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Friday, August 8, 2008

Residents of Mogadishu Wake up to More Ethiopian BM Shells

On August 8th there are reports of more fighting coming out of Hayla Barise, Mogadishu, as the anti-government fighters corner several Ethiopian and Copy-Ethiopia TFG militia bases with well planned attacks prior to sunrise after morning prayer.  The reports indicate the anti-goverrnment fighters killed more than 10 enemy soldiers.
The  united Al-Shabab and UIC along with other local armed groups used RPGs and other light weight weopons to conduct their attacks on close combat.  On the other hand, the Ethiopian forces, as they are known to do in retaliation, shelled nearby civilian areas with heavy artillary including BMs and rockets fired from tanks in hopes the anti-government fighters will back down.  So far there are no reports of civlian casulties as it is difficult to report from the areas where the fighting continues.
 The Copy-Ethiopia TFG militia is trained in Ethiopia and are in Ethiopian army uniforms. This army arrived in Mogadishu last month and have already caused many civilian casualties and displacements and continue to do so.  In addition, they rob, rape and kill civilians regularly while they target businesses in major markets. At least 15 civilians were killed and 30 others injured after been hit by the continues Ethiopian BM shells despite residing far away from where the fighting occured two days ago. 
This is the second time the anti-government fighters planned and excuted attacks against the TFG militia who are supported by the Ethiopian troops this week.
Somali blogs and news  will keep you posted on any additional reports coming of out of Mogadishu about this story. 
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