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Monday, March 1, 2010

How to Make Money with Google Adsense using Free Tools

Google Adsense is changing how people make money on the Internet these days, that is no doubt. But the surprising fact is that this wave of free money grabbing is done by small web site such as blogs, personal hobby web sites and even adsense income sharing web sites.

Even though major part of the web savvy publishers are earning quantative amount of money from their web sites, they don't all necessesarily use expensive equipment to get their earning sites up and running. In fact there are numerous free tools to get any one started on making money on the Internet. Here are some of the most popular free tools used on web sites that earn money from adsense.

a) Distribute Articles to Free Article Directory Sites (Google Adsense picks up on these too)

If you're new to making money on the Internet, let this be an important lesson to you. Clicks rule! The more traffic, the more clicks. The more clicks, the more money! - With that in mind, it comes apparent that link building for your adsense web site is the number way to increase traffic and generate income from Google Adsense clicks. One way to do it is to have other web sites linking to you, and the more web sites that link to your adsense web site, the more potential visitors you get.

One of the easiest ways to getting back links is to submit articles you write to Free Article Submission directories. So, do a search for "article submit directories" and you'll see thousands of them out there.

Of course, you can't just write garbage and try to get links back that way. Here are some tips to getting your articles listed.

1. Write Relevant Articles

The articles you are submitting should contain content that is relavent to the site you're submitting to. Or atleast, the article should match the category which it is submitted under. That is, don't submit an article about How to Make Money on Google Adsense in a category about How To Buy Car Insurance.

If you post an article about Google Adsense to the wrong category, don't be surprised if the Article Submission Directory you're dealing with just rejects it, or if you repeatedly do this, bans your account completely.

c) Word of Mouth - Let others tell about Your Adsense site to their friends etc

If you your buddy to tell others about your site (given it is worth a mention) then you will get a few visitors that way. But, if you take this further and include a signature on your msn hotmail or Google Gmail so anyone whom you send an email sees a link to your site, then the number of visitors to your Google adsense site will also increase. Further, you can add "Tell a Friend" email from to your web pages so that those who visit can also send and email to their friends with your customized message which includes a link back to your Google Adsense web site. The goal here is to get as many clicks as possible. At the very least, the word will get around in the long run and this will increase your earning potential.

d) Ways to make money from Adsense With Your Email signature

People greatly underestimate the power and potential effectiveness of a simple email signature as one of the ways to make money online. Actually this is a viral marketing method because emails get forwarded all the time and are even copied to several other people sometimes.

Do not waste another minute. Go to all your email accounts right now and create a signature that points to your Adsense site or sites.

Writing effective email signatures is a skill that you will have to develop, but I have found that using famous quotes is more effective than a straight advertising message. Always remember that people hate to be advertised to online.

1. Become Google Adsense Blogger

Lets say you come across an interesting article somewhere on the web. You can blog about that article - get a free blog from Google Blogger/blogspot - Then from those blog sites you simply link to your google adsense web site. This should generate more traffic to your site which will hopefully translate into more success.

If you follow the simple tips I mentioned above, you're very likely to make money with your Google adsense web site. Just be sure you do the work necessary very often.

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