. Since I check my PR daily - I think I'm obsessed with PR- I noticed the dramatic decrease of my blog's PR. So I done a little research and came to conclusion that the incoming links by those (About 20 sites actually) unranked sites dropped my sites page rank.

As a measure of hope, I contacted most of the site owners promising I will to them as a favor if they removed their links to my site and most of them agreed. So, the question is, will my site's page rank go back to PR5 or will take long time for Google to remove those unwanted links from their index and re-rank my site appropriately?


  1. Hi,

    I read your post, and I dont think you are right. Google change PR every 6 months as a visual thing thou PR might have dropped 3-4 months before you actually saw it at last google PR update.
    Most likely those links didn't drop your PR. If google bots don't like those incoming links, they will simply devalue them but they are harmless.

    Most likely is some of the links you got in the past which were very powerful, were dropped and as a result on the next google PR update (which like i said every 6 months), it gave your site the proper PR.
    If you want to get a better PR, focus on link building, if you would like to focus on real authority focus on link building and more content to your site.

    good luck

  2. Cash,

    I hate to believe that PR visually changes in every 6 months because that would be discouraging to those that work hard to improve their PR as they would have to wait for such a long period of time to see the fruits of their work. Read more into PR and you'd realize Google's changes of PR and continual and around the clock. It is however a fact that some third party TOOLBAR tools do show out dated PR listing throughout several months which is different than querying PR straight from Google's database.

    Nonetheless, Google does admit that removing the bad incoming links can help improve the page rank of my site. I can therefore conclude that having them link to this site does actually "hurt" the image of the site as shown by the sudden PR change.

    Thanks for your observation though. :)


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