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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Warlords, Self-deception, And The Ruin of The Somali Nation

Somali Musings - Let us not forget that the Ethiopian army has been active in the Somali region of Gedo since 1996, when this army was engaged in operations then being directed against the now defunct Al-Itihad Al-Islamiya organisation. We should not be surprised by the news, currently reaching us from the Gedo region, that the infamous warlord-cum-parliamentarian Col. Barre Hirale has been re-armed by the Ethiopian state and is determined to retake the Somali port city of Kismayu. Barre Hirale's 
forces—backed up by the Ethiopian army—recently took possession of Burdhubo and Balad Xawo towns in the Gedo region.

Can anyone, in their right mind, really believe that the Ethiopian army can serve the best interests of the Somali people? How often must certain sections of the Somali community attempt to deceive themselves in the interests of personal greed? By all the established laws of humanity, and in all of the annals of human history treason has been the most heinous of crimes. We recently witnessed the resignation of the abominable Somali traitor Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed as President of the Somali TFG, now we see others carrying on from where the hopelessly misguided octogenarian had left off. Surely now is the time to find a new way ahead for the Somali nation?

The Somali people simply cannot afford to remain in their current unfortunate situation. The Somali people have become nothing more than the captives of various warlords, with vicious and disgraceful reputations as men who have betrayed their own compatriots. The Somali people must learn to speak the truth to those in power, no matter how fearful their reputation. The time has come to seek the truth, and in doing so to name the various traitors who currently masquerade as Somali politicians. It is time to call this moribund class of parasitic cretins what they really are. They are not policy makers or law makers; they are not visionaries or peacemakers.

They are all treacherous villains who bleed the Somali nation of its vitality. These reckless Somali warlords burn the spirit of the Somali nation by sacrificing the youth of our nation for their own selfish ends. How many more young men's lives can we afford to lose needlessly in the endless wars for territory between glorified Somali gangsters who claim to be legitimate defenders of certain communities? The flawed ideas that underpin the phenomenon of Somali warlordism cannot be allowed to live on. If we, the honourable people of Somalia, continue to tolerate the existence of such foul and treacherous practices, then our ancient nation shall be dismembered by our enemies.

Surely if the Ethiopian army, for so long now involved in the killings of thousands upon thousands of innocent Somali civilians, is active inside the Somali national territory specifically because it aims to dismember the Somali nation? Can we really afford to lose more of the Somali national territory to an ancient enemy of the Somali people? It is people like Colonel Barre Aden Shire "Hirale" who facilitate the dismemberment of the Somali national territory. It is precisely such people who permit the Ethiopian state to interfere in Somali national affairs. We can do well without such interference and, in the long run, the Ethiopian authorities shall inevitably have to deal with the full consequences of their actions.

For now, let us demonstrate our refusal to submit to the will of the Ethiopian state. The Somali people are a people of faith, and as such, we cannot allow the most deplorable members of the Somali community to politically hold the rest of us hostage. We must make a stand, before it becomes too late. We, of the Somali nation, must all learn to recognise that our best interests are never served by the Ethiopian army or any other invading military force. Let us all, in the name of the Almighty, renounce the kind of self-deception that has brought us to our current and terrible political plight. The Somali people deserve so much more than the degenerate warlords who are responsible for the political ruin of our nation.

Reference: Original Article by Somali Musings


  1. Our warlords and clan leaders are what will drive our nation into extinction.

  2. gedo
    what mr.hirale and his men are doing in gedo is unacceptable .Let us tell them enough is enough .we have no rooms for warlords ..


Faahfaahin, fikrad, falanqayn, iyo waxii aad qabto hoos kusoo qor si aanu Kuula aragno ra'yigaaga.