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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Free Blogger Dashboard Templates is a SCAM!

Publishers be ware! Blogger Dashboard dot Blogspot dot com is a web site that gives away free blogger templates! DO NOT TAKE their free Templates because they have built in scripts that will display banners and adsense ads (of their client id) on your web site (blog) and they get the adsense money! Not you! Here is how the scam you!

I recent uploaded on the of their templates (called FiveStart Blogger Template). After running it, I first noticed I could not remove one of the banners that it came with. I searched for it in the template HTML, and no where did the banner name 'ADS_BANNER.PNG' existed. Funny thing is, that same banner displayed on the post details page twice - once at the end of the post and another under the comment box. So I searched, searched the template HTML code again and again, for an hour! Boy, did I find something interesting there!

Normally, anything that appears on a web page should be on the HTML put there either manually (included within the HTML) or automatically at run time via script. So since the image tags weren't there for the Blogger Dashboard banner, I turned my attension to the scripts that is built in to the template. One script I found interesting was a tinyurl address that redirected to 'http://btemplates.super-red.es/autoreadmore.js' page which apparently (seemingly) had the code for the ReadMore button. This kind of freaked me out! Why would anyone do this? Doesn't google give you the tricks to make such an easy task on blogger? Why reference an external page for such a beginner like hack?!!

The answer! The little script not has the readmore button image and functionality, but also it echoes or outputs the html for the ADS_BANNER.png img src code, and shockingly! the code to an adsense script! UNBELIEVABLE! To link to yourself I can understand from anyone who gives away free stuff! But to put your adsense ads on other people's web sites, that is criminally insane! I could never forgive such an act from anyone!

To prove my report, here are some remarkable images I took from their template on my blog site! You will see both the Google adsense output HTML/javascript and the banner!


The picture below is Chrome's Inspect element on my blog post. You can see the highlighted publisher ID of Blogger Dashboard adsense account!

Next Picture: Adsense shown via the code above. Note the size of the adsense unit being exactly as described on the HTML code above. Also, make a back of the mind note on the div class = ad at the buttom of the above image which includes the blogger-dashboard blogspot url targeting blank page. Scroll down.
The banner! The Free Premium Blogger Templates above in red and white is the ADS_Banner.png that appears out of no where along with the adsense unit right above it. I suspect it is pulled from the ReadMore script I mentioned earler.

Again, above you can see the mysterious code for the banner. Right below it a Chrome Search highlights it for me on the Inspect Page Source feature of the google Chrome browser on my web site when I used the 5 Star Blogger Dharboard template.

Keep in mind, the images you see are screen shots of the page after I loaded the web page, not before. This means the HTML parsed is not the same as that before the page was loaded. In fact, the template's HTML does not have the banner img src tag or the adsense tag any where! However, when the page is loaded, both tags are included in the source the visitor gets and thus their corresponding image and adsense unit are displayed! This absolutely insane to do! These guys should be ashamed of themselves!

Obviously, as a result, I have removed the template from this blog and I don't recommend anyone putting up with that crap! I wish I knew who I can report them to!


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