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Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Talking Google Adsense Ad! Heard it Now what? Who gets Paid?

Up until now, Google Adsense Advertisements were simply click only ads where users who click on them are taken to the advertiser's web site. So, the publisher who's web site the ad appeared on get paid for the click. In other forms there is the Adsense video that is not so common as it requires that your web site meets a certain hits qouta before you can feature the video ads. But now, there is a third adsense ad type. The talking ad.

Just recently, the ad whose picture is shown below appeared on my web site. I didn't click on it or even move the mouse over it, but it just talked to me "something something pizza, get it in 30 minutes or it is free", it said.

Maybe it is a talking ad banner. None the less it delivered the message to the visitor. So the question is, do I get paid for the Google Adsense talking ads? Simply put, the ad just automatically played to a visitor, so someone has to get paid.

I am not sure if I will get paid for the delivery of the message of the ad. My assumption is that the banner is an animated gif with background sound, and what I heard is the background sound. Still, shouldn't Google and I get our commission? AFter all, the advertisement get its content across, without the visitor's interaction.

Talking ads are by no means a new concept. There is NetAudioAds' Pay Per Click program where publishers get paid for every visitor to their web site. It sounds good to have, but I didn't have much luck with it because the program has always been in Beta version.

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