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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Is Google Buzz Perfect Tool to Share with the World? Buzz or Not To Buzz

It appears that some of the users of Google Buzz did not like that they were automatically followed by people they don't know whom they apparently emailed in the past. Since Google Buzz is a Gmail subordinate - you must have Gmail to have Google Buzz - all of your email contacts can be following you, and can read all your entries in buzz if they chose to, without your knowledge by the way. So many people complained to Google Buzz team about this another things and so, here are some changes Google made to correct these!

in reference to: http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/new-buzz-start-up-experience-based-on.html (view on Google Sidewiki)


  1. kkk. ma jecli inaan niyad-jabiyo dad horumar ama waxsosaar hiigsanaya, runtuse wa lagama tagaan! ka dib markan fiirfiiriyey website ka somchat, una kuur galey shaqada ad qabaten, waxa ii soo baxdey ineydan waxba meesha ku heyn! ugu yaraan waxan saluugey qaabka ad u habeeyseen bogga hore e websitekan. waxa iga tallo ah inad dib-u-habeeyn ku sameeysan shaqadiina, hadii kale dad aqoon u leh oo idin caawiya raadisan!

  2. nacaska kor ku hadlayoow, webside blog ah ayaad ka dhex hadshay mana fahmi karti macnaha blog iyo qaabka blog u egyahay ee orodoow wararka meel kale ka raadso.


Faahfaahin, fikrad, falanqayn, iyo waxii aad qabto hoos kusoo qor si aanu Kuula aragno ra'yigaaga.